Different Kinds of Volleyball Formation: Group 4

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Group 4
Group members:

Aringo, Jimuel
Guballa, Alexandra Mae

Barizo, Erika Mae

Legacion, Ma. Patricia

Borromeo, Jelea

Mendoza, Kurt Neil

Fransisco, Aaron Matt
A volleyball formation is how players move
and position themselves on the court. There
are three standard formations in volleyball,
namely the "4-2", "6-2" and "5-1". The
numbers in the names of these formations
refer to the number of hitters and setters
4-2 Formation
• This is a formation that uses four hitters and
two Setters.
• The two setters set up attacks in the front
court for the hitters to make.
• There's usually one setter in the front row and
one in the back row.

• This formation is most commonly

used if the team does not have strong
hitter and is common at a lower level
or beginner level of volleyball
Advantages of Disadvantages
4-2 Formation of 4-2 Formation

• Ve ry Be gi nne r Fri end ly • R edu ce s Se t t i ng

C onsi ste nc y

• Ea si e r De c i s i on Ma ki ng • Ver y P red i c t a bl e

• Mak es Serv e Re ce pt io n • Ne ve r Ha ve Thre e

Ea si e r At ta ck er s

• C ov ers t h e Co urt Wel l • Se tt e r i n t he Ba ck Row

De fe ns i vel y Fo cu ses On Defe ns e Onl y
6-2 Formation
• This is a formation with four hitters
and two setters.
• A player from the back row comes
forward to help the front row hitters
to make four.
• In this formation all players can act
as hitters to try to score points, that's
where the six comes from.
• This is similar to the 4-2 formation,
but the back row setter is able to
come forward to set.
6-2 Formation OF 6-2 Formation

• Always Have 3 Attackers at the • Setter Cannot Attack In the

Net Front Row

• Easier to Make an Adjustment to • It's Harder to Get In Position

the Line Up to Set

• There's Less Responsibility for

• More Options for Attacking
the Setter

• Setter Don't Need to be Skilled at

Playing the Front Row
5-1 Formation
• This is a formation that uses one setter and five hitters.
• Other than the one setter, every other player is looking
to make an attack.
• Usually teams with 1 volleyball offense strong setter
play a 5-1 offense That's one setter and five other
players on the offensive team.

• In a 5-1 offense, the lone setter runs the

entire offense... all the time.... whether he
or she is front row or backrow they are in
charge of setting EVERY second ball.
5-1 Formation

• When the setter is front row he/she has

two other front row hitters she can set
a ball to. He/she ca n also jump and attack
hit or dump the ball over as an attack to

• When the setter is backrow he/she has

three other front row hitters she/he can
set a ball hit. He /She cannot attack hit or
dump the ball over as an attempt to score
when in the backrow.
5-1 Formation OF 5-1 Formation

• Improves Consistency • Playing Time is Unequal

• Provides the Most Setting Options • Can Create Weaknesses in

& Creativity Defense

• Builds Strong Relationships • Difficult for Beginners to Learn &

Between Hitters & Setters Remember All Rotation

• 3 Attackers or Hitters for Half of • All Players Need to be Ready to

the Rotations Attack

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