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You are expected to identify
possible tracks and strands
you want to pursue
through emphasis on their
Nowadays, teenagers are
struggling with identifying what
they truly want to pursue for
their future. The future is
unknown and many young
students experience confusion
and indecision, changing their
minds along the journey.
Goal Setting Theory
According to the Goal Setting
Theory, the more difficult and
specific a goal is, the harder
people tend to work to achieve it.
A classic example would be to say
“concentrate on beating your best
next time” rather than simply
saying “do your best next time”
Because challenging goals
are more motivating than
easier ones, the feelings
of accomplishment are
Let’s Color Your
NOTE to Homeroom Adviser!!!
The Homeroom adviser will
distribute the paper to each
student. Once they are finish,
reveal to them the
Strand/Track behind each
color. Then, you can ask some
of them on what is the result
of their activity. “What color
shows numerous/least
BLUE=Academic Track
RED= Art and Design
Green= Sports Track
Obeservation: What
were the reactions that
you observed from your
classmates while they
were doing the activity?
Feeling: What do you
feel after the activity?
Thinking: What were
your thoughts while
doing the activity?
Learning: What insights
have you gained from
this activity?
Thank you and God
bless! 
Prepared by:
Ma’am Kenneth 
Guidance Advocate

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