Colonilal Architecture

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Colonial architecture is an hybrid architectural style

that arose as colonists combined architectural styles
from their country of origin with design
characteristics of the invaded country. Colonists
frequently built houses and buildings in a style that
was familiar to them but with local characteristics
more suited to their new climate.

Victoria Memorial

Colonial architecture plays an important role in

making of Indian history. In the beginning of the
colonial rule there were attempts at creating
authority through classical prototypes. In its later
phase the colonial architecture culminated into what
is called the Indo-Saracenic architecture.
Eustachius De
Lannoy of
the Dutch East
India It is believed that the colonial era  The East India Company started to
Company surren
in India started with the transform from a trading company
dertoMaharaja M
arthanda Varma establishment of this Portuguese to a ruling one. The powers of the
of the Kingdom trading centre at Quilon. In 1505, East India Company kept growing
of Travancore King Manuel I of Portugal till 1858 when it was dissolved after
after the Battle of appointed Dom Francisco de the Revolt of 1857 and the British
Colachel . Almeida as the first Portuguese Crown took direct control of India
viceroy in India. to begin the British rule.

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