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Introductory to Plant

11th Pest Control

Dr. Ir. Mofit Eko Poerwanto, MP.


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Pest control
Actions to overcome pest attacks or
disturbances to plants so that the damage
caused does not reach a detrimental level

economic, ecological, social

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1. Agricultural/Agronomic/Culture
Managing the plant environment to make it less
suitable for the life and breeding of pests so as to
reduce the rate of increase in pest populations
and plant damage. In addition, it also encourages
the effective functioning of natural enemies as

crop rotation
trap crop planting

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2. Control with Pest Resistant
a. Genetic Resistance
1) Dislike/non preference
The nature of the plant that causes an insect to avoid
or dislike plants as food or a place to lay eggs
2) Antibiosis
All physiological effects on insects that are temporary
or permanent as a result of insects eating/digesting
certain plant tissues or fluids

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3) Tolerant
Certain plants are able to heal wounds suffered or
grow faster so that pest attacks have less effect
on yields when compared to other plants that are
more sensitive

b. Ecological Resilience
1) Host evasion: Inappropriate plant and pest
2) Push resistance: fertilization
3) Host escapes attack: random factor

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3. Physical Control
Regulate physical environmental factors so that
they can cause death and reduce the
development of pest populations.

a. Temperature: heating, cooling, burning

b. Humidity
c. Light
d. Sound wave
e. Barrier/barrier

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4. Mechanical Control
Killing / moving pests directly, either by
hand or with the help of other tools.

a. egg and larvae picking
b. “gropyokan”
c. set a trap
d. expulsion

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5. Biological Control
Utilization of natural enemies (parasitoids, predators,
entomopathogens) of pests to suppress the development
of pest populations.

PARASITOID: insects that parasitize other arthropods.

Parasitic phase: immature. Free-living adult insects eat
nectar and pollen.

PREDATOR: animals that eat / prey on other animals to

meet their needs memenuhi

ENTOMOPATHOGEN: microorganisms that cause

disease/death in insects.

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PARASITOID: Trichogramma sp. Host: Egg of lepidoptera

Reptile: snake rat
Mammal: cat rat
Aves: Tyto alba (B.hantu) rat
Mollusca: Euglandia sp. Achatina fullica
Arachnid: Lycosa sp. Wereng coklat
Insect: Paederus fuscipes Wereng coklat

Bacteria: Bacillus thuringiensis Larvae of lepidoptera
Fungi: Metarrhizium anisopliae Oryctes rhinoceros
Virus: Ha NPV Helicoverpa armigera
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Biological control teqnique
 Introductions/Imports
Transfer of natural enemies from one area to
another for pest control

 Augmentation
Increase the number of natural enemies in nature
to increase their potency

 Conservation
Preserving natural enemies in nature by managing
habitat/agroecosystems to support the
development of natural enemies

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6. Chemical Control
use of pesticides to suppress pest populations so
as not to cause economic damage to crops

Pesticide Requirements

1. Effective
2. Safe for humans, livestock, and other
environmental components
3. Economical and efficient

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Classification of Pesticides

a. According to the way it enters the body

1. Contact poison: poison enters through the cuticle
2. Stomach poison: poison enters through the
digestive tract
3. Respiratory poison: poison enters through the
respiratory tract


1. Systemic toxins: toxins are translocated to all
parts of the plant
2. Contact poison: poison is only found on the
surface of plant parts
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b. According to how it works in the body
1. Physical poison
2. Protoplasmic poison
3. Respiratory poison
4. Nerve poison
5. General poison

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7. Control by Regulation
Preventing the entry, development and
spread of a pest

a. Foreign quarantine between countries

b. Domestic quarantine between regions
within one country
c. Certification pest-free information

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8. Integrated Pest management
It is an attempt to optimize the results of
pest control ecologically and economically
by combining all control tactics and
methods in a compatible manner so that
crop damage remains below the economic

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Target of IPM
a. Maintain pest population & crop damage below
the economic damage level
b. Provide opportunities and encourage the
functioning of control processes that run naturally
in agroecosystems
c. Achievement of steady productivity targets and
increased farmer welfare
d. use of pesticides to a minimum so as to reduce
negative impacts on the environment & public

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Basic Principles of IPM Concept
a. Understanding the dynamic nature of
agricultural ecosystems
b. Cost-benefit analysis of pest control
c. Plant tolerance to damage
d. Maintain a small pest population on plants
e. Healthy cultivated plants
f. Field monitoring

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 Control is carried out to overcome pest
attacks or disturbances to plants so that
the damage caused does not reach a
detrimental level
 Pest control can be done physically,
mechanically, technical culture, chemical
biology, planting pest-resistant varieties,
using regulations and integrated pest
control (IPM).

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