Bilaminar Disc: 2 Week

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(2nd WEEK)

Ndyamuhakyi Elisa

04/13/2023 Ndyamuhakyi Elisa 1


• Definition

• Development

• Clinical correlates

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Definition. Bilaminar disc

• Epiblast and hypoblast evolved

from the embryoblast.

• 2 layers sandwiched b’t’n 2

cavities (balloons) i.e. primitive
York sac (Exocoelomic Cavity)
and amniotic cavity.

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 Zygote Morula Blastocyst

 Trophoblast

 Embryoblast (Formative mass- 60 cells)

Embryoblast transforms into 2 distinct epithelial layers

just before implantation occurs;
 Epiblast – Outer/upper layer , made of columnar cells

 Hypoblast- Inner layer, made of cuboidal cells

04/13/2023 Ndyamuhakyi Elisa 4
2nd week of development is significant for:

1. Formation of bilaminar
disc (2-layers) – Forms all
the tissues and organs of
the body.
2. Completion of

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Decidua Reaction

Syncytiotrophoblast cells
displace the endometrium
around the implantation site.
The endometrium has
undergone changes.
• Cells have become filled with
glycogen and lipids
• The nutrients spill into the
connective tissue

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The syncytiotrophoblast is responsible for hormone production.
hCG maintains the corpus luteum in the ovary, allowing it to
continue to produce P+E.


Produces P+ E to
maintain the pregnancy
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The Embryo blast will also differentiate into 2 layers:

1. Epiblast- A layer of high,

columnar cells adjacent to
the amniotic cavity.
2. Hypoblast- A layer of small
cuboidal cells adjacent to
the blastocyst cavity.
 Together these layers form a
flat disc.
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• Amnioblasts (From epiblast)
separate and form the lining
of the amniotic cavity.
• Cells from the hypoblast form
a membrane that lines the
inner surface of the
cytotrophoblast. This forms
the exocoelomic cavity or
primitive yolk sac.
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The cavities allow movement of
the disc.
The primordial uteroplacental
circulation is established.

 The yolk sac contains no yolk- the embryo is nourished from

the lacunar networks- but may have a role in selective transfer
of nutrients.

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 New cells appear between the
yolk sac and the
 They form a layer of loose
connective tissue:
extraembryonic mesoderm.
 Cavities or spaces appear in the
extra-embryonic mesoderm.
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 The cavities form a new space- the chorionic cavity
 The primitive yolk sac is pinched off- a secondary or
definitive yolk sac is formed

 The cavity divides the

extraembryonic mesoderm into.
1. Extraembryonic somatic
mesoderm- lining trophoblast
and amnion.
2. Extraembryonic splanchnic
mesoderm- lines the yolk sac.

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04/13/2023 Ndyamuhakyi Elisa 13
The chorion is formed by
1. Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm

2. Cytotrophoblast
3. Syncytiotropho-blast
The chorion forms the wall of the chorionic cavity- the amniotic
cavity and yolk sac are suspended in the chorionic cavity by
the connecting stalk.

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By day 14 the embryo has the
form of a flat, bilaminar
disc, ovoid in shape.

In a localized area of the

hypoblast, the cells become
more columnar and form a
thickened circle area, the
pre-chordal plate.
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At the end of the second

Trophoblast has had a

period of growth- greater
than the embryoblast.

The 2 layer bilaminar disc is

formed and will give rise
to other tissues and
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Clinical correlates

 Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) hormone produced

by syncytiotrophoblast can be detected by medical test.

 Hydatidiform mole – little or no embryonic tissue, secrete

high levels of HCG producing benign or malignant tumor
(choriocarcinoma). Trophoblast is well developed.

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Clinical correlates ct’d

 Implantation sites usually posterior or anterior wall

of body of uterus

 Abnormal implantation sites – ectopic pregnancy

o abdominal cavity- pouch of Douglas
o mesentery
o ampullary region of tube

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Clinical correlates ct’d

o Tubal implantation, internal os, ovarian leading to

primary ovarian pregnancy

o interstitial implantation of narrow width of uterine


 Bleeding on the day due to increased blood with in

lacunae spaces.

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2nd week of development: The week of twos

 Trophoblast ↗cytotrophoblast
 Embryoblast ↗hypoblast
 Extraembronic mesoderm ↗somatopleure
 Cavities ↗amniotic
↘primitive yolk sac
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