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By Ecclesia advance computing technology
Powered By STEMpedia

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A robot is a machine that uses programming to make
decision and carry out a task.

Application of Robotics

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is Artificial title style
It is the ability of a computer/machine to gather information,
analyze it to make decisions, and act to complete a task
automatically with very little to no human intervention.
AI in Social Media
Application of AI

AI in Gaming AI in Robotics AI in Automobile Industry

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Quarky YourMaster title style
AI Learning buddy
Quarky is an electronic board with a lot of features using which you can
make numerous exciting projects. You can program Quarky to make
expression, play sounds, detect touch, and much more.

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PictoBlox: Master
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PictoBlox is a graphical programming

software based on Scratch that teaches
you coding easily and has fun using
coding blocks.
Using these blocks, you can make
interactive games and animations, or
program robots and projects.

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We can display anything on Matrix(LED display)

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Catch the Fruit!
Our game is called Catch the Fruit. The aim is of the game is
to make the Monkey catch as many fruits as possible by
controlling it using Quarky’s switches.

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Face Detection
Face detection is the action of locating
human faces in an image and
optionally returning different kinds of
face-related data.

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Machine Learning
It is a subset of AI that gives the computers
the ability to learn without being explicitly

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Click to edit Master title style Week 2 Activities
Week 1 Activities
• Pictoblox : Tobi animation and • AI : weather monitoring
Monkey game • AI : Waste management system
• Fun Activities with Quarky
• AI : Face expression recognition • AI : making a road safety system
• AI : face detection and face mimic • AI : making a security system
using Quarky • Space Game
• Make your robot move (square and • Machine learning mask detector
circle) • Line following robot
• Draw a Square using pictoblox • Making a Self Driving Car
• Control your robot wirelessly
• Beetle in a Maze Game • Making a Robo-Pet

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Week 3 Activities
• Obstacle detector
• Face tracking robot
• Four wheel robot L2
• Object tracking robot L2
• Edge Detector Robot
• Automatic Steering Robot
• Horizontal pick and place robot
• Vertical pick and place robot 

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List of Activities

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List of Activities

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List of Activities

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List of Activities

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List of Activities

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List of Activities

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