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Aqīdah of Ahlussunnah wal-

UA 2125

Dr. Anis Malik Thoha

Associate Professor,
Man’s Need for a Messengership
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- (‫ )اـلرساـلة‬and Prophethood (‫)ا&&لن&بوة‬
• A question that arises perennially on this issue: that
the human mind has reached a high degree of
scientific and technical development, is it possible
for the mind to dispense   with the messengership
(‫ )اــلرساــلة‬and revelation ‫ـي‬
( ‫?)اـلوـح‬
• The human mind has the field, the competence and
the energy of its own. If it goes beyond its borders, it
will be struck and confused.
Man’s Need for a Messengership
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- (‫ )اـلرساـلة‬and Prophethood (‫)ا&&لن&بوة‬
• Minds, no matter how high and perfect, cannot
guide themselves to the true faith, knowledge, and
ways of obedience.
• Evidently the pervasive
error and tyranny that
happened before the divine messengership world
over in ancient times, are proving the case at hand.
• Hence, the messengers and prophets have been
sent in order to save mankind from the catastrophy.
Definition of Messengership (‫)اـلرساـلة‬
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- and Prophethood (‫)ا&&لنبوة‬
• ‫ النبوة‬is taken from the Arabic word ‫ النبأ‬means the
“the news”. This means: the reach of a message
from God Almighty by means of revelation to the
one whom He chooses   among His servants.
• The word, then, is an interpretation of the
relationship between the Prophet and the Creator,
Glory be to Him, and it is the relationship of
revelation and news.
Definition of Messengership (‫)اـلرساـلة‬
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- and Prophethood (‫)ا&&لنبوة‬
• (‫ )اـلرساـلة‬means that God assigns someone of his
servants to inform others of a specific law or rule.
• The word, then, is an interpretation of the
relationship between  the Prophet and other people,
which is the relationship of mission and dispatch.
Definition of Messengership (‫)اـلرساـلة‬
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- and Prophethood (‫)ا&&لنبوة‬
• What is the difference between Messengership
(‫ )اـلرساـلة‬and Prophethood (‫?)ا&&لنبوة‬
• It is a matter of ijtihad, and thus there are two
different opinions among
the Ulama.
1. The two terms have the same sense. That is, every
Nabi is a Rasul, and vice-versa.
2. They are different. That is, not every Nabi is a Rasul,
but every Rasul is a Nabi.
Number of the Prophets and
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Messengers of Allah
• According to the Qur’an, Allah SWT sent down a
Prophet/Messenger to every and each nation in a
series whose number is not definitive, beginning
from Adam AS and ending
  by Muhammad SAAS.
َ ‫ص ُه ْم َعلَ ْي &َك ۚ َو َكلَّ َم& هَّللا ُ ُمو‬
‫س& ٰى‬ ْ &‫ص‬ ُ ‫صنَا ُه ْم َعلَ ْي &َك ِم&ن قَ ْب ُل& َو ُر‬
ُ ‫س&اًل لَّ ْم& نَ ْق‬ َ َ‫س&اًل قَ ْد ق‬
ْ &‫ص‬ ُ ‫• { َو ُر‬
)164:‫تَ ْكلِي ًما} (النساء‬
• (And [We sent] messengers about whom We have related [their stories]
to you before and messengers about whom We have not related to you.
And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] speech).
Number of the Prophets and
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Messengers of Allah
}&‫ص َعلَ ْي َك‬ ُ ‫صنَا َعلَ ْي &َك َو ِم ْن ُه&م مَّن لَّ ْم& نَ ْق‬
ْ &‫ص‬ َ َ‫س&اًل ِّم&ن قَ ْبلِ &َك ِم ْن ُه&م مَّن ق‬
ْ &‫ص‬ َ ‫• { َولَقَ ْد َأ ْر‬
ُ ‫س& ْلنَا ُر‬
• (And We have already sent messengers before you. Among them are
those [whose stories] We have
related to you, and among them are
those [whose stories] We have not related to you).
)24:‫• { َوِإن ِّمنْ ُأ َّم ٍة ِإاَّل َخاَل فِي َها نَ ِذي ٌر} (فاطر‬
• (And there was no nation but that there had passed within it a warner).
• Therefore, it is obligatory upon a Muslim to believe
in those Prophets/Messengers in their totality (bi al-
ijmāl) only.
‫‪Number of the Prophets and‬‬
‫‪The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of‬‬
‫‪Prophethood (al-‬‬ ‫‪Messengers of Allah‬‬
‫‪• However, as Allah SWT detailed 25 of them by name,‬‬
‫‪it is obligatory upon Muslim to believe in those 25‬‬
‫‪Prophets/Messengers in detail.‬‬
‫‪• They are as follows:  ‬‬
‫صـالـح وإبـراهـيـم كل متبع‬ ‫*‬ ‫هم آدم إدريس نوح هود مع‬
‫يـعـقوب يوسف وأيوب احتذى‬ ‫*‬ ‫لوط وإسـماعيل إسحاق كذا‬
‫ذو الـكـفـل داود سليمان اتبع‬ ‫*‬ ‫شعيب هارون وموسى واليسع‬
‫عـيـسـى وطـه خاتم دع غيا‬ ‫*‬ ‫إلـيـاس يونس زكريا يحيى‬
‫وآلـهـم مـادامـــت األيــام‬ ‫*‬ ‫عـلـيـهـم الصالة والسالم‬
Number of the Prophets and
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Messengers of Allah
• (1) Adam, (2) Idris, (3) Nuh, (4) Hud, (5) Salih, (6)
Ibrahim, (7) Lut, (8) Isma’il, (9) Ishaq, (10) Ya’qub,
(11) Yusuf, (12) Ayyub, (13) Shu’ayb, (14) Harun, (15)
Musa, (16) Elyasa’, (17)
  Dhul-Kifl, (18) Dawud, (19)
Sulaiman, (20) Elias, (21) Yunus, (22) Zakariyya, (23)
Yahya, (24) Isa, and (25) Muhammad, SAW.
Consequences of the Belief in
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Prophets and Messengers of Allah
• First: to believe that they have the necessary
qualities/attributes: masculinity (‫)ا لذكورة‬, honesty
(‫)ا ألمانة‬, and infallibility from falling into sins (‫)ا لعصمة‬,
the perfection of reason,   strong memory and justice.
• The Sunni scholars combined these attributes in four
basic characteristics: honesty (‫)ا لصدق‬, trustworthy
(‫)ا ألمانة‬, reporting (‫)ا لتبليغ‬, and smart (‫)ا لفطانة‬.
• Second: to believe they have been sent with a Holy
Book respectively. Since their number is not
definitive, so is the number of the revealed Books.
Consequences of the Belief in
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Prophets and Messengers of Allah
• Therefore, we believe in them in general regarding
what was no mention in detail and by names. And
we believe in detail with regard to what was
mentioned in detail about
  it, such as the Torah,
Zabur, the Bible, the Qur’an and suhuf that were
revealed to some of the Messengers, such as
Ibrahim, peace be upon him.
• Third: The belief that they have been equipped with
a miracle respectively.
Consequences of the Belief in
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Prophets and Messengers of Allah
• A miracle is every extraordinary matter that appears
at the hands of the prophet claimant at the time of
being challenged by those denying him, in a form
that shows the sincerity   of his claim.
‫• المعجزة هي كل أمر خارق للعادة يظهر على يد مدعي النبوة عند‬
.‫تحدي المنكرين له على وجه يبين صدق دعواه‬
• Kharq al-‘ādah — "a break in God's customary order
of things.“
• Fourth: Belief in the unity of the heavenly messages.
It is all the call to a single religion, which is Islam.
Consequences of the Belief in
The Sunni ‘Aqīdah of
Prophethood (al- Prophets and Messengers of Allah
• Fourth: Belief in the unity of the heavenly messages.
It is all the call to a single religion, which is Islam.
• Fifth: Belief in the conclusion of the prophecy and
message of our Prophet  
Muhammad, may God bless
him and grant him peace, that it is universal.

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