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(by Ethel Tiersky &
Martin Tiersky )

Name : Ika Erwita Zebua

Reg. Number : 212108048

Semester/Class : III/B

Course : Cross Cultural Understanding

Lecturer : Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd.

1. "The more you learn, the more you cam", said the pop singer Cyndi
Lauper as the accepted her high school diploma-at the age of 35.
Although Cyndi mad: it without a high school degree, most people
don't, in the USA. today, about 75% of jobs require some education
or technical tuning beyond high school.
2. But a college education is not only preparation for a coerce, it is ales
(or should be) preparation for life. In addition to courses in their
major field of study, most students have time to take elective
3. Going to collage, either full time or part time, is becoming the
automatic next nap safer high school. Today, more than half of
American high school graduates enroll in college What high school
graduates no longer dominate the college campuses.

4 American faith in the value of education is exemplified by the
rising member of America who have at least a bachelor's
5. American colleges and universities vary a great deal in Sian
Some college have student bodies of just a few hundred, while
some sate universities serve more than 100,000 students on
several different campuses.
6. There are two main categories of institutions of higher
learning public and private. All schools get money from tuition
and from private contributors.
7. School can also be grouped by the types of programs
and degrees they offer. The major groups are community
colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. They serve
two general types of students:
a. Those taking the first two years of college before
transferring to a four year school for their third and
fourth junior and senior) years
b. Those enrolled in one or two year job training
Community colleges offer technical training in many
areas of study, such as health services, office skills,
computer science, drafting, police work, and automotive
8. Newcomers to U.S.A. often ask, "Exactly what is the difference between a college
and s university?" Some assume that the difference is merely one of size, but it is
much more than that.
9. Many excellent colleges are liberal arts schools, which means that they after offer
studies in the humanities, language, mathematics, social science, and science.
10. Some colleges specialize in training students for one particular occupation (as
agricultural colleges and teachers' colleges do).
11. At the college level, the academic year is about nine months long (usually from
until early June or from late August until May). After completing four academic years
acceptable grades in an approved course of study, the student cams a bachelor's

12. American universities offer three main categories of graduate

degrees. In most fields of specialization, a master's degree
can be earned by one or two academic years of study beyond
the bachelor's degree.
13. In the 1980s, American institutions of higher learning a
warded about 300.000 master's degrees and about 30.000
Ph.D. degree per year. In recent years, the graduate student
population has become much more diversified than ever

14.A college community is an interesting and lively place.
Students become involved in many different activities -
extracurricular, religious, social, and athletic.
15.At many schools, campus life revolves around fraternities
(social and, in some cases, residential clubs for men) and
sororities (similar clubs for women).
16.Athletics is an important part of life on most campuses. Most
coeducational and men's schools belong to an athletics league.
17.Is it fun to be a college student in United States? For most
student, the college years a exciting and rewarding, but they
are certainly not easy or carefree. 

18. College expense at many schools are so high that even two income,
middle-class families can not afford to pay the entire bill, especially if they
have more than one child in college at the same time.
19. College costs vary quite a bit, depending upon the type of school
attended. For example, at many of the more expensive private schools,
annual costs (including tuition, room, bound, books, travel to and from
home, and other expenses) may exceed $ 20,000.
20. For those that can not afford the con of a college education, financial aid
is the answer. The students in the USA receive about $20 billion per year
in financial aid.
21. The funds for all this aid
come from three main courses-
the federal government, state
governments, and private
contributions. Every American  
college and university has a 22. Difficulties in making ends meet
facial aid office to help student: create serious problems for many
find out what kind of side they students especially those with
might be eligible for and to the responsibilities to help support a family
in completing the complicated try to work fill me whir carrying a full
application forms. academic course load.
23. Students from other countries who want to attend college in the
USA need to learn a the various standardized tests that can help
them demonstrate their knowledge to college admissions personnel.
24. High school seniors wishing to apply to competitive colleges and
universities take standardized tests commonly called ACT's and
SATS. Each of these tests takes about three hours. The tests enable
students to demonstrate general academic ability in mathematics,
English, reading, and logic.
25. At the college level, students whose native language is not
English will probably be required  o take the TOEFL test (Test of
English as a Foreign Language) when they apply for admission to a
university. Again, courses and textbooks are available to review for
this test.
26.When students come to the U.S.A. after
completing some college work in another
country, they should bring a transcript of
previous college work and get thou credits
evaluated by an authorized organization.
27.College graduates wishing to enter graduate
programs also find that standardized tests are
28. In the USA, the education of adults goes on in many different places
for many different reasons. At least 25 million adults (about 13% of the
adult population) are enrolled in classes, nearly all as part time
29. Many more clauses are taken at the workplace Hospitals, business,
and museums, for example, offer courses to help employees improve
job-related skills.

30. Education, whether it occurs on the college campus or elsewhere, it

is an important element in the life of an American adult. The American
dream of becoming important in one's career and financially successful
is most often achieved through education.

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