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Event management is the process of planning
and hosting a variety of public and private
events for social or business purposes.

They may be large-scale or small-scale

EVENT events and can include business conventions,
training seminars, industry conferences,
MANAGEMENT trade shows, ceremonies, parties, concerts,
festivals and press conferences.

Event managers must follow the clients'

instructions and work within a specified
budget and predetermined schedule.
  Planning is the fundamental management
function, which involves deciding beforehand,
what is to be done, when is it to be done, how it is
to be done and who is going to do it
 Planning is nothing but thinking before the action
takes place.
  It helps us to take a peep into the future and
decide in advance the way to deal with the
situations, which we are going to encounter in
 Event planning involves the coordination of every
detail of events such as meetings, conventions,
trade shows, ceremony, retreats, or parties. 
 Anevent plan is a key document that outlines all of
the elements of an event.
 Event planning includes but it not limited to
budgeting, establishing timelines, selecting event
location, arranging for equipment, acquiring the
appropriate permits, planning menus,
transportation, developing a theme, hiring
entertainment, selecting speakers, managing risks,
and developing contingency plans.
Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.
• Determine your • Assemble your • Establish an event
event goals and team budget

Step 4. Step 5. Step 6.

• Choose date & • Select the • Event Marketing &
venue speakers Advertising

Step 7.
• Execute your
 Event: First, you must have an event of some sort
to plan, of course. That event is going to require a
series of responsibilities, revolving around its
operations, legal and accounting duties.
 Budget: Estimate all your event costs and create a
budget. Your available budget will influence many
event management decisions such as your venue,
the marketing and advertising methods, etc.
 Venue: The event has to take place somewhere,
and that involves logistics management and  food
and beverages as well as the décor.
 Marketing: Once you have selected a venue, you
need to start drawing people to it through a
marketing program that can include a website,
social campaign, email and print work.
 Advertising: Hand in glove with marketing is
advertising. That can include radio, TV, newspaper
and magazine advertisements.
 Volunteers: A big event needs a big crew of
people to get it off the ground and run smoothly.
That means volunteers, which means writing
contracts, defining their roles, setting up meetings
and determining schedules.
 Speakers: You must have a keynote speaker or a
group of speakers to attract an audience. This will
involve contracts, curators to select the talent, a
program, bios and rehearsals.
 Sponsors: All this costs money, and a big event’s
budget is supplied by its sponsors. This will again
involve contracts, marketing and logistics.
 Production: The production is going to involve
creating contracts as you work on creating an
audio-visual recording of the proceedings, as well
as a sound and video broadcast during the event.
 Stage: The event takes place at a specific venue
and on that venue is a stage on which the event
proper will be presented. That usually will
incorporate a projector, screen, microphones,
internet connection, batteries, cables and more.
 Attendees: Don’t forget about the people who
are coming to the event! You’ll need
communications to inform them of event
information, payment processes to collect fees,
emails to stay in touch, directions, badges and
access points.

 Staffingcan be defined as one of the most
important functions of management. It involves the
process of filling the vacant position of the right
personnel at the right job, at right time. Hence,
everything will occur in the right manner.
 Staffing is the process of hiring eligible candidates
in the organization or company for specific
 The first and foremost function of staffing is to
obtain qualified personnel for different jobs position
in the organization.
 In staffing, the right person is recruited for the right
jobs, therefore it leads to maximum productivity
and higher performance.
 Ithelps in promoting the optimum utilization of
human resource through various aspects.
 Job satisfaction and morale of the workers
increases through the recruitment of the right
 Staffinghelps to ensure better utilization of human
 Itensures the continuity and growth of the
organization, through development managers.
 Fillingjob with competent personnel: Staffing
involve with proper arrangement of people through
proper recruitment and selection process. It helps
with obtaining competent staff for various jobs.
 Better performance: The performance of an
organization depends on the quality of persons
employed in the organization. The function of
staffing is significant because it ensures higher
performance by putting the right person in the right
job at the right time.
 Survival and growth: Staffing is a very important
function of management in comparison to other
functions because all the functions of an
organization are performed by the people.
Competent and efficient workers bring an
organization into existence and ensure its survival
and growth.
 Optimum utilization of human resources: The
staffing process helps to ensure optimum use of
human resources by avoiding overstaffing. It
prevents higher labour cost. It also helps in
avoiding disruption of work by indicating in
advance the shortage of personnel.
 Improve job satisfaction and morale: Proper
staffing improves job satisfaction and morale of
employees through objective assessment and fair
rewarding for their contribution. It provides right
kind of work atmosphere and culture to employees.
 Coordination is the function of management which
ensures that different departments and groups work in
sync. Therefore, there is unity of action among the
employees, groups, and departments.
 An Event Coordinator is responsible for overseeing
particular tasks related to the event planning process.
 Theirresponsibilities include meeting with vendors at the
venue to help with set-up, collecting supplies and
decorations, and working with staff to ensure the
completion of a successful event.
 Itaims at involving all the elements of the company, in
the plan, strategy or task, to get input from everyone
and attain best results.
 Ifthere is no coordination among the various activities,
then the efforts of the employees are wasted even if
they cooperate. 
 Further,in the absence of cooperation, coordination
may not work effectively and leads to dissatisfaction. 
 So,cooperation and coordination should go hand in
 Integrates efforts of employees: Coordination
integrates the efforts of the employees, to translate
it into a determined activity. It aims at giving a
specific direction to the group, to make sure that
the results obtained are according to the plans.
 Unity of Action: There must be a unity of action in
the accomplishment of organization’s objectives. It
is that implicit force which binds various
departments, divisions and units of the concern,
and ensures that they work with a single focus.
 Ongoing process: Coordination begins at the
very first stage of planning, thereafter
organizational hierarchy is defined keeping the
company’s plans in mind. Then, the staff is hired
according to the company’s plans and hierarchy,
and work is assigned to them accordingly.
 Pervasive Function: Coordination is a must for all
the three levels of the management as are
interlinked and interdependent with respect to the
functions performed by these levels.
 Deliberate activity: Various activities and efforts of
the organization are to be coordinated in a
thoughtful and careful manner.
 Controlis a primary goal-oriented function
of management in an organisation.
 Itis a process of comparing the actual
performance with the set standards of the
company to ensure that activities are performed
according to the plans and if not then taking
corrective action.
 Controllingis performed at the lower, middle and
upper levels of the management.
 Monitoring the event continuously, giving an early
indication of any problems; Logging of all
communications. Control of any incidents; Directing
resources to deal with problems.
 Controlling process thus regulates companies’
activities so that actual performance conforms to the
standard plan. 
 An effective control system enables managers to avoid
circumstances which cause the company’s loss.

It helps in Facilitates
It evaluates the It also sets
achieving optimum
accuracy of the discipline and
organizational utilization of
standard. order.
goals. resources.

Motivates the Ensures future

Improves overall
employees and planning by It also minimises
performance of
boosts employee revising errors.
an organization.
morale. standards.
 Establishing standards: This means setting up of the
target which needs to be achieved to meet organisational
goals eventually. Standards indicate the criteria of
 Control standards are categorized as quantitative and
qualitative standards. Quantitative standards are
expressed in terms of money. Qualitative standards, on
the other hand, includes intangible items.
 Measurement of actual performance: The actual
performance of the employee is measured against the
target. With the increasing levels of management, the
measurement of performance becomes difficult.
 Comparison of actual performance with the
standard: This compares the degree of difference
between the actual performance and the standard.
 Takingcorrective actions: It is initiated by the
manager who corrects any defects in actual
 Saves time and energy
 Allows managers to concentrate on important
tasks. This allows better utilization of the
managerial resource.
 Helpsin timely corrective action to be taken by the
 Managers can delegate tasks so routinely chores
can be completed by subordinates.

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