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Health in
Merilyne Beiho
Psychiatric Nurse
DMHP, Siaha

Health (WHO)
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Mental health (WHO)

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every
individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully,
and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
Mental health is beyond
just care of the brain

The Postpartum Period
● The postpartum period refers to the first six weeks after childbirth.
● The postpartum period is characterized by a rapid shift in the
hormonal environment. Within the first 48 hours after delivery,
estrogen and progesterone concentrations fall dramatically, which
effect mood.
● During the postpartum period, about 85% of women experience
some type of mood disturbance.
● For most the symptoms are mild and short-lived; however, 10 to 15%
of women develop more significant symptoms of depression or
Who is at Risk for Postpartum Psychological
All women are vulnerable to postpartum Psychological problems,
regardless of age, marital status, education level, or
socioeconomic status. certain risk factors identified includes:
● Previous episode of Psychiatric illness
● Depression during pregnancy
● History of depression or bipolar disorder
● Recent stressful life events
● Inadequate social supports
● Marital problem
Postpartum Blues
● Given how common this type of mood disturbance is, it may
be more accurate to consider the blues as a normal experience
following childbirth rather than a psychiatric illness
Trouble Sleeping or insomnia
Feeling unattached with child
Overly worried about the child’s health
Uncontrollable crying over a small issue
Mood swings
Postpartum Depression

● Depression that occurs after

● PPD typically emerges over the first
two to three postpartum months but
may occur at any point after
•Depressed or sad mood
•Sleep disturbance • Poor concentration
•Change in appetite • Suicidal thoughts
•Feelings of worthlessness or • Feelings of guilt
incompetence • Fatigue
•Loss of interest in usual activities
Postpartum Psychosis
● Postpartum psychosis is the most
severe form of postpartum
psychiatric illness.
● It is a rare event that occurs in
approximately 1 to 2 per 1000
women after childbirth. Its
presentation is often dramatic,
with onset of symptoms as early as
the first 48 to 72 hours after
• Psychopharmacology
– Antipsychotic
– Antidepressant
– Anxiolytic
– Mood stabilizer

• Psychotherapy
• Counselling
• Behaviour Therapy
• Relaxation Therapy
• Family & Group Therapy

Tips to maintain good mental health
Diet: Food can affect your mood! Balanced diet for
both your body and mind.
Tips to maintain good mental health
 Exercise: causes your brain to release endorphins, can help
raise self-esteem, help sleep problems, improve memory
and concentration
Tips to maintain good mental health
 Improving your self-esteem: avoid negative feeling
and thought about self.
Tips to maintain good mental health
 Taking time to relax: is beneficial for your mental
Tips to maintain good mental health
 Sharing what’s bothering you
Tips to maintain good mental health
 Make Connection: family, friends, co worker and

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