Class 1

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1. Review of electrostatics 2. DC Circuits 3. Review of AC Fundamentals 4. Three Phase AC circuit 5. Magnetic Circuits 6. Single phase Transformer 7. Three phase Transformer 8. DC Generator 9. DC Motor 10. Three phase Induction Motor 11. Three phase Alternator 12. Measurement of electrical quantity

What is electricity

How can we get electrons to flow?

1. Source 2. Path

What is electricity?
How do we know electrons are moving? Can we hear, see or feel electrons moving? We can only see the effects of electrons moving Electrons if left unrestricted, will move so fast that extreme heat is created from the friction generated by their movement

What is electricity?
Electricity: flow of electrons What is required for electrons to flow?

A basic circuit

What is a basic circuit?

Source Path Restriction or load

What is electricity?

Source: something that has an imbalance of electrons and protons

Protons are positively charged Electrons are negatively charged Since opposites attract, if we create an imbalance of electrons and protons we have electrical potential Electrical potential is electrical pressure and it is measured in volts

What is electricity?

Path: a conductor that connects the protons with the electrons

A conductor is anything that has less than 4 electrons held loosely in their atoms outer orbit This allows the electrons to move freely from one atom to another An insulator holds its electrons in a tighter orbit and does not allow movement easily Once a path is established, electrons will move because of the attraction caused by the imbalance in the source

What is an electric current?

An electric current is a flow of microscopic

particles called electrons flowing through wires

and components.

In which direction does the current flow?

from the Negative terminal to the Positive terminal of a cell.

Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles which matter consists, measured in coulombs (C) 1 C of charge requires 6.24 x 1018 electrons Law of conservation of charge: Charge cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred


Electric Current is the rate of change of charge, measured in amperes (A) 1 A = 1 C/s Two main types Direct Current (DC): Current remains constant Alternating Current (AC): Current varies sinusoidally with time

where i = current in amperes q = charge in coulombs t = time in Second


Current is a scalar. Current has a sign but not a direction. We will represent the direction of the current flowing in a conductor using an arrow. This arrow represents whether the net current is positive or negative in a conductor at a given point but does not represent a direction in three dimensions. Physically, the charge carriers in a conductor are electrons that are negatively charged. However, as is conventionally done, we define positive current as the net flow of positive charge carriers past a given point per unit time.
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Notes on Current

1.Current in circuits physically realized by movement of electrons 2.Direction of current must be specified by an arrow 3.By convention, current direction defined as flow of positive charge 4.Note that positive charge is not flowing physically 5.Electrons have negative charge 6.They move in the opposite direction of current

Direct Current and Alternating Current

Currents in electrical circuits may be constant or may vary with time When currents vary with time they may be unidirectional or alternating When the current flowing in a conductor always flows in the same direction this is direct current (DC) When the direction of the current periodically changes this is alternating current (AC)

The Sinusoidal AC Waveform

o o o The most common AC waveform is a sine (or sinusoidal) waveform. The vertical axis represents the amplitude of the AC current or voltage, in amperes or volts. The horizontal axis represents the angular displacement of the waveform. The units can be degrees or radians.

Instantaneous Voltage and Current v = V sin


where v = instantaneous voltage in volts Vp = the maximum, or peak, voltage in volts = the angular displacement in degrees or radians

How is it measured?

Amperes: the measurement of the amount of electrons flowing through the circuit
Amps are the measurement of current in an electrical circuit Amps are measured with an ammeter For an ammeter to measure current in a circuit, the current in the circuit must flow through the ammeter Ammeters must be hooked up to a circuit in series


Voltage is a force that pushes/drives the electrons/charge

It is also referred to as electromotive force or difference in potential. It is abbreviated as E or EMF Voltage is measured in volts (v) Voltage source will have a polarity (negative and positive side) Current flows from negative to positive (changing conventions) AC/DC: Alternating current (polarity of source reverses) or Direct current (polarity is constant)

Electromotive force and potential difference

the stimulus that causes a current to flow is an e.m.f. this represents the energy introduced into the circuit by a battery or generator this results in an electric potential at each point in the circuit between any two points in the circuit there may exist a potential difference both e.m.f. and potential difference are measured in volts

How is it measured?

Volts: electrical pressure

Volts do not move through circuits Voltage is simply the strength of the imbalance between protons and electrons and force the electrons to move through a conductor Voltage is measured with a voltmeter that measures the imbalance between the positive side and negative side of a circuit Voltmeters must be wired in parallel

Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors

Resistors provide resistance

they oppose the flow of electricity measured in Ohms ()

they store energy in an electric field measured in Farads (F) they store energy in a magnetic field measured in Henry (H)

Capacitors provide capacitance Inductors provide inductance

We will look at each component in later lectures

Conductors & Insulators

Electric current moves easily through some materials and less easily through other materials Materials that have very tightly bound electrons have few free electrons when an electric force is applied. These materials are insulators (e.g. rubber, glass, dry wood) Materials that allow the movement of a large number of free electrons are called conductors (e.g., silver, copper, aluminum)
Electrical energy is transferred through a conductor by means of the movement of free electrons that move from atom to atom Displaced electrons continue to bump each other The electrons move relatively slowly but this movement creates electrical energy throughout the conductor that is transferred almost instantaneously throughout the wire (e.g., billiard ball example, wind vs. sound example)

SI Units
Quantity Capacitance Charge Current Electromotive force Frequency Quantity symbol C Q I E f Unit Farad Coulomb Ampere Volt Hertz Unit symbol F C A V Hz

Inductance (self)
Period Potential difference Power Resistance Temperature Time

T V P R T t

Second Volt Watt Ohm Kelvin Second

s V W K s

Ohms Law

The current flowing in a conductor is directly proportional to the applied voltage V and inversely proportional to its resistance R
V = IR I = V/R R = V/I

Kirchhoffs Current Law

At any instant the algebraic sum of the currents flowing into any junction in a circuit is zero For example

I1 I2 I3 = 0 I2 = I1 I3 = 10 3 =7A

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law

At any instant the algebraic sum of the voltages around any loop in a circuit is zero For example

E V1 V2 = 0 V1 = E V2 = 12 7 = 5V

Resistors in Series and Parallel

Series R = R 1 + R 2 + R3

1 1 1 1 R R1 R2 R3

By Analogy: Series Vs Parallel

R1 R2

R1 R2 R3

I1 I2 I3


Electric field intensity Potential Flux density Potential gradient Dielectric strength Capacitance of capacitor Energy stored Charging and discharging of capacitor

Review: Electrostatics (1)

Electric charge can be either positive or negative; like charges repel and unlike charges attract each other. An object with equal amounts of positive and negative charge is electrically neutral. The total charge of an isolated system is always conserved. The electric force F between two charges, q1 and q2, separated by a distance r is given by Coulombs Opposite charges: F is attractive (-) Law: q1q2 Fk 2 Like charges: F is repulsive (+) r

The constant k is called Coulombs constant and is 1 C2 givenN m 2 by 12 k 0 8.85 10 k 8.99 10 9 4 0 2 N m2 C 2/1/07 184 Lecture 15 28

Review: Electrostatics (2)

We may define the unit of charge in terms of the charge of one electron
An electron is an elementary particle with charge q = -e where: e = 1.60210-19 C A proton has the charge q = +e


184 Lecture 15


Electric Field lines

Electric fields always radiate either into or out of a charged body

Positive electrical fields/charges radiate out

Negative electrical fields/charges radiate in

Electric Field linesLaw of charges

Like charges or fields NEVER combine and oppose each other.

Unlike charges or fields combine and attract each other.

Electric fields and Electrostatics

The force or intensity of an electrostatic field depends on two factors (Gausss Law):
Amount of charge on a body or object Distance between the two charged bodies or objects.

k * q1 * q2

F = force
k = dielectric constant q1 and q2 = charges on the bodies d = distance

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