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Marc Carbonell, Roger Salvia, Júlia Bossacoma, Núria Palahí.


Ukrainian: Ukrainian is a nordic-

Russian: Russian, is an East slavan language and it is an
Slavic language, it is an official official language in: Ucrania,
language in: Russia, Belarus, Polonia, Rumania, Rusia,
Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. The Moldavia, Eslovaquia Bielorrusia,
most common ways to say hello Hungría, Serbia, and Kazajistán.
are: Привет and Здравствуй The most common ways to say
hello are: година
Traditions, events and holidays:

◦ New Year's Day

◦ Like most countries, New Year's
Day is festive celebration. In
Russia, It’s your chance to forgive
those who have wronged you, pay
off your debts and give your
house a good tidy. As well as
cleaning the house.
◦ Bottles be gone
◦ In Russia It’s bad luck to leave empty
alcohol bottles in bars, restaurants and in
the house. Some people say that if you
leave them for to long a spirit will came
out of the bottle and poses your house.
◦ Blini (Russian pancakes)
◦ Pelmeni: They are balls of meat  mass
◦ Beef Stroganoff: Stroganoff is a dish of beef fillet cut into thin strips
and accompanied with mushrooms 
◦ Borscht Beets may seem like a strange base for soup to many
◦ Okroshka is soup consists of a mixture of raw vegetables, boiled potatoes, egg, ham
◦ Shchi: It is a soup with cabbage as the main ingredient.
◦ Solyanka: it is a kind of dense meat or fish soup with pickled vegetables
◦ Ukha: Russian soup made from salmon or cod

◦ In the 19th century, festive

garments worn by town and
village women differed in their
components and styles, but were
strikingly similar in the high level
of decorative detail.
◦ The sarafan was common in the rural regions of
Russia. The sarafan costume consisted of a long-
sleeved shirt, a sarafan, a scarf and a belt.
Traditional Dance:
◦ The dance is called Prisyadka.
The squat dance is a characteristic
of Russian folk culture
◦ Is the bandy, is a russian hockey, 
 they play with a ball instead of a disk.
Education system:
◦ Primary education begins at the age of six or seven and lasts for four
years. This is followed by five years of basic general education, and
two to three years of secondary education. Students can choose to
complete secondary education 
◦  the school day starts at around 8am, and runs until 1 or 2pm. School
is open five days a week, but some schools also require students to
do some extra hours of school-based study over the weekends.
◦  in the subjects of Russian language (reading, writing, literature),
mathematics, history, natural sciences, arts and crafts, P.E, and a
foreign language (like german) starting in grade two
Russian Celebrities
◦ Maria Sharapova was the best woman tennis player in the world, now she is
retired and gets an annual income of 26 million $  
◦ Vladimir Putin: Actual president of Russia.  
Marc Carbonell, Roger Salvia, Júlia Bossacoma, Núria Palahí.

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