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“Nowadays one
country cannot go it
alone. This is a
global village.”
- - Sheikh Hasina
Global Interstate System
 It is the whole system of human interactions.
The modern world-system is structured
politically as a interstate system. Interstate
system- a system of competing and allying
states. Political Scientists commonly call this
the International system, and it is the main
focus of the field International Relations.
Govern International Relations

 Their aim to foster strong

economic, political, cultural,
educational, and technical
intergovernmental relationships.
Intergovernmental Organizations
World Systems
 The existence of division of labor.
The modern world- system has a
multi-state political structure (The
interstate system) and therefore its
division of labor is international
division of labor.
 High income nations in the world
economy. This is the manufacturing base
of the planet where resources funnel in to
become the technology and wealth enjoyed
by the Western World today. They are
dominant capitalist countries that exploit
countries for labor and raw materials.
 The middle-income countries, such
as India and Brazil. There are
consider semi-periphery due to their
closer ties to the global economic
core. Semi- Peripheral countries
share characteristics of both core and
peripheral countries.
 The low-income countries, whose natural
resources or labor support the wealthier
countries, first as colonies and now by
working for multinational corporations
under neocolonialism. Peripheral countries
are dependent on core countries for capital
and have underdeveloped industry.

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