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Basic terms in sexuality.

Sexuality is an integral part of what we do and who we are and a total

expression of an individual’s self-concept.
Sex is the biological basic of being a male or female. It is a major aspect of
personality. It involves physical, mental, social, emotional and ethical dimensions of
one’s personality. It also refers to your total self.
Gender is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel and act.
It refers to femininity and masculinity of a person’s role and behavior.
Gender equality permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
how you see

how you feel

about yourself SEXUALITY how you think Sexuality refers to your attitude and behavior towards yourself .
TOWARDS of yourself

how you love

Gender role refers to set of roles, characteristics and expectations of how a man or woman should feel,
think and act as influenced by parents, peers and society.

It is important to maintain good relationship with others

Healthy sexuality takes a high sense of responsibility for all your actions since this can
affect self-action, decision making and behavior. It encompasses the following

self-love self- self- self-

• your knowledge confidence expression
a c c e p t a n c e if • your • your • your w ay of
y o u r s e lf u n d e rsta d in g a w aren ess o f sh o w in g yo u r
of your th e th in g s th a t i n d i v i d u a lit y
fe e l i n g s a n d you can do in e x p r e s s in g
y o u r c h a r a c te r w e ll y o u r s e lf a s a
m an or as a
wom an
Involves the physical appearance especially the development of physical sexual characteristics,
response to stimulation; “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl” the biological gender. It also involves the growth and
development in general.
It is the clearest example of learned aspects of sexuality. Our attitudes and feelings towards
ourselves and other people developed very early in life. From time you are born, you get signals from
all around us telling us how to think and act, neither positively or negatively, clean or dirty on certain
part of your body unmentionable.
It is the sum of the cultural and social influence that affects our thoughts and actions. On example
of sociocultural is knowing about the people around you and their family background.
All dimension work together to produce individual’s total sexuality which is turn in a part of
the total personality.
ACTIVITY 1. Symbol identity
Are you familiar with these gender symbols? Identity the symbols and write
your answer in your activity/quiz notebook

_ _

ACTIVITY 2. Gender Assumption
Directions: Put a check (ü) if the phrase refer to men and (x) for
1. Giving birth
2. Earn for a living
3. Fixing broken windows
4. Child’s first teacher
5. Doing household choir
Let’s Think and Act!
Directions. Using a Cartolina or a bond paper, reveal your likes, passions,
and aspects of your personality. Share it with your parents. See sample of graffiti wall. Answer
the guide questions below on the spaces provided.

Graffiti Wall

Guide Questions:
1. What does the activity reveal about your personality?

2. After revealing your passion, hobbies and likes in this activity, how can you now describe yourself as a Filipino youth
of this generation?
Thank you for listening!!!

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