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Noting and Drafting

Learning throught Quiz

Noting Q.1
1. Which of the followings are part of noting?
a. analysis of the question,
b. evaluations on objective grounds of aspects involved in qstn
c. value judgements on aspects involved in the question
d. suggestions regarding the course of action
e. final orders passed thereon
f. a, b,d and e
g. a,c,d and e
Noting Q.2
2. A note referred to as a ‘Minute’ is a note recorded by-

a. a minister,
b. the prime minister,
c. the vice-president
d. the president
e. the governor of states
f. a, b,c and d
g. a, b, d and e
Noting Q.3
3. Noting has official status means-
a. it has precedence value,
b. competent authority can be made responsible for the decision
taken on noting,
c. the decision taken on note is applicable within the department
d. a,b and c
e. a and b
Noting Q.
• why should notes be concise and to the point-

a. for easy understanding

b. for objectivity in analysis and evaluation
c. for eliminating bias
d. for saving time
e. a,b and c
f. A, b and d
Noting Q.
• Notes and orders should …………. be recorded on note sheets

a. normally
b. always
Noting Q.
• if the …………….. or any higher officer has made any remark on the
receipt, it should be reproduced in the verbatim with his/her name,
designation and date and then the note should follow.

a. Branch Officer
b. Section officer
c. Director
d. Head of the Office
Noting Q.
• Verbatim reproduction of extracts from, or paraphrasing of the P.U.C
or of notes of other Ministries recorded on the same file –

a. should be avoided
b. makes the note factually reliable
Noting Q.
• Misstatements or opinion based on false grounds-

a. may be criticised in courteous and non-personal manner

b. may be criticised strongly
c. may not be criticised, only alternative opinion may
be produced
Noting Q.
• Technically speaking, different paragraphs, serially produced on the
same subject, are –

a. different parts of a single note

b. different associated notes which should have different
serial numbers
Noting Q.
• If the line of action suggested in the preceding note is corrects, the
officer should-

a. merely append signature

b. should repeat, reiterate or paraphrase the analysis/ line
of action produced in preceding note in order to put has/her
weight and provide more autheticity
Noting Q.
• In order to correct or modify the facts given in earlier notes, the
higher officers should -
a. record their own notes giving his/her views on the subject
b. should order for the replacement or modification of the notes
which have already been recorded on a file
Noting Q.
• Where a final decision already communicated to a party is found later
on to have been given on a mistaken ground-

a. replacement or modification of the note carrying mistake

may be removed or modified
b. review of the decision should be undertaken through a fresh
series of deliberations through new notings
Noting Q.
• Where a final decision already communicated to a party is found later
on to have been given on a mistaken ground, review of the decision
should be undertaken. If so required, Ministry of Law may also be
consulted. In that case-

a. review of decision and consultation with M/o Law my be

done by the officer who took the original decision
b. An officer one level above is competent for such review and
Noting Q.
• A sectional note-

a. an independent note on one aspect of the PUC

b. an independent note on all aspects of the PUC
Noting Q.
• Routine notes …………… recorded outside the files

a. are generally
b. can not be
Noting Q.
• Wherever a running summary of facts is available on the file, it should
be referred to …………. repeating the related part of the facts in the

a. with
b. without
Noting Q.
1.Ephemeral cases a. No- noting cases that is kept in
2. Routine & Repetitive cases file ‘O’ bundle
3. Action in Correspondence cases b. detailed, even then concise and
to the point
4. Problem Solving cases
c. Critical analysis and holistic
5. Planning and Policy cases course of action
d. ‘a standard process sheet
e. a brief note indicating the issue
under consideration and the
suggested action.
Noting Q.
• Functional approach of noting means-

a. size of noting will depend on type of case,

b. style of noting is an independent factor
Noting Q.
• Arrange the papers in a case in serial order-
a. Reference books;
b. Notes proton of the current file ending with the note for consideration;
c. Running summary of facts;
d. Draft for approval, if there is one;
• Correspondence portion of the current file ending with the latest receipt or issue, as the case may be
• Appendix to notes and correspondence;
• Standing guard file, standing notes or reference folder, if any;
• Other papers, if any, referred to e.g. extract of notes or correspondence from other files, copies of
orders, resolutions, gazettes, arranged in chronological orders, resolutions, gazettes, arranged in
chronological, the latest being placed on the top;
• Recorded files, if any, arranged in chronological order, the latest being placed on the top;
• Routine notes and papers arranged in chorological order and placed in a separate cover.
Noting Q.
• Referencing is the process of identifying WHAT-

a. a document
b. a decision
c. facts
d. all these
Noting Q.
• Reference may be looked into-

a. the note
b. the draft
c. office copy of communication issued
d. all these
Noting Q.
• Fill in the blanks-
Every page in each part of the file (viz, notes, correspondence,
appendix to notes, and appendix to correspondence) will be
consecutively numbered in ……. series, in ………… (separate,
consecutive) (pencil, pen)
 Each item of correspondence in a file whether receipt or issue, will
be assigned a serial number which will be displayed prominently in
……….. ink on the top middle portion of its first page. (red, blue)
Noting Q
The paper under consideration on a file will be flagged …. (PUC, FR)

 The latest fresh receipt noted upon will be flagged as ….( ‘F.R’, LFR)

In referring to the papers flagged ‘PUC’ or ‘FR’ the relevant page
numbers ….. be quoted invariably in the margin. (will, will not)
Noting Q.
Recorded files and other papers put up with the current file will be
flagged with …….. slips for quick identification. ( alphabetical, number)
In case of the recorded file or order/notification/resolution/act/rule,
the file number/number and date of official communication will be
quoted in the…. of the note and the relevant page numbers, together
with the alphabetical slip attached thereto, will be indicated in the
…... (body, margin) ( margin, body)
Noting Q
• Rules or other compilations referred to in a case …….. put up if copies
thereof are expected to be available with the officer to whom the
case is being submitted. (need not be, should be)
• The reference slips will be pinned neatly on the of the papers to be
flagged. (inside, outside)
Drafting Q
• In most cases, draft will be put up simultaneously along with the
notes (True/False)
• The higher officer ……….revise the draft. (may, may not)
• An officer not satisfied will make a draft himself and submit it to the
appropriate higher officer for approval (True, False)
• The officer approving the issue of a draft will append his initials with
the date on the draft. (True, False)
• (True, False)
Drafting Q
• Communications of some length or complexity should generally
conclude with a summary (True, False)
• the subject should be mentioned (True, False)
• The number and date of the last communication on the subject,
should always be referred to (True, False)
• should bear the file number (True, False)
Drafting Q
• When two or more communications are to issue from the same file to
the same addressee on the same date, a separate serial number may
be inserted before the numeral identifying the year to avoid confusion
in reference, e.g., A-11011/5(I)/2001-Est., A-11011/5(II)/2001-Est.
(True, False)
Drafting Q
• A draft should clearly specify the enclosures which are to accompany
the fair copy (True, False)
• instructions as to whether it should be sent through registered post or
speed post or in an insured cover, will be given on the draft by the
section officer concerned (True, False)
Drafting Q
• The name, designation, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail
address of the officer should invariably be indicated on the draft.
(True, False)
• A slip bearing the words `Draft for approval' should be attached to the
draft (True, False)
• Drafts which are to issue as `Immediate' or `Priority' will be so marked
(True, False)
• The following four forms of communication has specific target groups.

1. ………………
2. ………………
3. ………………
4. ………………

Forms of communication Features

• 1. Letter a. used in calling for or conveying information but
not for conveying any order of the Government
• 2. Demi-official letter b. internal decision of day-to-day administration
• 3. Office memorandum c. To obtain the advice, views, concurrence or
comments on a proposal or to seek clarification
• 4. Inter-departmental note of rules, instructions etc.
d. written in the first person
• 5. Office order e. financial sanctions and orders in disciplinary
• 6. Order
f. carries more of formality than any personal

Forms of communication Features

1. Notification • a. produced verbatim
2. Resolution • b. can be edited for making use
3. Press communiqué • c. the promulgation of statutory
rules and orders, appointments
4. Press Note and promotions of Gazetted
Officers etc. in the Gazette of India
• d. public announcement published
in the Gazette of India

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