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U2 Hackathon Project

(1) Alexa Chatbot

(2) Python Chatbot

Team No :- 15

Date :- 12/02/2023
Members :-
(1) Vinod Patidar
(2) Geethika kanna
(3) Prakhar Gupta
(4) Kishor Lahade
(5) Anadya Shetty
(6) Udayashri Chandrika Konkimalla
(7) Ratna Kumari Ponugoti
Introduction :-
Alexa chatbot and python chatbot is a conversational bot to interact with the user.

It has texting interaction feature.

We have created a chatbot for Zodiac Sign and Book Recommendation.

With the help of this chatbot we can able to find the zodiac sign and a book, author
on the basis of user input.
Alexa Chatbot :-
(1) We have created a skill and provided intents for zodiac sign and Book suggestion.
U2 Hackathon Project
(2) Then we are created 50 utterances for each intent.

(3) We created slots with the slot types as Author, Book, Genre, Month, day, year etc for intent.

(4) Then Created a database with all possible combinations of all attributes along with possible outcome
for each combination.

(5) Created a CSV file for book suggestion intent.

(6) Updated the and requirements.txt in the Code section according to the

(7) Tested the Alexa chatbot for both the intents.

o :- 15
Python Chatbot :-
(1) Created .dat files for intent for book suggestion. Also, configured file in the params folder.
U2 Hackathon Project
(2) Given more than 50 utterances for each intent.

(3) Given 3 slots for each intent.

(4) Created a database for the intent with all possible combinations of all attributes along with
possible outcome for each combination.

(5) Created a function for book recommendation.

(6) Created a numerical representation of the text data (utterances) by using TFIDF Vectorizer

o :- 15
Python Chatbot :-
(7) Then performed a classification using the extracted features and classified the intent.
U2 Hackathon Project
(8) Compared the attributes with the CSV file and get the final selection of that particular

(9) Tested the Python chatbot for both the intents.

o :- 15
U2 Hackathon Project

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