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Milestone One

Introduction to Product Management

Product Management

Short summary of your product goes here.


Begin your initiative canvas
For this milestone, The problem/opportunity The customer Possible solutions
you will fill out the Answer here: segment(s)/personas affected Answer here:
following sections Answer here:
of your canvas:

Business readiness Value Cost/effort and time

Answer here: Answer here: Answer here:


What kind of product do you need?
Answer these questions to help you define your product.

What is the business problem you hope to solve Who is your end user? A: Answer question here:
with your product? A: Answer question here:
Who is your customer? A: Answer question here:

What is the platform for your product? A: Answer

question here:
What is your product? If it’s an existing product,
what changes do you plan to make? A: Answer How will customers pay for it?A: Answer question
question here: here:

If it is an existing product, what stage is it at in the

product life cycle?A: Answer question here:
If you plan to create a new product, why do you
want to create it? If it’s an existing product, why
was this product created? A: Answer question here:


Milestone Two
Where will your product fit?

Product Management

Define your value proposition
Fill out the value proposition canvas on the next page as per this template.


Define your value proposition
Fill out the Customer Profile section and fill out the Value Map section in the space provided.

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:
Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:


Milestone Three
What’s the market like?

Product Management

Competitor analysis framework
Complete your own competitor analysis here.

Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C

Product quality


Target market



Market strategy

Market share

Threat level


Competitor analysis framework
Answer the questions below.

Who is your major competitor? A: Answer question here:

Are they a threat to your product? A: Answer question here:

Are there any weaknesses that you could capitalise on? A: Answer
question here:

How does your product stand in relation to your competitor’s strategy?

A: Answer question here:


Go-to-market strategy
Outline and analyse the three factors that influence your strategy:

A: Answer question here:

A: Answer question here:

A: Answer question here:


Your second initiative canvas
The problem/opportunity The customer Possible solutions
Answer here: segment(s)/personas affected Answer here:
Answer here:

Business readiness Value Cost/effort and time

Answer here: Answer here: Answer here:


Your third initiative canvas
The problem/opportunity The customer Possible solutions
Answer here: segment(s)/personas affected Answer here:
Answer here:

Business readiness Value Cost/ffort and time

Answer here: Answer here: Answer here:


Milestone Four
Planning your product idea

Product Management

Create a prioritisation framework
Add your prioritisation framework here.

Why did you choose this canvas/framework? Answer here:


Create a product roadmap
Add your product roadmap here.


Milestone Five
Developing your product idea

Product Management

Define and discuss your success metrics

1. Select four metrics that will give an accurate 3. Describe how you plan to capture the data they will
picture of the success of your product. Your provide. Your response here:
response here:

2. Explain why you picked these metrics. Your 4. Reflect on how you might use the feedback they
response here: will provide. Your response here:


Create your development sprint
Add your development sprint here.


Reflect on your development sprint
1. How was your overall experience selecting items for your 3. What would you do differently next time? Your response
sprint? Your response here: here:

2. What did you find challenging? Your response here:

Milestone Six
Managing your product development

Product Management

Introduce your design sprint
Show us your design sprint; attach your document below.


Milestone Seven
Launch and beyond

Product Management

Reflect on your progress
Write a reflection on your growth and achievements in product management over the last 7 weeks. Answer the following

1. Which solution did you decide to develop? Why did final product decisions? Are you still confident they
you choose that one? Would you still select that option will give you the right results? Your response here:
if you could re-do the process? Why? Your response
5. What other observations did you make about the
process? Your response here:
2. What did you learn about your competitors, and the
market, during your competitor analysis? Your response
here: 6. What challenges did you face? Your response here:

3. What features did you decide upon for your MVP? 7. What will you do differently next time plan and
How did you decide on them? Your response here: develop a product? Your response here:

4. How did your initial success metrics line up with your

The Final Project
Finalising your project

Product Management

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