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-: Student Details :-
Jaivik Akbari – (20SS02IT002)
-: Table of contents :-

• Purpose of Marketing.

• AIDA Model of Marketing Communication.

• E – Marketing.

• Characteristics of E – Marketing.

• Model for Online Customers.

• Market Research and Forecast.

• 4Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place,

Purpose of Marketing
Marketing plays a crucial role in e-business as it helps businesses promote
their products and services to a wider audience and attract potential
customers. Here are some of the key purposes of marketing in e-business:

• Building brand awareness: Marketing helps businesses create and

maintain a strong brand identity in the digital world, which is essential
for establishing credibility and gaining customer trust.
• Driving traffic: Through various digital marketing strategies such as
SEO, PPC, and social media marketing, businesses can drive more traffic
to their website and increase their online visibility.
• Lead generation: By using marketing tactics such as email marketing,
content marketing, and webinars, businesses can generate leads and
capture customer information that can be used for future marketing
• Conversion optimization: Marketing can help businesses optimize
their website and digital marketing campaigns to increase the
conversion rate and turn website visitors into paying customers.
• Customer retention: Marketing can help businesses keep their existing
customers engaged and satisfied by providing them with relevant and
personalized content, offers, and promotions.

In summary, marketing is essential for the success of e-businesses as it

helps businesses reach their target audience, generate leads, and ultimately
drive revenue and growth.
AIDA Model of Marketing Communication.
The AIDA model provides a helpful framework for marketers to structure
their marketing communication efforts and guide consumers through the
purchase process. By addressing each stage, businesses can increase the
effectiveness of their marketing efforts and ultimately drive more sales and

It is important to note that the AIDA model is not a one-size-fits-all approach

to marketing communication, and different businesses may need to tailor
their approach to fit their unique audience and product or service. However,
by following the basic principles of the AIDA model, businesses can structure
their marketing efforts to guide consumers through the buying process and
ultimately drive more sales and revenue.

Businesses can use the AIDA model in a variety of ways to improve their
marketing communication efforts and drive more sales and revenue. This
includes developing marketing campaigns, creating effective advertising,
optimizing website and landing pages, and improving sales and conversion
rates. By addressing each stage of the model and providing a clear and
compelling call-to-action, businesses can guide consumers through the
buying process and increase the effectiveness of their marketing
communication efforts.
Four stages of AIDA Model

• Attention: In this stage, the goal is to capture the consumer's attention

and make them aware of the product or service. This can be achieved
through various means, such as using attention-grabbing headlines,
creating visually appealing content, or using targeted advertising to reach
the right audience.

• Interest: Once the consumer's attention is captured, the next stage is to

generate interest in the product or service. This can be achieved by
providing more information about the product or service and highlighting
its unique features and benefits.

• Desire: In this stage, the goal is to create a desire for the product or
service. This can be achieved by emphasizing the product or service's
value proposition and addressing the consumer's needs and pain points.

• Action: The final stage is to encourage the consumer to take action, such
as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. This can be achieved by
providing a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) that prompts the
consumer to act.
E - Marketing

E-marketing, also known as digital marketing or online marketing, is the use

of digital technologies to promote a business or brand, attract and engage
potential customers, and ultimately drive sales and revenue. E-marketing is a
crucial component of e-business, which refers to the use of digital
technologies to conduct business operations and transactions.

E-marketing is the use of digital technologies to promote a business or brand,

attract potential customers, and drive sales and revenue. It is a critical
component of e-business, which refers to conducting business operations and
transactions using digital technologies.

E-marketing in e-business involves optimizing the website, using search

engine optimization (SEO) to increase visibility, utilizing social media
marketing to engage with potential customers, using email marketing to
nurture leads and encourage repeat purchases, and implementing pay-per-
click (PPC) advertising to drive traffic and generate sales.

Overall, e-marketing is an essential tool for businesses to connect with their

audience and increase their online presence, ultimately driving more sales
and revenue.
Here are some of the key aspects of e-marketing in e-business:

• Website optimization: The website is often the first point of contact between a business
and potential customers. E-marketing in e-business involves optimizing the website to
attract visitors, engage them with relevant content, and guide them towards making a
• Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing a website's content and
structure to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). E-marketing in e-
business involves using SEO strategies to increase the visibility of the website and drive
more traffic and potential customers.
• Social media marketing: Social media platforms provide businesses with an
opportunity to connect with potential customers, engage with them, and build brand
awareness. E-marketing in e-business involves using social media marketing strategies to
promote the business, attract followers, and drive traffic to the website.
• Email marketing: Email marketing involves using email to communicate with potential
and existing customers, promote products or services, and drive sales. E-marketing in e-
business involves using email marketing to nurture leads, convert prospects into
customers, and encourage repeat purchases.
• Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: PPC advertising involves placing ads on search
engines and other websites, and paying a fee when a user clicks on the ad. E-marketing in
e-business involves using PPC advertising to increase visibility, drive traffic, and generate
leads and sales.

Overall, e-marketing is a crucial component of e-business and involves using a variety of

digital channels and strategies to attract and engage potential customers, build brand
awareness, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.
Characteristics of E - Marketing

E-marketing, also known as digital marketing or online marketing, has several characteristics that make it an essential component of e-business.
Here are some of the key characteristics of e-marketing for e-business:

• Associative information acquisition: E-marketing allows businesses to gather information about customers through their online behavior,
preferences, and interactions with the brand. This information can be used to create personalized marketing campaigns and improve
customer experience.
• Market pull and customized push: E-marketing allows businesses to respond to customer demand (market pull) and also proactively offer
products or services that meet customer needs (customized push).
• Integration of customers into the creation of the value chain: E-marketing allows businesses to involve customers in the co-creation of
products and services, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• One-to-one marketing: E-marketing allows businesses to create personalized marketing messages and offers for individual customers, based
on their interests, behaviors, and preferences.
• Ubiquity: E-marketing allows businesses to reach customers anytime, anywhere, through multiple digital channels such as websites, social
media, and email.
• Disintermediation: E-marketing allows businesses to bypass traditional intermediaries such as distributors and retailers, and sell directly to
customers. This can result in lower costs and greater control over the customer experience.

Overall, these characteristics highlight the unique capabilities of e-marketing and its ability to create personalized, engaging, and effective
marketing campaigns in the digital age.
Model for Online Customers.

• Online Surfers: These are customers who browse through websites without any
intention of making a purchase. They are usually in the initial stage of the customer
journey, where they are gathering information and exploring different options.
• Online Consumers: These are customers who make purchases online. They are
comfortable with the online shopping experience and prefer the convenience and
accessibility of e-commerce.
• Online Prosumers: These are customers who not only consume products or
services online but also produce content and contribute to the online community.
They are active participants in the creation and sharing of user-generated content.
• Online Buyers: These are customers who make purchases online, but they are more
cautious and prefer to research extensively before making a purchase. They are more
concerned with finding the best value for their money.
• The Key Online Customer: This is a model that focuses on identifying and targeting
the most valuable online customers. These are customers who are loyal, make
frequent purchases, and contribute to the growth and success of the business.

These different models for online customers highlight the diverse and evolving nature of
e-commerce and the importance of understanding and catering to the needs of different
types of online customers.
Market Research and Forecast.
Market research and forecasting are essential components of e-business, which involves using
electronic technologies to conduct business operations. Here are some ways in which market
research and forecasting are applied in e-business:

• Identifying target markets: E-businesses use market research to identify and analyse their
target markets. This involves collecting and analysing data on consumer demographics,
behaviour, preferences, and buying habits through online surveys, customer feedback, social
media analytics, and other digital channels.
• Evaluating competition: E-businesses use market research to evaluate their competition and
identify their strengths and weaknesses. This involves analyzing competitor websites, pricing,
products, and marketing strategies.
• Forecasting sales: E-businesses use forecasting to predict future sales based on historical
data, market trends, and customer behavior. This involves analyzing data on website traffic,
conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs to make informed decisions about product
development, pricing, and promotions.

Market research and forecasting play a crucial role in the success of e-businesses by helping them
make informed decisions about their target markets, competition, product development, pricing,
and marketing strategies.
4Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place, Promotion

The 4Ps of marketing, also known as the marketing mix, are a framework used to develop a
successful marketing strategy. The 4Ps consist of the following elements:

• Product: This refers to the goods or services that a company offers to its customers.
Companies need to carefully develop their products to ensure that they meet customer needs
and preferences. This includes factors such as product design, features, quality, packaging,
and branding.
• Price: This refers to the amount that customers are willing to pay for a product or service.
Companies need to consider factors such as their costs, competition, and customer demand
when setting prices. They may use different pricing strategies, such as cost-plus pricing,
value-based pricing, or promotional pricing.
• Place: This refers to the channels through which products or services are sold and
distributed to customers. Companies need to consider factors such as convenience,
accessibility, and customer preferences when selecting their distribution channels. This
includes both physical distribution channels and digital channels.
• Promotion: This refers to the methods that companies use to promote their products or
services to customers. This includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, personal
selling, and direct marketing. Companies need to develop effective promotional strategies
that reach their target audience and persuade them to buy their products or services.

E-marketing plays a crucial role in the success of e-businesses by helping them effectively promote their products
and services online. By understanding the purpose of marketing and utilizing frameworks such as the AIDA model
and the 4Ps of marketing, businesses can develop effective marketing strategies that reach and engage their target

Moreover, e-marketing provides a range of opportunities for businesses to interact with customers and build long-
term relationships through targeted and personalized marketing efforts. Market research and forecasting enable
businesses to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to make informed decisions
about product development, pricing, and marketing strategies.

The model for online customers provides businesses with a useful framework to understand and target different
types of customers online. Overall, e-marketing is a vital component of e-business and businesses must adapt and
utilize new marketing technologies and strategies to stay competitive in the digital age.

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