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Good Morning!

9- Peach
 Define Greenhouse
 Understand greenhouse
effect of earth’s
 Explain how the
greenhouse effect work.
Presentation title 2
Presentation title 3
Green House Effect
What is greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's
atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer
than it would be without an atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of
the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.

Presentation title 4
Presentation title 5

•“ • A greenhouse stays
warm inside, even
during the winter. In the
daytime, sunlight shines
into the greenhouse
and warms the plants
and air inside.
Greenhouse Gases

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Carbon dioxide Methane (CH4)​ Chlorofluorocarbons Nitrous Oxide N2O​


Presentation title 7
Presentation title 8
Advantages of Greenhouse effect

• Makes it possible to cultivate seasonal crops even in an inhabitable


• Helps in sustaining appropriate temperature on earth by acting as a filter

towards escaping thermal radiation to space.

• It is the greenhouse effect that sustains the livable environment on

earth. In its absence, the earth would have been hostile for life.

Presentation title 9

• Global Warming
• Decline of Various
• Depletion of ozone
Presentation title 10
Activity Time

Presentation title 11
• What is greenhouse effect?
• As a student how can you prevent the
depletion of ozone layer?
• What can you contribute to lessen the causes
of greenhouse effect?

Presentation title 12

Presentation title 13
Thank you

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