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What is Hospitality Resources?

01 Hospitality resources
refer to the general
feeling of being welcomed that
the visitors receive while
visiting a destination area. It is
the way that tourist services
are delivered.
What is Hospitality Resources?

02 Hospitality resources
Include the cultural wealth of an
area which makes possible the
successful hosting of tourists. It
also includes the cultural resources of
an area such as:
• fine arts
• literature
• history
• music
• dramatic art
• dancing and;
What is Hospitality Resources?

03 Hospitality resources
To enable service providers to render
hospitable services, it is necessary to change
their present behavior. This change of behavior
is brought about by a change in attitude and an
increase in the level of knowledge. The three
aspects of attitudes are ;
•Toward self
•Toward others and
•Toward the tourism industry.

04 Hospitality resources can be

improved by training tourism
personnel to be hospitable and
encouraging positive feelings
towards tourism and tourists by
the general public.

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