Lecture-2 Details

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 Business Cycle/ Trade Cycle in Macroeconomics
A businesscycle is the periodic growth and decline of a nation's
economy, measured mainly by its GDP
Governments try to manage business cycles by spending,
raising or lowering taxes, and adjusting interest rates
Business cycles can affect individuals in a number of ways,
from job-hunting to investing
Businesscycles are universal to all nations that have capitalistic
 Business Cycle/ Trade Cycle in Macroeconomics
Understanding the different phases of a business cycle can help
Individuals make lifestyle decisions
Investors make financial decisions
Governments make appropriate policy decisions
Allbusiness cycles are marked by a sustained period of
economic growth, followed by a sustained period of economic
Stages of Business Cycle
 Expansion:
Expansion, considered the "normal" — or at least, the most
desirable — state of the economy, is an up period
During an expansion
Businesses and companies are steadily growing their production
and profits
Unemployment remains low
The stock market is performing well
Consumers are buying and investing
Demand increases for goods and services and prices begin to rise
Stages of Business Cycle
 Expansion markers:
GDP growth rate is in the 2% to 3% range
Inflation is at the 2% target
Unemployment is between 3.5% and 4.5%
The stock market is a bull market
The economy is considered to be in a healthy period of
Stages of Business Cycle
 Peak:
Once these numbers start to increase outside of their
traditional bands, the economy is considered to be growing out
of control
Companies may be expanding recklessly
Investors are
They buy up assets and significantly increasing their prices
Assets are not supported by their underlying value
Everything is starting to cost too much
Stages of Business Cycle
 Peak:
The peak marks the climax of all this feverish activity
It occurs when the expansion has reached its end
It indicates that production and prices have reached their limit
Thisis the turning point: With no room for growth left, there's
nowhere to go but down
A contraction is forthcoming
Stages of Business Cycle
 Contraction:
 A contraction spans the length of time from the peak to the trough
 It's the period when economic activity is on the way down
 During a contraction, unemployment numbers typically spike, stocks
enter a bear market
 GDP growth is below 2%, indicating that businesses have cut back their
 When the GDP has declined for two consecutive quarters, the economy
is often considered to be in a recession
Stages of Business Cycle
 Trough:
As the peak is the cycle's high point, the trough is its low point
It occurs when the recession , or contraction phase, bottoms
out and starts to rebound into an expansion phase
The business cycle starts all over again
The rebound is not always quick, nor is it a straight line,
along the way towards full economic recovery
 Trade Deficit
Occurs when a country's imports exceed its exports during a
given time period
It is also referred to as a negative balance of trade (BOT)
 The Balance of Payments (BOP)
Also known as the balance of international payments, is a
statement of all transactions made between entities in one
country and the rest of the world over a defined period, such
as a quarter or a year
Balance of Payment= Current Account + Capital Account
 Current account
 Records a nation's transactions with the rest of the world—over a
defined period, such as a year or a quarter it includes
Its net trade in goods and services
Its net earnings on cross-border investments
Its net transfer payments
 Capital account
 Records the net change of assets and liabilities during a particular year
 The components of the capital account include foreign investment and
loans, banking, and other forms of capital, as well as monetary
movements or changes in the foreign exchange reserve
 A Transfer of payment
 Isa payment of money, usually from the government, for which there are no
goods or services exchanged
 Examples of transfer payments include welfare, financial aid, social security,
and government subsidies for certain businesses
 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
 Is a measurement that seeks to capture a country's economic output
 Countries with larger GDPs will have a greater amount of goods and services
generated within them, and will generally have a higher standard of living
 GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports

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