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Uses of the

• Social Media • Business Group 5
• Communication • E-Paper And News
• Research • Shopping
• Recharge and Bill
Social Media Angelica

Uses of Internet in Social Media

The use of social media or social
networking sites is considered one of the
most important uses of the Internet. These
sites enable people from all over the world
to connect together. With social
networking, people can create social
groups and grow their community to share
ideas, information, create ads, run
campaigns, promote business, etc.
Social Media Angelica
Social media platforms can be considered
as one of the largest sources of various
content and communication on the
Internet. The great thing is that people do
not need to pay extra fees or charges to
use most of the social media sites.
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are
some of the popular social media sites.

Communication Angelica

Internet communication is referred to as the

sharing of information,ideas,or simply words
over the World Wide Web,or the Internet. The
Internet consists of a worldwide string of
connected networks that exchanges data
through packet switching using the
standardized Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP).
Research Arnel Von

Internet research is the practice

of using Internet information,
especially free information on
the World Wide Web, or Internet-
based resources in research.
Internet research has had a
profound impact on the way
ideas are formed and knowledge
is created
Recharge and Bill Payments Ironee
Uses of Internet in Recharges & Bill Payments
In previous days, people had to go to the retailer to get
their mobile recharged. Similarly, the only way to pay bills
like electricity, piped gas, water, etc., was through their
respective official center. However, recharge and bill
payments are available on the internet these days.
Recharge and Bill Payments Irone
People can directly choose a plan and get the respective
recharge for their mobile number, DTH (direct-to-home),
broadband, etc. All bill payments are also available to be
done online over the internet. Payment can be made using
various options like Online Banking, Debit/Credit Card, UPI,
Business Harby

Most businesses and organizations these days depend on the

Internet in one way or another. Typically, businesses take
advantage of the Internet to store employees’ details and
other operational data within databases over the network.
Apart from this, business meetings have become much easier with
audio and video conferencing on the Internet. People from different
branches of any business located in different places can
communicate easily with the help of the internet.
E-Paper and News Daniel

Uses of Internet in E-Paper & News

The Internet has also advanced the way
we receive news and updates. Nowadays,
people can have a digital copy of physical
newspapers on their devices, called e-
papers. The presence of e-newspapers
and magazines is keeping people up to
date with essential information and also
cutting down on paper usage.
Shopping Kianne
Online shopping is a form of
electronic commerce which
allows consumers to directly
buy goods or services from a
seller over the Internet using
a web browser or a mobile
app. Consumers find a
product of interest by visiting
the website of the retailer
directly or by searching
among alternative vendors
using a shopping search
engine, which displays the
same product's availability
and pricing at different e-
Thankyou for Listening!
Group 5
Leader: Cyrill Jden A. Paguio
Members: Yurie P. Evangelista
Angelica Lapira
Arnel Von Mangalindan
Irone Mallari
Prince Harby Naguit
Daniel Mendoza
Kianne Allyson Moreno

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