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Nature and significance of

-Asifa Begum
• Planning-The Organising
first function of
-The different
departments are
set for a well
Functions of defined function.
Controlling-It is management
checking if all the
work is been
done in a well Directing- Staffing
defined manner. It is supervising, -It is based on
monitoring the the skill of the
work. individual.
Functions of management
• Planning
• It is the process of thinking before doing . It is required to achieve the
• It shows what, how , when , where and by whom things will be done.
• It consists of the following steps.
Fore casting the work in the internal and external environment.
Establishment of plan
Development of plan
Evaluating the alternative course of action
Making choice from the alternatives
Making arrangement for effective implementation of plans.
• It is the process of bringing together both Human
(people)and non human resources( machine, money,
• It helps in defining and establishing the authority and
responsibility to achieve the organisation goal.
Organising consists of certain steps….
Identification of activities
Grouping of activities
Assignment of activities
Delegation of authority
Integration of group activities.
• Staffing is an activity by which the prospectives are
attracted , acquired, activated, developed and
maintaining of human resource for achieving
organisational objectives.
Some of the staffing activities include…

Human resource planning

Placement and orientation
Performance appraisal
Promotion or transfer
• It is the process of Instructing, guiding ,supervising,
motivating ,and leading the subordinates.
• Directing comprises of the following….
Issuing orders and instructions
• It is measuring and verifying whether actual
performance is in conformity with the planned
performance and taking corrective action if necessary.
Elements of co-ordination….
The greater interdependence between departments , the more
coordination the organisation requires.
The key elements of coordination are given below.
Integration- it refers to the unification of diverse activities.
Balancing-supplementing activities, efforts and jobs
Timing-it is essential for smooth flow of organisation.
Nature of coordination
Continuous process
Group efforts
Unity of effort
Coordination is an all –pervasive function
Co-ordination is the responsibility of all managers
Co-ordination is a deliberate function.
Importance of co-ordination
• Size of the organisation
• Functional differentiation
• Specialisation.

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