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const Member Function

2. Static Object
3. Copy constructor
‘const’ member function
int main(){
const int i = 10;
const int j = i + 10; // works fine
i++; // this leads to Compile time error
Const class variable
class Test{
const int i;
Test(int x):i(x) {} //initialized using constructor
void show(){cout<<"i="<<i<<endl;}
int main(){Test t(190);; }
Const function
• The idea of const functions is not to allow
them to modify the object on which they are
• It is recommended to make as many functions
const as possible so that accidental changes to
objects are avoided.
Const class member function
class A{
public: int x;
void func() const{
x = 0; // [Error] can’t modify object
int main(){}
void Date::setMonth( int mn )
// constant_member_function {
#include<iostream> month = mn; // Modifies data member
using namespace std; }
class Date int main()
{ {
public: Date MyDate( 7, 4, 1998 );
Date( int mn, int dy, int yr ) const Date BirthDate( 1, 18, 1953 );
{ MyDate.setMonth(4); // Okay
month = mn; cout<<MyDate.getMonth();
day = dy; cout<<BirthDate.getMonth(); // Okay
year = yr; //BirthDate.setMonth( 4 ); // C2662 Error
} }
int getMonth() const; // A read-only function
void setMonth( int mn ); // A write function; can't be const
int month,day,year;

int Date::getMonth() const

return month; // Doesn't modify anything
Static Object
What is the output?
class Test {
public: Test() {cout << "In constructor"<<endl; }
~Test() { cout << "In destructor"<<endl; }
void myfunc() { Test obj; }
int main() {
cout << "Start main()"<<endl; myfunc();
cout << "End main()"<<endl;
Start main()
In constructor
In destructor
End main()
Now using static object
class Test {
public: Test() {cout << "In constructor"<<endl; }
~Test() { cout << "In destructor"<<endl; }
void myfunc() { static Test obj; }
int main() {
cout << "Start main()"<<endl; myfunc();
cout << "End main()"<<endl;
Answer: Static objects never die easily

Start main()
In constructor
End main()
In destructor
Parameterized constructor

• Constructor that take arguments are called parameterized

• We must pass the initial values as arguments to the
constructor function when an object is declared , in two ways
1. Calling the constructor Explicitly
2. Calling the Constructor Implicitly
Example of Parameterized Constructor
class example When a constructor is parameterized, we
{ must pass the initial values as arguments to
private: the constructor function when an object is
int a; declared.
example(int); //Parameterized Constructor Two ways Calling:
void display( ); • 1. Explicit
}; • example e1 = example(5);
example :: example(int x)
• 2. Implicit
• example e1(5);
} • //Shorthand method method
void example :: display()
Example of Parameterized Constructor

#include<iostream> main()
using namespace std; {
class integer integer n1(10,20);
{ integer n2= integer(20,30);
int m,n; n1.display();
public: n2.display();
integer(int , int); }
{ 1. Explicit
cout<<m<<n; integer n2 = example(20,30);
} 2. Implicit
}; integer n1(10,20);
integer :: integer(int x, int y) //Shorthand method
m=x; n=y;
Copy Constructor

 A copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object

from another object.

 For example, the statement:

example e2(e1);
will define the object e2 and at the same time initialize it to
the value of e1.

 The process of initializing through a copy constructor is

known as copy initialization.
Example of Copy Constructor
#include<iostream> void example::display()
using namespace std; {
class example cout<<a;
{ }
int main()
int a;
public: example e1(5);
example(int); //Parameterized Constructor example e2(e1); //or, example e2=e1;
example(example &); //Copy Constructor e2.display();
void display(); return 0;
}; }
example::example(int x)
{ 5
example::example(example &p)
{ We cannot pass the argument by value to a
a=p.a; copy constructor.

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