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To know some of the tasks required to look after a baby.

Success Criteria
• IStatement
can list the
1 Lorem
basic needs
a baby.
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• IStatement
can name2items that new parents might need.
• Sub
• I can statement
discuss the daily routine of a baby.
Class Survey
Tally Total
Has/Had a
baby brother
or sister.
Has/Had a
baby cousin.
Is going to
have a new
baby in their
Has helped to
look after a
new baby.
What Do Babies Do?

When babies are born, they don’t know how to

do anything for themselves yet. They need lots
of help from their family.

Babies are very little so they need lots and lots

of sleep to help them grow.
How Do Babies Communicate?

Newborn babies are very

They need lots of care
and attention.

How does a baby let us know that they need

A Baby’s Needs

A baby crying is their way of letting their parent or grown up know

that they need something.

What might a baby need?

Have a think and share your answer
with a partner.
The Basic Needs of a Baby

• Plenty of sleep
• Regular feeds
• To be bathed
• Nappy changes
• Warm and comfy clothing
• Love and attention
Babies Need…
…a lot more sleep than children or adults! They take lots
of naps all through the day and night.
Therefore, they need a safe place to sleep that is
comfortable and warm. In the beginning, they need to sleep
near their mum and dad.

This might be in a crib, cot or Moses basket.

They will need some light blankets too.
Babies Need…
…regular feeds because babies are born with only
tiny tummies they need to be fed little amounts

What do babies need to eat?

For the first 6 months babies only need milk to
help them grow. This can either be milk from
their mother or formula fed from a bottle. This
will provide all of their nutrients until they are
ready to move onto solid food. They will still
need milk after that until they are a year old.
Babies Need…
… to be bathed. Even though babies are very small, they
can make a big mess! Babies need to be washed carefully
and gently.

They can enjoy bath time and

this is a good time to talk to
and play with baby!

Mum and Dad need to make

sure they support the baby’s
head as they can’t hold it up
by themselves yet!
Babies Need…

…lots of nappy changes! Parents need to check their

baby’s nappy regularly. Newborn babies can need their
nappy changing as often as 10 times a day!

It’s important that babies are kept clean

and dry to stop them getting nappy
Babies Need…
…warm and soft clothing. Babies need to
be kept warm and comfortable.

They usually wear vests and a baby grow. They may need
several changes a day. If they go out, then a hat is a good
idea too.
Most Importantly

• Babies need love, care and attention.

• Babies need to be held and cuddled close to

feel safe. They love to be played with or read
to. It’s important that they are talked to and
given eye contact.
Can you make a list of some of the items parents might need to buy for their

Compare your list with a partner.

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