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Surpassing Prayer

Matthew 6:5-13

The Sermon on the Mount:

Life under the leadership of Jesus Christ

The Sermon on the Mount:

Life under the leadership of Jesus Christ A description of the saved life

The Sermon on the Mount:

Life under the leadership of Jesus Christ A description of the saved life Matthew 5 = right living

The Sermon on the Mount:

Life under the leadership of Jesus Christ A description of the saved life Matthew 5 = right living Matthew 6 = right worship

The Sermon on the Mount:

Life under the leadership of Jesus Christ A description of the saved life Matthew 5 = right living Matthew 6 = right worship

Three acts of worship:

Giving Prayer Fasting
Not if, but when!

Motives for prayer, Mt 6:5-6

When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites . . . for they love to be seen by men

Methods of prayer, Mt 6:7-8

And when you pray, do not keep babbling like the pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

A challenge from the Holy Spirit:

Dont SAY it, PRAY it!

A challenge from the Holy Spirit:

Dont SAY it, PRAY it!

The Lords Prayer is an invitation to enter into Jesus own prayer life!

Our Father in Heaven

Our Father in Heaven

Abba =
Dear Daddy

Our Father in Heaven

Abba =
Dear Daddy

In Heaven =
Not His location, His position!

Our Father in Heaven

Abba =
Dear Daddy

In Heaven =
Not His location, His position!

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

A glimpse into Jesus own prayer closet

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

A glimpse into Jesus own prayer closet The secret of Jesus power in prayer

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

A glimpse into Jesus own prayer closet The secret of Jesus power in prayer Bringing glory to the Father was Jesus sole desire

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

We are called to glorify the Father, too!
You are the light of the world . . . Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

How do people feel when they come away from your presence?

Father, let my life glorify you on earth

Tell me, whos your Boss?

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