Rantai Pasok Dan Nilai Tambah: Susu Sapi Rembangan

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Rantai Pasok

dan Nilai Tambah

Susu Sapi Rembangan

Izzatul Qani'ah
Susu Sapi
Unit Usaha Daerah yang dikelola
UPTPT-HMT Jember di bawah
pengawasan Dinas Ketahanan Pangan
dan Peternakan Kabupaten Jember

Produksi susu sapi segar 150 L/hari

dari 10 ekor sapi perah.
Struktur Mata Rantai

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Diagran Alir
Susu Pasteurisasi

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Peran Anggota Rantai Pasok
Tingkatan Anggota Proses Aktivitas

Supplier Pembelian Melakukan pembelian bahan baku dan penunjnag
Toko Plastik

Pembibitan Melakukan
Pemeraman pembibitan sapi perah, memberi makan dan
Produsen Unit Pengolah Susu
Pasteusisasi membersihkan kandang, memerah susu
Pengemasan sapi, proses pasteurisasi, mengemas susu sapi
pasteurisasi kemasan 500 ml

Outlet UPT Melakukan
Distributir Pembelian
  pembelian susu sapi dari UPT
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Nilai Tambah 1
Click the Share button on the top right corner of your screen and select 'Present
and Record.'

Susu 2
Click ‘Go to recording studio,’ where you can choose the video and audio source
for your video presentation.

Pasteurisasi di 3 Feel free to choose the ‘No camera’ option and record your voice only.

Outlet 4 Start recording, and press pause in between takes if you have to.

Once you're done, download your Canva Presentation in MP4 file format or get a
5 link to your Talking Presentation and share it with others.

You can also record a video inside the editor! Go to 'Uploads' and click on
'Record yourself'.
Nilai Tambah 1
Click the Share button on the top right corner of your screen and select 'Present
and Record.'

Susu 2
Click ‘Go to recording studio,’ where you can choose the video and audio source
for your video presentation.

Pasteurisasi di 3 Feel free to choose the ‘No camera’ option and record your voice only.

Loper 4 Start recording, and press pause in between takes if you have to.

Once you're done, download your Canva Presentation in MP4 file format or get a
5 link to your Talking Presentation and share it with others.

You can also record a video inside the editor! Go to 'Uploads' and click on
'Record yourself'.
Nilai Tambah
Anggota Nilai Rasio
Rantai Pasok Tambah (Rp/L) Nilai Tambah (%)

1. Loper 9.000 40

2. Pengolah Susu 12.000 41,66

Menurut Reyne dalam Hubeis (1997), berikut kriteria dari nilai tambah:
a. Rasio nilai tambah rendah bila persentase < 15%
b. Rasio nilai tambah sedang bila persentase 15% - 40% dan
c. Rasio nilai tambah tinggi bila persentase > 40%
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Kendala Rantai Pasok

Kualitas produk

Ketepatan waktu dalam penanganan produk

Distribusi dan sarana transportasi

SDM yang rendah

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