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Drought is a prolonged dry period in the
natural climate cycle that can occur
anywhere in the world. It is a slow-onset
disaster characterized by the lack of
precipitation, resulting in a water
shortage. Drought can have a serious
impact on health, agriculture,
economies, energy and the environment.
An estimated 55 million people globally
are affected by droughts every year, and
they are the most serious hazard to
livestock and crops in nearly every part
of the world. Drought threatens people’s
livelihoods, increases the risk of disease
and death, and fuels mass migration.
Water scarcity impacts 40% of the
world’s population, and as many as 700
million people are at-risk of being
displaced as a result of drought by 2030.
Rising. temperatures caused by
climate change are making already
dry regions drier and wet regions
wetter. In dry regions, this means
that when temperatures rise, water
evaporates more quickly, and thus
increases the risk of drought or
prolongs periods of drought.
Between 80-90% of all documented
disasters from natural hazards
during the past 10 years have
resulted from floods, droughts,
tropical cyclones, heat waves and
severe storms.
When we have a drought, it can affect our
communities and our environment in many
different ways. Everything in the environment is
connected, just like everything in our
communities is connected. Each different way
that drought affects us is what we call
an impact of drought.
Drought affects our lives in many different ways
because water is such an important part of so
many of our activities. We need water to live,
and animals and plants do too. We need water
to grow the food we eat. We also use water for
many different things in our lives, like washing
dishes, cooking, bathing, and swimming or river
rafting. Water is also used to help make the
electricity we use to run the lights in our houses
and the video games you may like to play.
When we don’t have enough water for these
activities because of a drought, many people
and many different things will be affected in
many different ways.
Many organisms
cannot adapt to
drought conditions,
and the environmental
effects of extended,
unusual periods of low
precipitation can be
severe. Negative
include damage to
habitats, loss of
biodiversity, soil
erosion, and an
increased risk from
The sole dependency of India's agriculture on water
resource is probably due to a very small fresh water
fraction and erratic rainfall with prolonged drought.
Although rainfall is arguably the most important
source of precipitation, it can have an influence on
how much crops are produced and on how the
biomass grows when it's critical to the ground's
moisture level. A duration of shortages of rainfall can
be referred to as a drought. Reduced groundwater
supply, decreased flow, and crop loss can all be a
result of dry soil or arid conditions. When the water in
the reservoirs runs out, crops are no longer flushed,
which would deprive them of ground water.
Agricultural drought is considered a situation in which
soil, rainfall, and plant-water requirements are not
enough to mature a healthy crop

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