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What is Statistics

- Is a field of mathematics that deals with

Collection, Organization, Analysis, and
Interpretation of quantitative
Collect Survey, test, interview, observe,
experiment, register
Organize Tables, graphs, texts

Analyze Numerical analysis (“most”, “how

many percent”, “least”)
Interpret Give the meaning/implication of the
findings, conclude
Two Fields of Statistics
1. Descriptive Statistics
- consist of the collection, organization,
summarization, and presentation of data
- here, the statistician tries to describe a given
Two Fields of Statistics
2. Inferential Statistics
- concerned with drawing conclusion about
large groups of data called population
Two Fields of Statistics
Sample – selected elements of population
- here, the statistician tries to make inferences
from samples to population.
- also makes use of the concept of probability
we shall discuss different statistical techniques
used in describing and analyzing data
1. Measure of Central Tendency (Averages)
2. Measures of Variability (Spread of data)
3. Measures of Relationship (Correlation)
Measures of Central Tendency
- A single value that is used to identify the center
of the data
- Tends to lie within the center if it is arranged
from lowest to highest or vice versa
Measures of Central Tendency
3 measures
1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode
- Most common measures of the center
- Also known as arithmetic average
- Most reliable
- Most affected by extreme values
- Use in normal distribution
Mean of Ungrouped Data
Mean of Ungrouped Data
Steps in solving the mean value using the given
1. Get the sum of all the data in the distribution
2. Identify the number of data
3. Substitute to the given formula and solve the
mean value
Simple Mean
-getting the simple mean means that we are giving
equal weight to each value in the data set.
Example 1:
The ages of five contestants in a Statistics Quiz
Bee are the following: 18, 17, 18, 19, and 18. Find
the average age.
Simple Mean
Simple Mean
Simple Mean
Simple Mean
Thus the mean salary of the employees is P24,425. this
implies that employees who are getting salaries below
P24, 425 are not being paid enough while those who are
getting salaries above P24,425 are receiving more that the
average salary.
Weighted Mean
- Calculated by giving values in a data set more influence
according to some attribute of the data
- An average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned
a weight, and these weightings determine the relative
importance of each quantity on the average.
- The formula is:
WM = ∑wx / ∑w
Example 1:
Xandra bought different fruit for New Year. She bought 3
apples at P10 each, 5 ponkans at P5 each, 3 pears at P15
each, 4 pieces of chico at P25 each. What is the average
price of each fruit that Xandra bought?
Your Turn

Calculate the mean of the test scores of students in

Educational Psychology
31, 27, 21, 38, 40, 27, 18, 22
Median of Ungrouped Data
- Divides the scores into two equal parts as scores arranged
from lowest to highest or vice versa
- Most unaffected by extreme values
- Use in skewed distribution
- If the number of score is an odd number, the value of the
median is the middle score
- If the number of score is an even number, the median value
is the average of two middle most scores
Example 1:
Find the median of the scores of students in algebra quiz
45, 35, 48, 60, 44, 39, 47, 55, 58, 54
First is to arranged the scores
35, 39, 44, 45, 47, 48, 54, 55, 58, 60
Median = (47 + 48)/2
= 47.5 is the median score
50% of the scores in the distribution fall below 47.5
Example 2:
Find the median of the scores of students in
algebra quiz
35, 39, 44, 45, 47, 48, 54, 55, 58
Median = 47
= 47 is the median score
50% of the scores in the distribution fall below 47
Stenographer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speed 121 110 120 119 112 121 118 115 107 115
Therefore, the median of the speed of the stenographers
is 116.5 per minute. This implies that the stenographers
whose speed is above the median are fast while those
whose speed lie below the median are a little slower than
the others.
Your turn
1. Calculate the median of the test scores of
students in Educational statistics
27, 23, 18, 40, 38, 31, 43, 18, 23
2. Calculate the median of the test scores of
students in Educational Psychology
31, 27, 21, 38, 40, 27, 18, 22
Mode of Ungrouped Data
- Score or scores that occurred most in the
- Quick description of typical performance of a
- Unreliable and unstable
- May not exist
Mode of Ungrouped Data
3 classifications
1. Unimodal – consist only one mode
2. Bimodal – consist of two modes
3. Multimodal – consist of three of more modes
The speed of ten stenographers in typing per minute are as follows:
Stenographer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speed 121 110 120 119 112 121 118 115 107 115

In the given data, the numbers that appeared the most are 115 and

Thus, the data set has two modes: 115 and 121. The data set is
said to be bi-modal
Your turn
1. Calculate the mode of the test scores of students in
Educational statistics
27, 23, 18, 40, 38, 31, 43, 18, 23
2. Calculate the mode of the test scores of students in
Educational Psychology
31, 27, 21, 38, 40, 27, 18, 22
3. Find the mode of the scores of students in MAPEH quiz
34, 36, 45, 65, 34, 45, 55, 61, 34, 46
Measures of Variability
- Single value that is used to describe the spread out of the
data in a distribution, that is above or below the measures
of central tendency
- We learned the three types of average for a data set –
mean, median, and mode. Some characteristics of a set of
data may not be evident from an examination of averages
Measures of Variability

For instance, consider a soft-drink dispensing machine that

should dispense 8 oz of your selection into a cup.
Measures of Variability
Soda Dispensed (ounces) The table shows the data for two
Machine 1 Machine 2 machines. The mean data value for each
9.52 8.01 machine is 8 oz. However, look at the
variation in the data values for machine 1.
6.41 7.99
the quantity of soda dispensed is very
10.07 7.95 inconsistent – in some cases the soda
5.85 8.03 overflows the cup, and in the other cases
8.15 8.02 too little soda is dispensed. The machine
obviously needs adjustment.
Machine 2, on the other hand, is working
just fine. The quantity dispensed is very
consistent, with little variation
Measures of Variability
The example shows that average values do not
reflect the spread or dispersion of data.
To measure the spread or dispersion of data, we have
Measures of variability
1. Range
2. Mean Absolute deviation
3. Variance
4. Standard deviation
Range of Ungrouped Data
- Difference between the highest and lowest data
- Counterpart of mode
- Quick reference but most unstable
- Can be measured using the formula below
-R = H - L
Range of Ungrouped Data
Example 1:
Find the range of the scores of 10 students in Mathematics
35, 33, 45, 55, 62, 34, 54, 36, 47, 40
Hs = 62
Ls = 33
= 62 – 33
R = 29
Therefore, the range is 12
Range of Ungrouped Data
Example 2:
Find the range of the following group of numbers: 10, 12, 5,
16, 7, 13, 4
Highest value = 16
Lowest value = 4
= 16-4
R = 12
Therefore, the range is 12
Mathematics Science
35 35
33 40
45 25 Based from the computation
55 47 value of the range, the scores in
62 55 Science has greater variability.
34 35 Meaning, scores in Science are
54 45 more scattered than in the
36 57
scores in Mathematics
47 39
40 52
R = 29 R = 32
Your turn
1. Calculate the range of the test scores of students in
Educational statistics
27, 23, 18, 40, 38, 31, 43, 18, 23
2. Calculate the range of the test scores of students in
Educational Psychology
31, 27, 21, 38, 40, 27, 18, 22
3. Find the range of the scores of students in MAPEH
34, 36, 45, 65, 34, 45, 55, 61, 34, 46
Mean Absolute Deviation of Ungrouped Data (MAD)
- Is the average distance between each observation and the mean.
- It gives us an idea about the variability in a dataset
Steps in calculating the MAD
1. Calculate the mean
2. Calculate how far away each value/observation is from the
mean using positive distances. These are called absolute
3. Add those deviations together
4. Divide the sum by the number of values/observation
Mean Absolute Deviation of Ungrouped Data (MAD)
Mean Absolute Deviation of Ungrouped Data (MAD)
Mean Absolute Deviation of Ungrouped Data (MAD)
x x
34 40.17 -6.17 6.17
35 40.17 -5.17 5.17
45 40.17 4.83 4.83
46 40.17 5.83 5.83
49 40.17 8.83 8.83
32 40.17 -8.17 8.17
Variance of Ungrouped Data
Variance of Ungrouped Data
Variance of Ungrouped Data
A group of mountaineers went on hiking to Mt.
Pulag, Philippines to study the different species of
plants existing in that area. The ages of the
mountaineers are 34, 35, 45, 46, 49, and 32. What
is the variance of their ages?
Variance of Ungrouped Data
x x
34 40.17 -6.17 6.17 38.07
35 40.17 -5.17 5.17 26.73
45 40.17 4.83 4.83 23.33
46 40.17 5.83 5.83 33.99
49 40.17 8.83 8.83 77.97
32 40.17 -8.17 8.17 66.75
Variance of Ungrouped Data
Standard deviation of Ungrouped data
- Most important and useful measure of variation
- Counterpart of mean
- Square root of the variance
- An average of the degree to which each set of raw data in the
distribution deviates from the mean value.
- A large standard deviation indicates that the data points are far
from the mean (heterogeneous) and a small standard deviation
indicates that they are closely around the mean (homogeneous)
Standard deviation of ungrouped data
Standard deviation of ungrouped data

A group of mountaineers went on hiking to Mt.
Pulag, Philippines to study the different species of
plants existing in that area. The ages of the
mountaineers are 34, 35, 45, 46, 49, and 32. What
is the standard deviation of their ages? Is the data
homogeneous? or heterogeneous?
Standard deviation of ungrouped data
Your turn
Calculate the range, mean absolute deviation and
standard deviation of the following
1. 45, 34, 60, 45, 23, 20, 46
2. 10, 18, 15, 13, 18, 20
3. 25, 30, 35, 40, 20

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