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Title: Glaciers

LO:To explain deposition by Glaciers.

Keywords: Morrain, Erratic, Drumlins

Learning Skill: Questioning

Explain erosion by Glaciers.
Research one of the following

• Morrain,
• Erratic,
• Drumlins
Acccumulation and ablation

The balance between inputs and

outputs varies.
In the winter, inputs usually
exceed outputs near to the head
of a glacier (accumulation).
In the summer and at lower
altitudes, outputs will exceed
inputs (ablation).
The balance between the annual
rate of accumulation and ablation
determines whether the glacier
Meltwater pouring from a will advance or retreat.
glacier’s snout, SW Iceland Today, most of the world’s
remaining glaciers are retreating.
Zone of accumulation

A Is the zone of
accumulation at A
or B?

Glacial Processes:
• Weathering – Freeze Thaw.
• Erosion - Abrasion. The moraine frozen into the glacier
scours the valley sides and base. This is a sandpapering effect,
similar to corrasion by a river but on a far larger scale.

• Erosion - Plucking. The water at the bottom of the glacier

freezes onto rock on the valley base. As the glacier moves, the
rock is pulled away from the valley base.

• Erosion – Meltwater. Ice tunnels of water that have melted.

• Shovelling or scooping. Collection of loose rock in the lower

layers of ice.
) Complete the following task in your copy.

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