Week 1-Time Management

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What is time management?

• It is the most efficient use of time to complete

tasks or achieve goals.

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Importance of Time Management

• It helps people to make conscious choices

that enable them to spend most of their time
doing what is important and valuable to them.

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Time management tools

1. Setting goals
2. Prioritising
3. Scheduling
4. Identifying Time wasters.
5. Displaying the time management plan in a
prominent place

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1. Setting Goals – the ‘Smart
• Specific
• Measureable
• Achievable
• Relevant
• Time-referenced

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2. Prioritising

• List activities necessary to complete to achieve

• Classify activities into primary and secondary
• Rank them in order of importance.

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3. Scheduling

• Allocate time realistically to be able to meet


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4. Identify time wasters

• Human nature
• Environmental factors
• Poor management skills

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5. Displaying the time management
plan in a prominent place
• Mark off your time log each time you
complete a task to acknowledge your success.
• It will help to monitor and review progress
and gather feed back.
• It will also help you to be open to new ideas
and be prepared to make necessary changes
to achieve goals.
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Time Management Principles for
1. Identify your best time to study
2. Try to study at the same time each day
3. Use free time on campus
4. Study difficult subjects first
5. Take regular breaks
6. Have a suitable study environment

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• 7. Combine activities e.g.: reading while on
the train/ bus
• 8. Sleep and eat properly
• 9. Have free time
• 10. Allow time for relaxation and fun

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Planning Tools
• Long Term Planning: trimester planner, track
assignment due dates, deadlines, exams,
appointments etc.
• Short Term Planning: weekly planner, allocate
specific times for tasks e.g.: study
• Daily Planning: daily diary

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6 – 8 .30 revise revise revise

8.30- Com 201 class Cricket

12.30 practice

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Implementing the time
management plan
• The 4 Ds
1. Discipline
2. Dedication
3. Desire
4. Delegation

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• Strengths
• Weaknesses
• Opportunities
• Threats
The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to help evaluate
a situation and draw up an action plan that can
then be implemented to make improvements.

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Case Study: Michael
Michael is your typical go-getter college student. He leads
a busy academic and campus life, but is also looking
ahead to his future to see what he can get done to make
the rest of his life easier.

Here are some of his unique challenges:

• Wanting to be an amateur photographer while still in
school so that he can travel once he’s done with school
• Staying fit and healthy
• Managing a full-time academic load and busy campus life

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Here are his time-wasters and inefficient
• He likes cooking for his friends
• He is a daily visitor on Facebook
• He procrastinates on both coursework and the
side business
• He frequently multitasks, usually because of
his procrastination

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Learning Styles

• Students use different learning styles to gain

• Identifying and understanding one’s learning styles
– Reading and processing of information
– Organising and presenting information

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Different learning styles

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Visual learners
• Learn through use of visual aids - pictures, diagrams,
graphs and mind maps
• Underline or highlight notes using different colours.
• Recollect information through visual association
• Read quickly and spell well by visualising the words
• Assimilate more information through reading and
writing than through listening

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Tips for visual learners
 Underline, highlight notes
 Use flash cards when studying and revising
 Get good text books
 Study in a quiet place
 Make your study area visually appealing

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Auditory Learners

• Learn through listening

• Don’t get distracted by the noise
• Enjoy reading aloud
• Better speakers than writers.
• Enjoy discussions
• Spell out loud rather than write

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Tips for auditory learners

• Make use of sounds as you study

• Listen carefully to the lectures
• communicate with the lecturer and become actively
involved in the discussions
• Join a study group and have regular discussions
• Recite facts and important information
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Kinesthetic learners

• Learn through activities and experience

• Want to act things out
• Use gestures
• Use actions as they read

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Tips for Kinesthetic learners

• Draw charts and diagrams

• Write, copy underline and highlight notes with bright
• Study for short periods of time
• Actively participate in class.

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