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Classification of food Service

Classification of food Service Establishment
Food service industry may be classified into three major groups.
The commercial group includes restaurant snacks bars supermarkets deals (delicatessens)
convenience stores, and other retail food establishments.

The non-commercial group is sometimes called institutional or on-site which includes

educational business governmental or nongovernmental organizations that operate their
own food service.

The military food service caters to military personnel and the units are inside the military
Types of Food Service System
Four more types of food service systems are in operation today. The
systems differ in the following where the food is prepared in relation to
where it a served the time span between preparation and service, the
forms of food purchased the amount and land of labor and equipment
required, and the methods of holding prepared foods
1.) Conventional - The conventional system has been used traditionally
throughout the years. This system is most effective in situation and locales
where the labor supply is adequate and available at low cost where sources
of food supplies, especially raw foods, are readily available, and where
adequate space in allocated for food service
equipment and activities.

In earlier years. menus were prepared in time,

either hot or cold, until serving time Typical users
of the conventional system are smaller food
service operation such as in-plant employee feeding hospital schools
colleges independent restaurant and homes for specialized groups
Some of its advantages are as follows:
A.) Quality control is considered of primary importance;

B.) its not dependent on the availability and variety of frozen entrees and
other menu items commercially prepared;

C.) greater flexibility is possible in making menu changes to take

advantage of good market buys and seasonal fluctuation;

D.) less freezer storage is desired there are savings on energy and costs.
2.) Ready- Prepared- in the ready-prepared system, foods are prepared on the
premises, then chilled or frozen and stored for use at some later time The
distinct feature of ready-prepared food service system in the separation
between time of preparation and service.

The food is not for immediate

use as in the conventional system.
The cook/chill method can be accomplished in a variety of ways,
but basically the food is prepared and coded by conventional or other methods
The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of
cook/freeze method.
A.) Reduction in production labor costs.
B.) improved nutrient retention by creasing the time when food is held
within the serving temperature range.
C.) more balanced use of equipment when preparations spread over
night hours rather than at mealtime only.
D.) to improved quality and quantity control of decreasing job stress
related to production deadlines
A.) barge cold storage, and freezer units become necessary.
B.) frozen foods are prone to structural and textural changes and
extensive modifications in the recipe.
3.) Commissary- The commissary food service concepts are employed to meet various
operational objectives related to effective use of resources It is described as a big, central
production kitchen with centralized food purchasing and delivery of prepared foods to
satellite units indicated in separate, remote areas for final preparation and service This
system needs large, sophisticated equipment for preparing and cooking large quantities
of food from the raw, unprocessed state Prepared foods may be hot-held stored frozen or

Menu items may be distributed but het, bulk cold

and frozen for reheating and proportioning at the
satellite serving units Typical users of this system are franchised or chain
restaurant organizations that provide food for their various outlets and vending
companies and airline caterers.
The Commissary food service system can realize cost savings because of
large volume purchasing and reduced duplication of the labor and
equipment that would be required teach serving unit were to prepare its
own food Also, quality control may be more effective and consistent with
only one unit to supervise.
4.) Assembly/Serve - The assembly/serve system does not require on-site food
production Fully prepared foods are bought and require only storage, final assembling,
heating, and serving. Food service manager confronted with high labor costs and few
skilled employees turn to assembly serve system to relieve the labor situation Often
"single-use" disposable tableware is used and eliminates the need for a dishwashing unit.

The primary users of this system are hospital's,

yet some health care institution and restaurants also use it. The main advantage of this
system is the built-in labor cravings. Also, equipment and space requirements are
minimal such as operating cost of electricity water and gas Procurement costs are lower
because of better portion control, less waste reduction in purchasing time, and less

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