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1 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

Tier 3 Awareness
Metropolitan Knowledge
2% 35% Motivation

156 Tier 2

Responses 46% 54% 44%

Men Women Tier 1
19% Low High
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Preferred mode If given an opportunity to No
of Incentives recycle plastic waste, are 12%
62 you willing to carry it to a
public place for disposal?
(in your vicinity) 88%
We work with 4 agencies to collect I work all days a week from 6 am to
Don't feel the
Indifferent to
need to do so waste from Bhubaneswar. On an 5 pm. Daily travel around 70-80 kms
Cash Digital Recharge Discount Don't see
the situation average 170+ trucks bring waste to the same localities to collect
1% people doing it
Money Offers 6% waste. 2 people assist me to collect
11% daily. They are paid according to the
weight of the waste they dump. Our the waste. Gloves & mask provided
5% 7% billing is done on a software since 2- by government.
Common Bin
3 years but manual register is The common dustbins are either full
Segregated Bins or half filled, sometimes even
Don't want to maintained for backup.
Sell Waste 30% No proper
put in efforts empty. Officials inform us about
mechanisms in Common or segregated, all waste is
Reuse own Plastic 13% combined and brought to the dump overflowing bins and we make that
58% 53% yard for segregation. a priority.
Don't know how
Current Practices to dispose - Mr.. KP Patnaik - Waste Collection Truck Driver
16% Junior Assistant, DNO TTS BMC

Source Primary Research (

2 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

Reusable Plastics Vs Single use (India)  India consumes an estimated 16.5 million tonnes of plastic of
Key Insights
which 80 percent is discarded. (1)
Single Use
 Plastic makes about 8% of total solid waste in India. Although communities use
43% Reusable
separate bins for waste
57%  7 Lac tonnes of plastics generated by Unilever annually. segregation, it gets mixed
during transportation

Virgin plastic consumption

Single Use Plastic Recyclabe Plastic
The waste collection
department need IT
Plastic waste volume
Million Metric Ton Yearly

22 infrastructure to
CAGR 10.5 after segregation increase efficiency.
13.4 from dump yards
Working condition of Rag
pickers can be improved
by using technology

2015 2022 E
Integration and
Top 5 Plastic Polluting Cities 689 tracking of waste
(Tonnes/day) management
429 425 Bangalore Airport systems through IOT
313 Plastic Collection Drive
Providing attractive
incentives to motivate
consumers like payment of
Bengaluru Chennai Mumbai Kolkata Delhi digital money once they use
smart Bin.
3 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

Overview of Existing System & Flaw Identification

Manual Plastic
Collection Dump Yard
These Wastes are collected The dump yard measures
periodically from homes / the weight and types of Local aggregators buy
office / institutions etc. by garbage and stores the these plastic waste from
municipal corporation waste in a temporary area rag pickers and sells it to
for segregation recycling waste plants or

Transport Rag Pickers /
Generation Recycling Plants
Consumers dump plastic
Government agencies
deploy trucks to bring
Segregators Recycling plants recycle this
waste in their personal this unsegregated Rag pickers/ segregators plastic waste and
dustbin waste to dump yards separate the plastic manufactures low grade
NEEDS waste from the mixed plastics which are later
Separate vehicle waste manually converted to useful products
for plastic waste
4 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

1 Controller with WiFi Plastic products / TechTonics Used

connectivity (IoT) miscellaneous waste entry
Density (for segregation) 1. Segregation Process
+ Weight (for incentives)
Ultrasonic sensors used to 2. Compressor Facility
Sensor distinguish between plastic Compress the received
Non- and non-plastic products plastic products for
Optical Sensors for Plastic LED Screen, QR code into two separate bins
level detection Plastic efficient space utilisation
generator (Plastic Score
convertible to digital
Plastic bottle money/vouchers)
compressor model 3. Level detection
Input Digital Key for unlocking Separate vehicle for plastic Optical sensors used to
Removable compartment 4. Weight detection
the compartments for waste waste gauge the level of waste
on scanning from worker being accumulated and Weight detection of
collection by workers Login in App sending notifications to plastic waste correlated
truck drivers through IOT to a plastic score for
Segregation at Recycling plants: As per quality, colour, brand payment incentives
2 Separate vehicle to collect 3 and size using Computer Vision technology (AI & ML)
plastics & other wastes.
Each compartment and 5. QR code generator
each location shall alert QR code generated can be 6. Removable
separately. scanned by an app and Compartments
transfer of digital money Workers can enter a pass
through payment gateways key on the LED-Touch
screen to access the
removable compartment
Plastic Plastic Plastic for emptying the bin
Product Product Product
5 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

1 Profile Details of Consumer / Worker Profile
Bhubaneshwar Information Technologies
Score generation as per dumping
2 habits to determine payment value Plasticx
1) Internet of Things: Sensor data enables
decision making
PLASTICX 2) Cloud Computing: Storing real time sensor
3 Locates the nearest empty Smart Bin Locate In association with data, running algorithms, Pushing
Information on levels of plastic and notification to nearby Worker of Full Status
4 other waste generated Levels
Nearest Empty bin
300 Mtrs. of the bin.
Govt. of India 3) Big Data Analysis: Running analytics on data
5 Information guide on waste disposal
15 Kg Plastic 6 Kg
Plastic Customer Worker to understand need, track and map plastic
Scan QR code here for product consumption to disposed plastics.
6 Awareness Videos on managing waste Video
payment Login/Signup
4) Computer Vision: Capture images to
compare and identify the actual plastic
products based on various parameters using
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence.
5) Web/App based interface for GUI:
Placing Smart Bins strategically at: Development of platform for availability &
Common areas for scattered houses visibility of data to all stakeholders that shall
HUL Government
Society/Housing Corporations enable the integration of each technology.
Educational Institutions Partnering for 6) Database Management: To automate the
Hospitals/Offices/Workplace Circular Economy management & billing process in the back
Technology Recycling office for officials.
Tourist/Religious Places Plastics
Partner Plants
Public open spaces (MindTree)
6 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

I budget of HUL – 124 to 127 Cr.

• Plastic consumed in 1 year by HUL – 59190 tonnes, in 5 years it will increase to – 104313 tonnes. (CAGR @12%)
• IGoal is to reduce use of virgin plastic to 50% by 2025 –52156 tonnes Smart dustbin for plastic wastes
S Component Cost
• On an average, 1 litre plastic container weighs 36 grams. For 1 tonne - 2777 litres of storage volume required. Sensor based waste recognition ₹ 10,000
• Now, 2777 tonnes over 1 year (52 weeks) ~ 53 litres of storage required each week for 1 tonne plastic waste.
Bins ₹ 1,000
• Compression mechanism ₹ 2,000
AIn Smart Bin – compression factor is 4 times. So, 4 tonnes of waste in a year requires 53 litre storage. Electronics setup ₹ 5,000
• Standard size of Smart bin is 250 litres which can store 18.86 tonnes in 1 year due to compression factor.
• TNumbers of smart bins required to fulfil 50% goal = 2764 ~ equivalent to 3000 numbers IOT system ₹ 2,000
• RTotal investment is Rs. 7.5 crores on smart bins to be deployed across Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Interactive panel ₹ 5,000
IChennai Total Cost ₹ 25,000.00
• To recycle more than production of plastic packages – 7000 smart bins (Cost – 17.5 crores)

Total App development cost • Segregation facilities are to be Segregation facility ( next to dump yard)
present in locations where waste Component Cost
PlasticX App Development Costs gets dumped – dump yards, Segregation facility ( next to dump yard) ₹ 1,000,000
App Design, UI and framework hrs 160 recycle plants and industrial Robotic segregation arms ₹ 150,000
Security, notfication and communication setup hrs 90 clusters.
Google Maps integration hrs 100 Computer Vision (Image processing) ₹ 100,000
• A segregation facility has the
Setup for signup/login hrs 30 Storage Unit ₹ 5,000
capacity to process 2 tonnes of
Search Setup hrs 10 plastic wastes daily. AI System ₹ 90,000
Chat bot facility hrs 50 • Mumbai – 3 dump yards, 2 Computer System ₹ 30,000
Analytics integration hrs 10
recycle centres; Bangalore – 3 Extensive comprssion and shredding ₹ 45,000
Geolocation hrs 50
recycling centres, 3 dump yards; Total Cost ₹ 1,420,000.00
CMS Admin management setup hrs 90
Miscellaneous (planning + buffer) hrs 60
Kolkata – 3 dump yards, 2 recycle
Total hours hrs 650 centres, Chennai – 3 recycle • A total of 26 Segregation centres across major cities with highest
Hourly developer rate Rs 4,500 centre, 2 dump yards; Delhi – 2 plastic waste.
Total Cost of development Lakh Rs 29.25 dump yards, 3 recycling centre. • Total investment cost– 3.69 Crore Rs.
7 Primary Research Research & Inference Idea & Technology Financials Impact

Tracking the Plastic cycle

 Trace the journey of plastics in the loop.
Consumer KPIs Smart bin KPIs Circular Economy KPIs
 Measure effectiveness of smart bins and facilities
• Measures the  Measure awareness of plastic recycling from consumers
• Consumers need to be • KPI metrics are required
incentivized to recycle effectiveness of the to trace the flow of  Controlling the use and bringing more plastic to the formal
plastic products and smart bins and how plastics in the value chain recycling system
obtain a credit score for often it is utilized, and the evaluate returns
benefits value returns over from it Improve Invest
time Plastic
1. TCA (total Restored Incentivize for
1. TPS (Total plastic circular economy system
Products) – Equivalent
score) – Provide digital 1. CT (Cycle time) – amount of product

Potential 
Increase Recycled Content Design for recycle
currency on reaching Time required for the and reusability
bottles manufactured
milestones of plastic bin to be full from from recycled plastics. Divest Scale back
waste disposal empty state. Reduce
Levying high taxes on volume
2. PLCM(Product Level plastic products to weight
2. LD (Last disposal) – 2. TWV(total Waste Circular Metric) – suppliers and consumers
Serves a reminder for value) – To measure Defines economic value
customers to deposit the monetary from circular flow over
plastic wastes after a equivalent of plastic Feasibility
all flows – mentions
certain period of time. waste collected till single use plastic factor
date. Through analytics dashboard for different users, the connected
waste management system can be tracked.

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