Group2 Assignment1

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Assignment 1

Group 2

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Subhas C. Misra Prakhar Dikshit
PhD(Carleton U, Canada) Pranab Roy
PDF(Harvard University, USA) Puja Kumari Sinha
FIET(U.K), C.ENG(India),
FIEI(India), FRSPH(U.K), Reuben Joseph
FBCS(U.K), FRSA(U.K) Vijay Balaji
• Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a
method used to examine the tasked that are in a schedule
and determine a variation of the Critical Path Method
• It analyzes the time required to complete each task and its
associated dependencies to determine the minimum time
to complete a project. It estimates the shortest possible
time each activity will take, the most likely length of time,
and the longest time that might be taken if the activity
takes longer than expected
• To conduct PERT Analysis, three time estimates are
obtained (optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely) for every
activity along the Critical Path
• Formula: (P+4M+O)/6
• Optimistic Time (O): the minimum possible time required
to accomplish a task, assuming everything proceeds better
than is normally expected
• Pessimistic Time (P): the maximum possible time required
to accomplish a task, assuming everything goes wrong
(excluding major catastrophes)
• Most likely Time (M): the best estimate of the time
required to accomplish a task, assuming everything
proceeds as normal
Example of Three Time Estimate and Critical Path Nodal Diagram
Estimating Time of Completion
Tij = Duration
i j
Tail Event Head Event
SLACK: It is the amount of allowable deviation between when an activity must take place at the latest and when it can
take place at the earliest
LF = LS + Duration (Tij)
Total Slack: The amount of time by which an activity can be delayed without delaying the project schedule. It is the
difference between earliest and latest start time, or earliest and latest finish time

Total Slack = LF – EF
Total Slack = LS – LF

Free Slack: It is that part of Total Slack which can be used without effecting the Slack of succeeding activity, i.e, time
an activity can be delayed without delaying the start of any successor activity.
Case 6.1
Network Diagram for Large
Construction Project
The table below lists activities for constructing a bridge over an operational
railway line, similar to the bridge described in Case 10.3. 

Activity description Activity Number Duration Predecessors


 Detailed site investigation and survey    A 2 -

 Detailed planning  B 6 A
 Detailed design  C 6 B
Preparation of site  D 4 C
Relocate services E 3 C 
Re-align overhead track electrification  F 4 C ,E

Access road and ramp construction  G 1 D

Activity Description Activity Duration predecessors
Number (Months)
Piling  H 2 G
Construct foundations and abutments J 3 H
 Construct temporary supports to support bridge deck during K 2 F,G
Fabrication planning of structural steel components  L 2 C
Manufacture structural steel components (off-site)  M 2 L
Transport structural steel components and erect on-site  N 1 M
 Erect pylons and fill with concrete  P 2 J
Construct main span deck on pre-cast concrete beams  Q 3 H ,K ,N ,P
 Install stay-cables and lift the bridge deck off temporary supports R 3 Q
Remove temporary supports  S 1 R
Electrical system installation T 1 S
Roadway surfacing (paving) U 2 S 
Finishing and ancillaries V 2 T, U
Activity Description Activity Duration (Months) Predecessors

Commissioning – cut-over   W 1 V
Formal hand-over & ceremony  X 1 W
Project sign-off Y 1 X
Administrative closure  Z 1 W
Project End AA 0 Y ,Z 

1. Construct a network diagram for the project.

2. Do forward and backward pass calculations to indicate early and late start and finish times. 
3. Indicate the critical path.
4. Indicate the total and free slack of each activity.
5. The following resources are required to perform the activities. Allocate the resources to the
activities and indicate the workload on the resources. If needed, adjust the schedule.
Network Diagram
3 4 X = Activity code 
K T D = duration in Months
2 1

2 6 6 4 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 2  1 1 1

L M N 1
2 2 1 2
Network Diagram(Solved)
18,18 19,19
G=1 34,35
H=2 11 J=3 12
5 8
D=4 T=1
0,0 2,2 8,8 14,14 17,20 29,29 32,32

A=2 B=6 C=6 E=3 F=4 K=2 Q=3 R=3 S=1

1 2 3 4 6 9 13 14 15 16 33,33

21,24 26,26
L=2 U=2

M=2 10 35,35 18

16,23 18,25
Z=1 38,38

40,40 24 20
W=1 19

AA=0 X=1
Critical Path: A-B-C-D-G-H-J-P-Q-R-S-U-V-W-X-Y-AA 37,37

23 Y=1 21

40,40 39,39
Activity Duration (Months) EST EFT LST LFT Total Slack Free Slack
E 3 14 17 14 20 3 0
F 4 17 21 20 24 3 0
K 2 21 26 24 26 3 3
L 2 14 16 14 23 7 0
M 2 16 18 23 24 7 0
N 1 18 26 25 26 7 7
T 1 33 34 33 35 1 0
Z 1 38 39 38 40 1 0

The activities A,B,C,D,G,H,J,P,Q,R,S,U,V,W,X,Y,AA are CRITICAL ACTIVITIES. So they have

Zero Total Slack and Zero Free Slack.
Case 7.1
Bridgecon Contractors
Activities for Constructing the Cable-Stayed
Activity Description Activity Initial Duration Predecessors Initial Cost
Estimate Estimate
Detailed Site Investigation and Survey A 2 - 17
Detailed planning B 6 A 16
Detailed design C 6 B 557
Preparation of site D 4 C 47
Relocate services E 3 C 28
Re-align overhead track electrification F 4 C,E 650
Access road and ramp construction G 1 D 63
Piling H 2 G 820
Construct foundations and abutments J 3 H 975
Construct temporary supports to support K 2 F,G 720
Fabrication planning of structural steel L 2 C 13
Manufacture structural steel component M 2 L 1320
Activity Description Activity Initial Duration Predecessors Initial Cost
Estimate Estimate
Transport structural steel component and N 1 M 433
erect on-site
Erect pylons and fill with concrete P 2 J 840
Construct main span deck on pre-cast Q 3 H,K,N,P 2800
concrete beams
Cable stay installation and lift the bridge deck R 3 Q 875
off temporary support
Removal of temporary support S 1 R 54
Electrical system installation T 1 S 147
Roadway surfacing U 2 S 142
Finishing and ancillaries V 2 T,U 76
Commissioning – cut-over W 1 V 14
Formal hand-over and ceremony X 1 W 9
Project Sign-off Y 1 X 1
Administrative Closure Z 1 W 4
Project End (Milestone) AA 0 Y,Z 10621
Network Diagram of Bridgecon Contractors
21,21 24,24
18,18 19,19
G=1 H=2 J=3
5 8 11 12
D=4 P=2
14,14 29,29 32,32
0,0 2,2 8,8 17,20

A=2 B=6 F=4 K=2 Q=3 S=1

1 2 3 C=6
4 E=3
6 9 13 14 R=3 15 16 33,33

21,24 26,26 U=2

L=2 N=1

7 10
39,40 35,35 18

16,23 18,25
AA=0 V=2
Z=1 38,38

40,40 24 20
W=1 19

AA=0 X=1 37,37

Critical Path: A-B-C-D-G-H-J-P-Q-R-S-U-V-W-X-Y-AA
23 Y=1 21

40,40 39,39
Duration** Cost* Duration** Cost * Cost Slope
(Original) (Original) (After Crashing) (After Crashing) ( ∆C/∆T )
N 1 433 1/2 466 66
H 2 820 1 960 140
D 4 47 3 147 100
D 4 47 1 297 83.33
F 4 650 3 730 80
Q 3 2,800 2 2,929 129

Crashing Duration: It is the minimum activity duration to which an activity can be compressed by increasing
the resources and hence by increasing the cost

Cost Slope: It is the additional cost incurred for crashing an activity by 1 unit


** Duration is in Weeks
* Costs are in $1000s
Network Diagram (After Crashing)
18,18 21,21
15,15 16,16
G=1 H=2 J=3
5 8 11 12

D=1 P=2
0,0 2,2 8,8 14,14 17,17 26,26 29,29

A=2 B=6 F=4 K=2 Q=3 S=1

1 2 3 C=6
4 E=3
6 9 13 14 R=3 15 16 30,30

21,21 23,23 U=2

L=2 N=1

7 10
36,37 32,32 18

16,21 18,22
AA=0 V=2

37,37 24 20
W=1 19

AA=0 X=1 34,34

Critical Path: A-B-C-D-G-H-J-P-Q-R-S-U-V-W-X-Y-AA
And 23 Y=1 21

A-B-C-E-F-K-Q-R-S-U-V-W-X-Y-AA 37,37 36,36

• Starting from activity D until the completion of activity S,
operation of one of the railway lines under the bridge will be
impaired and the impairment will last 17 weeks
• The cost slope of activity D is minimum among critical
• After crashing activity D by 3 weeks. The duration between
activities D and S will be 16 weeks.
• Project duration reduced to 37 weeks with an additional cost of
Thank You
Group 2
Prakhar Dikshit
Pranab Roy
Puja Kumari Sinha
Reuben Joseph
Vijay Balaji

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