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EUH 2011, FALL 2011


Copyright 2010 by Bedford/St. Martins

The Question

What is central to the governing systems of both the Greeks and Romans? More specifically, what are the 2-3 most critical elements of any political order as Polybius would seem to understand it.

The Problem
Background: What is a Polis order?

Polis order is and will be a central focus of this course. We have covered it in various lectures already. Just so, we will treat Polybius not once but twice - thus assume its centrality in understanding the critical distinctions of Greco-Roman (Western) civilization.

Polybius and the Polybius reading raise a variety of issues in the comparison and description of the Greek and Roman political systems. While Polybius might seem to prefer (not necessarily!) the Roman one he also assumes that they are completely comparable (as opposed to some savage, barbarous or tribal system, for example).

What is central to the governing systems of both the Greeks and Romans?

Your thesis is your answer to this question!!:
What are the 2-3 most critical elements of any political order as Polybius would seem to understand it? - Think themes and pet peeves in Polybius writing. Which ones come across as the most important?

To answer it, consider the following: What works better or worse? Think about all the comparisons he made. Explain the relationship between the military and civil depts. What are the objects of a polis order- internal harmony and external defense? How is internal harmony achieved?
Modern examples? Internal harmony vs. force/violence

Why was it achieved more successfully in Rome?

Obey the rules of the 5- 7 sentence, 3-part introduction: a. three sentences of pure objective data - the what, when, where, who b. two or three sentences where you deal with the question itself that arises out of this data - THE QUESTION OF SO WHAT (Never forget the question you are being asked!) c. a final sentence that offers your answer to that question in 1, 2, 3, form.

2. Keep everything simple


write shorter rather than longer sentences, avoid clauses and weak verbs (is, was)

Check out Pyrons Guide and more critically the Shorter Version

A proper paragraph
5. Remember how a proper paragraph works: Topic sentence, short and tight that sets up a mini-argument (which you have set up in the intro - See above) Evidence from the text that supports your topic sentence.

1.Double space, 2.dark print, 3.generous margins

Cover sheet
It should NOT include your name, but should include the following: The question you are answering it might help to repeat the question; Word count, Title if any.

2. Blank comment sheet at end of the essay 3. Name page only at the very end. Only here, no where else in the paper should you identify yourself. 4. STAPLE all this together, upper left hand corner.

Original Work
Make your work your own. Do not use ANY sources beyond the text itself. Wiki stuff will not help; dont use it. Panicky? Buck up. Remember you get the chance to redraft.

The essay must be 500-750 words - that is, 23 pages. All of these words, not incidentally, should be direct and useful. You are downgraded more for bs that for shortness.

1. Go to this link: 2. Create an account if you do not already have one. 3. Register for the class. You will need the following information:

class ID: 4292531 password: registerme

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