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Natural wonder

Kononova Daria
10-B class
During this presentation, I plan to
talk about such a miracle of nature
as a stone forest, which is located
in Madagascar. You may be
wondering why I chose to talk
about this incredible place today.
Well, let me explain.

The Qingzhi du Bemaraha Nature

Reserve is located on the west
coast of Madagascar and is famous
for its stone forest. The landscapes
here are amazing - these are rocks,
preserved mangrove forests and
many other wonders. It has a large
population of Lemurs and wild
You may have already heard that there are such places in other
countries, but nowhere are there such high and thin spiers as in
You may not know that in the lower reaches of this plexus of forest
canyons and karst caves, a huge variety of flora and fauna rages, with
many rare animals and plants, many of which live only in Madagascar.
Thank you for listening:)

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