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Learning Objectives:
• To understand the nature and function of the Arts in
Contemporary Society;
• Articulate the importance of Humanities and Art Appreciation in
one’s personal life;
• Gain a general knowledge of the creation and functions of arts;
• Recognize the various purposes of art as well its classification
and characteristics.
• Etymologically, the term “HUMANITIES” is from a Latin
word humanus which means educated.
• It refers to the learning of arts such as architecture,
dance, literature, music, painting, theatre & sculpture.
(Sanches, 2011)
• It is more concerned on how a person expresses his/her
feelings. (Menoy, 2009)
• It explores the human conditions through the use of
analytical, critical, or theoretical methods. (Menoy, 2009)
• Study of how an individual documented and processed
his/her experiences particularly in connecting to others.
(Stanford, 2010)
Art appreciation
Way to express ideas and allows
individuals to illustrate their feelings
when they view an artwork.

It helps develops critical and

innovative skills in thinking and
teachers' essential qualities in
listening, observing and responding to
multiple viewpoints. (Gargaro & Jilg,
2016 and Sanger, 2012)
• “art” from the Latin word, arti, which means craftsmanship,
Art inventiveness, mastery of form, skill. It includes literature, music,
paintings, photography, sculpture, etc.
Appreciation • French – Artiste - performer
• Spanish – Artista - performer
• The Creations of Ideas- based on the
artists of experience.
• The Creations of the Materials- artists use
different materials or mediums to give form
an idea.
• The Creations of Forms- used to explain
the physical nature of the artwork.
Functions of Arts
• Individual Function- The artists
perform arts because of the passion of
their respective art forms.
• Social Function- Man associates with
others through his art performance that
arouses social consciousness.
• Economic Function- Arts are emerging
as a potent force in the economic life of
people assumes an essential role as a
direct and indirect contributor to state
• Political Function- Art provides a
forum for ideas that will lead to
employment, prestige, status, and
Functions of Arts
• Historical Function- Arts is an essential
technique for information to be recorded and
preserved. Its serves to document or
reconstruct historical figure and events.
• Cultural Function- Art is an articulation and
transmission of new information and values.
• Physical Function- Buildings are artistically
designed and constructed to protect their
occupants and make their life inside more
• Aesthetic Function- Any artwork mean
beauty. It is visual spice for gracefully adorned
interiors and can bring out the most elegant
features of different décor elements. It
reasonably reproduced visual images which
communicate through fantastic persuasions
and meaningful words.
Purpose of Arts
• Create Beauty
• Provide Decorations
• Reveal Truth
• Express Values
• Commemorate Experience
• Create Harmony
of Art

1. Painting
2. Sculpture
3. Architecture
4. Drawing
5. Photography
of Art
1. Theatre (Drama)
2. Music
3. Dance
4. Film
5. Installation Art
6. Opera
7. Stagecraft
of Art
1. Creative Writing
2. Prose and Poetry
The Value of Arts in
Educational System
• Arts are worth studying
• Arts are always used
• Arts are integral to every person’s daily
• Arts are refreshing
• Arts develop students’ attitudes
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