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Corporate Reputation

Management (2)

Susanne Dida
Corporate Reputation Criteria ( Fortune Magazine )
• Quality of Management
• Quality of products and services
• Innovativeness
• Long term investment value
• Wise use of corporate asset
• Ability to attract , develop and keep talented people
• Responsibility to community and environment
Corporate Reputation Criteria ( Far East Economic
• Management has long term vision
• High quality of services or products
• Innovative in responding to customer needs
• Financial soundness
• Companies that others try to emulate ( copy )
Corporate Management Reputation
• With he value of good corporate reputation clearly established, your
task turn to the process of managing this key asset on a global basis.
• The management of corporate reputation of a major organization is
he challenge that most practitioner PR aspire to as they reach the
zenith ( top ) of their careers.
• The task carries with it great responsibilities. it also draw on a wide
range of skills and experience in the different PR specialties.
• Reality and corporate reputation are inextricably link.
13 steps in the corporate management process
1. Audit
2. Research
3. Analysis
4. Benchmarking
5. Re-examination
6. Goal setting
7. Strategy
8. Targeting
9. Messaging
10. Mapping
11. Infrastructure
12. Program
13. Measurement
8. Targeting
• Start by listing all your stakeholder and audiences. Then list all those who exert
a major influence on the attitudes of those in the first part of the list.
• You may list the media as an audience.
• Prioritize your target by general category , so that if budgets and resources are
limited , you concentrate on those audiences that are most important.
• Prioritize which each general category ,not all customers are equal, not all
influencers of governmental law making are equal, classify your target into
three levels of importance : A ,B and C
• Target by region and country of importance to your organization
• Use the public databases that are available to you to build your target list. You
should also maintain your own regularly update master database. Note on it
each contact made by letter, mailing, e-mail, phone call or meeting.
9 Messaging.
• Go back to step 3, Analysis and review the short statement you wrote to
describe the reputation on your company as you feel it stands now.
• Prepare a new statement that reflects the company as you would like it to be
seen at the culmination of this process.
• Synthesize the key messages that will become the mantra of all those
empowered to act as spokesmen for the company.
• The message will be the building blocks for creating a ne perception of the
• Divide the messages into those that are global and overarching and those
that have special importance in specific countries.
10. Mapping
• Translate your description of your company’s reputation now and as you would
like it to be into a road map, with a starting point and a destination. this will
help you tract progress.
• Make individual maps for each area of reputation which you believe need to be
changed. For example research shown that your company has especially weak
score toward environment and pollution.
• Data you receive from research will be mappable, as will the information you
glean from generally available studies, such as” the most admired” list in that
appear in various publication.
• The worst starting position on reputation maps is at the top left of the upper
quadrant, this is the place for company that everybody knows and hates, which
the awesome challenge of having to change everybody’s current perception.
Environmental Reputation
Overall Reputation
11. Infrastructure

• Make sure you create the right departmental infrastructure to meet your
• Soft infrastructure, refers to all the institutions that help maintain a healthy economy
• Hard infrastructure, comprises all physical systems that are crucial to running a modern
• Critical infrastructure
12. Program
• Develop memorable and inspiring creative concept, which symbolizes and
encapsulates (summarizes) the reputation you seek for your company.
• Develop your action plan, do not start with a piece of white paper or blank
computer screen.
• Use a checklists of all the possible tactics available to you and pick those that
are useful, while rejecting those that are not relevant.
• Here is a fairly comprehensive public relations toolbox which can be built into
core programs for implementation by units of your organization around the
• Press conf, editorial briefing, press kit, fact sheets, photographs, backgrounders, news
releases, website, face to face meeting, presentation decks, position papers, op eds, by-line
articles, charts, graphs, annual report, spokespersons, publicity tours, seminar, charity,
polling, event etc.
• You started with research, continue by monitoring your progress periodically
to see if you are on track.
• Check if you have met your goals in “the most admire” company ratings
produced by leading business magazine.
• Re-audit your internal audiences to check how your colleagues feel the
company is doing.
• Conduct an annual critical issues analysis to see which issues you have
managed to defuse and control and which are growing in importance.
• Conduct face to face interviews with key influencer groups
• Read your road map, base on composite research findings, check how far you
have traveled toward your destination of the reputation you desire.
• Check that your stock price is at the desire ratio.
• Michael Morley, How to Manage Your Global Global Reputation, A
guide to the dynamics of International Public Relations,
Palgrave,2002, NY

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