Embedded Systems (ECE-4010) : Dr. Mayank Gupta

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Embedded Systems (ECE-4010)

Dr. Mayank Gupta

Evaluation Pattern
Assignments –2
Quiz –1
Group Project- 1
Research Report- 1
Poster Presentation- 1
Module I : Introduction to Embedded

 General Purpose vs Embedded System Design

 Classification of embedded systems

 Characteristics Of Embedded Systems

 Components Of Embedded Systems

 Microcontroller Selection Criteria

 Embedded System Design Challenges

What is an Embedded System?
 An Embedded
System is one that
has computer
hardware with
software embedded SOFTWARE PROGRAM
in it as one of its #include <16f876a.h>
important #use delay (clock=20000000)
#byte PORTB=6
components. main()
 It can also be portb=255; //
defined as the decimal delay_ms(1000);
portb=0x55; //
microprocessor hexadecimal delay_ms(1000);
portb=0b10101010; //binary
based system that delay_ms(500);
does not look like a
Embedded Systems
 Every embedded system consists of custom built hardware
built around a Central Processing Unit (CPU).
 Memory hardware also contains memory chips onto which
the software is loaded.


General Purpose Computing vs Embedded
General Purpose System Embedded Systems
• Designed using a microprocessor as the • Designed using a microcontroller as the
main processing unit. main processing unit.
• It contains secondary storage like hard disks • It does not require secondary memories
• Multiple tasks as per requirement. • A particular predefined task.
• Expensive compared to Embedded • Cheaper compared to a computer.
• It requires huge number of peripheral • It is cheaper as it requires less no of
devices and their controllers peripheral devices and their controllers are
microcontroller chip itself.

• OS and other software occupy huge • RTOS occupy very less memory space
memory space
Classification of Embedded Systems
Classification of Embedded Systems
 Based on Performance and Functional Requirements :
1. Stand Alone Embedded Systems:
• Stand alone embedded systems do not require a host system like a computer, it works
by itself.
• It takes the input from the input ports either analog or digital and processes, calculates
and converts the data and gives the resulting data through the connected device
Classification of Embedded Systems
2. Real Time Embedded Systems:
• A system which gives a required o/p in a particular time.
• These types of embedded systems follow the time deadlines for completion of a task.
• Classified into two types such as soft and hard real time systems
Classification of Embedded Systems
3. Networked Embedded Systems:
• These are related to a network to access the resources. 
•  The embedded web server is a type of system wherein all embedded devices are
connected to a web server and accessed and controlled by a web browser.
• Wired or Wireless type
Classification of Embedded Systems
4. Mobile Embedded Systems:
• Used in portable embedded devices like cell phones, mobiles etc.
• The basic limitation of these devices is the other resources and limitation of memory.
Classification of Embedded Systems
 Based on Performance of Microcontrollers :
1. Small Scale Embedded Systems:
• Designed with a single 8-bit or 16-bit microcontroller.
• Even activated by a battery.
• Main programming tools are an editor, assembler,  cross assembler and integrated
development environment (IDE).
Classification of Embedded Systems
2. Medium Scale Embedded Systems:
• Designed with a single or 16 or 32 bit microcontroller, RISCs or DSPs.
• have both hardware and software complexities.
• The main programming tools are C, C++, JAVA, Visual C++, RTOS, debugger, source
code engineering tool, simulator and IDE.
Classification of Embedded Systems
3. Sophisticated Embedded Systems:
• These have enormous hardware and software complexities.
• They need ASIPs, IPs, PLAs, scalable or configurable processors.
• Used for cutting-edge applications that need hardware and software Co-design and 
components which have to assemble  in the final system.
Characteristics of Embedded Systems
Examples of Embedded System
 Chocolate Vending Machines
 Digital alarm clocks
 Smart watches and digital wrist watches
 Washing machines and dishwashers
 Home security system
 Traffic lights
 Fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
 Printers, photocopy, fax machines and scanners
 Digital and video cameras
 Calculators
 Remote control gate keys
Components of Embedded System

 It has 3 components:

1. Hardware

2. Application Software

3. Operating System
Block Diagram



Hardware Architecture
Microcontroller Selection Criteria and Benchmarking
Important Factors when selecting a
1. Application
2. Microcontroller Architecture:
• Von Neumann Architecture
• Harvard Architecture
3.  Bit Size
4. Interfaces for Communication
5. Operating Voltage
6. Number of I/O Pins
7. Memory Requirements
8. Package Size
9. Power Consumption
10. Support for Microcontroller
Design Challenges in Embedded Systems
 Lack of Necessary Flexibility for Running Applications Over Embedded Systems

 The Security Crisis in Embedded System Design

 High Power Dissipation of Embedded System Design

 Problems of Testing an Embedded System Design:

1.Embedded Hardware Testing



 Inadequate Functional Safety of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems

 Increased Cost and Time-to-Market

Poster Presentation Topics
 Explain about the following Real World Embedded System Application:
• Chocolate Vending Machine (Group-I)
• Portable Music Player (Group-II)
Note: Block Diagram/State
• Digital Thermometers (Group-III) Diagram is necessary
• Automotive Airbag System (Group-IV)
• Digital Signature Pads (Group-V)
• Traffic Lights (Group-VI)
• Air Conditioners and Thermostats (Group-VII)
• Smartwatches (Group-VIII)
• Home Security System (Group-IX)
• Digital & video Cameras (Group-X)
• GPS navigation devices (Group-XI)
• Digital Alarm Clocks (Group-XII)

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