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Classroom visitation considered as an essential part of supervisory


To know the different types of visit

To identify bases of classroom observation
To tell some caution about classroom observation.

Visit and Observe

Types of Visit

 Scheduled
 Too formal
 The teacher generally knows well in advance of the scheduled visit and

 Unscheduled
 The supervisor come to the classroom unannounced.
 Create an atmosphere of confusion and put the teacher in emotional tension.

 Invitational
 It is one wherein the supervisor is given a definite invitation to see a
classroom or an entire school for certain purposes.
 The supervisor is evidently wanted for the purpose of analyzing practices
and results.
 It shows a wholesome administrative condition, and direct supervision where
it is needed
Bases of Classroom Observation

 The Philippine Educational Aims

 The aims of education serve as guideposts for the educative process.
 Child Growth
 Child development is the most important objective of supervision.
 Teachers and supervisors must study children to determine their difficulties as
well as their potentialities.
 Good Teaching and Learning
 The true function of teaching is to provide the best stimuli so that the best
learning may take place.
 Teaching is a process of stimulating, directing, guiding, and evaluating the
 Learning is a process of growth and development through experiencing.
Some Cautions about Classroom Observation

 Importance of Constructive Approach

 The results of classroom observation should be positive, preventive and
 Danger of Premature Evaluation
 Evaluation should not be done or given right away.
 It should be given only after sufficient and careful reflection.
 Comments should be based on actual facts.
 Observation is not an Isolation
 Classroom observation should not be used as the only measure of evaluating
teaching and learning situation.
 Too Much Attention on Teaching
 It must be child-centered rather than teacher-centered achieved.
 The achievement of the pupils should be the criteria of classroom observation.
 Too Much Expectation
 The supervisor should not expect too much from a single observation.

Observing the Teaching-Learning Situation

 When the supervisor has made adequate

preparation for the visit to a classroom. He will
enter the room with a clear understanding of
what they expect to stress in his observation.
The entering and living of the classroom by the
supervisor should be in such a manner as no
create an atmosphere of confusion and put
teacher and the pupils into emotional tension.

 The reason for witnessing the learning situation is to

help to improve the teaching and learning that is
taking place.
 The results of classroom observation should be
positive and constructive.
 In the observation, the class period must be taken or
studied totality.

 The supervisor must encourage the teacher to do

independent thinking and if their conclusion is not the
same of his.
 The supervisor must know how to respect for the
personality and opinion of the teacher and the pupils.
 The supervisor must give the teacher opportunity to
ask question and discuss some supervisory problems.

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