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“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Look! Here comes Boy who

walks with a limp. Ha! Ha! Ha!” teased
Romeo while laughing out loud.
Boy, is a Grade Six pupil, who despite his
disability still goes to school. His classmates
and school mates always bully him but he
just ignores them.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

Boy and Romeo are not only classmates

but also neighbors.
One day, Boy was on his way home riding
on his old and almost worn out skateboard.
He saw Romeo walking ahead of him. Not
wanting Romeo to notice that he was
behind him, Boy just quietly followed him.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

When they reached an isolated area, Romeo noticed that Boy

was behind him. “Oh, Boy, do you want to race with me?”, he
shouted while crossing the street. In an instant, a speedy
motorcycle came from nowhere and hit Romeo. With just a
blink of an eye, Boy saw Romeo fall on the ground, while the
driver immediately fled after seeing Romeo knocked down.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

Boy hurriedly went to check on Romeo. He

saw blood dripping on Romeo’s face with
wound and bruises on his arms and legs.
“Romeo, are you OK?”, asked Boy pitifully.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

“Uhh… I feel dizzy. I can’t move my arms and legs”,

answered Romeo. “Don’t worry, Romeo. I’ll call my
mother to inform your parents about what happened to
you”, said Boy worriedly.
After a few minutes later, an ambulance came with
Romeo’s parents. He was right away brought to the
hospital right away.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

After a week, Boy was surprised to see Romeo knocking on

their door.
“Boy, I am here to thank you. If not for you, my parents may
not be able to come straight away. I owe you my life.,” Romeo
said shamefully.
“You’re welcome, Romeo. It is my duty to help others who are
in need. I am glad that I was able to help you.”, answered Boy.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

“I also want to say sorry for not treating you right and always
making fun of you. In spite of everything I did to you, you did
not hesitate to lend your helping hand to me. I’m really sorry. I
hope you could forgive me.”, Romeo said humbly.
“It’s Ok Romeo. I accept your apology.”, answered Boy
gladly. “I promise I won’t bully you anymore. From now on, I
will be the one to defend you. Friends?”, said Romeo sincerely.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

“Friends!” Boy replied gladly.

“By the way before I forget, I brought you
something”, Romeo said.
“Oh, wow! Is this for me? Thank you so much,
Romeo. This means a lot to me”, Boy said tearfully.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

“I know that you have a hard time riding on your

old skateboard so, I decided to withdraw some
amount from my savings account to buy you this
new one. I hope that this could somehow help
you”, said Romeo. “Yes, this really a big help to
me”, answered Boy.
“Becoming Friends with a Bully”

“Come, let’s go out

and watch how the
sun sets today”, said
Romeo joyfully

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