Learning To Write: Is This An Easy Process?

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Learning to

Is thi s an easy pro cess?
Writing is the blending of:

1. Attention

2. Fine-motor coordination

3. Memory

4. Visual Processing

5. Language

6. Higher-Order Thinking
Writing relies heavily on speech because most of us
sound out words in our head as we write them down.

The brain does not perceive

writing to be a survival skill.
The brain has no writing
centers comparable to those for
spoken language.

Writing requires the

coordination of numerous
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neural networks and systems.

Learning to write requires

direct instruction and practice.
Right- handed = left parietal lobe is activated

left-handed = right parietal lobe is activated

Spelling is closely linked to Reading

- You break apart a spoken word into sounds and

encode them into letters representing each sound
- As children learn to represent words in writing
with the alphabet, they often encode words by
their initial consonants, followed by their ending
- Example: ( horse – hrs, and monster = mstr)
What is Dysgraphia ?

Spectrum disorder
describing major
A neurological disorder It is usually associated
difficulties in mastering
that can stem from several with other learning
the sequence of
causes problems
movements necessary to
write letters and numbers

Spatial Dysgraphia =
Dyslexic Dysgraphia =
Motor Dysgraphia = spatial processing
lesions may exist in the
problems with muscles function in the right
left parietal lobe
1. Graphic Organizers to organize
the writer ’s thoughts

2. Record what you want to write


Strategies to 3. Have an adult scribe

4. Talk while writing

5. Use the computer ( speech to text
) example = Co-Writer

6. Use visual aids ( example =

Inspirational Software)
Accommodations Strategies

Provide Provide partially completed outlines

Correct Correct spelling in first draft

Reduce Reduce copying of printed work ( ? Flashcards)

Allow Allow additional time for written work

Encourage Encourage keyboarding skills

Allow Allow students to use print or cursive

Teach Teach students how to use spell check

Planning Think Sheet

• Who am I writing for?
• Why am I writing this?
• What doe I already know about this?
• How can I group my ideas?
• How will I organize my ideas?
Analyzing a 3rd
writing sample

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