Fruits and Gifts of The Holy Spirit: Prepared By: Nelme E. Largo, LPT, MAT

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Fruits and Gifts of the

Holy Spirit
Prepared by: Nelme E. Largo, LPT, MAT
Our Lord Jesus Christ prepared for the foundation of the
Church. It started the moment Jesus chose the twelve
and commissioned them to continue His mission.
However, the Church came to life only when the Holy
Spirit was sent by Jesus to the apostles on the first
Pentecost Sunday in the form of tongues of fire. This
Pentecost event marked the birth of the Church that
Jesus founded.
In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we received the gift
of the Holy Spirit that help make us understand and
spread Jesus’ message of love.
With these gifts, we will be able to develop the fruits of
the Spirit in us radiating positivity to others.
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. Wisdom – helps us to know the right

2. Understanding – explains our faith
to help us make right decisions
3. Counsel – helps us to see right and
good choices to make
4. Fortitude – also known as courage,
helps us to practice our faith
without fear
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

5. Knowledge – helps us to learn

about our faith
6. Piety – helps us to pray for
ourselves and others
7. Fear of the Lord – helps us to
show respect for God, His people,and
His will for us
When we cooperate with the Holy
Spirit and use His gifts for us, then in our
life we show the Holy Spirit dwelling in
us. We become signs of God’s holiness to
other people. The Spirit’s presence in
our lives are called the fruits of the Holy
Spirit. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are
qualities that help us become the
persons God wants us to be.
“…The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self –
control.” – Galatians 5:22-23
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
These fruits of the Spirit called us to:

1. Love – seeks the highest good of others

2. Joy – gladness that is not based on circumstances
3. Peace – contentment, unity between people
4. Patience – slow to speak and slow to anger
5. Kindness – merciful, sweet and tender
6. Goodness – generous and open hearted
7. Faithfulness – dependable, loyal and full of trust.
8. Gentleness – humble, calm and non - threatening
9. Self – control – behave well
The Holy Spirit is with us to help us, to
strengthen us and guide us in the way we live
as God’s people. The Spirit helps us to be
Jesus for others, to live and to love like him
by inspiring the members of the Church as we
put into action the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

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