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ME 559

Unit 5

Jan 2014
Although centrifugal compressors are slightly less efficient than axial-flow
compressors, they are easier to manufacture and are thus sometimes preferred.
 For example, the vanes are typically radial and flat, except at the inlet, and can be
machined with relative ease.
Thus, the centrifugal machine finds application in ground-vehicle power plants,
auxiliary power units, and other small units.
The parts of a centrifugal compressor are the same as those of a pump, namely, the
impeller, the diffuser, and the volute.
The basic equations devel­oped in Chapter 4 apply to compressors with the difference
that density does increase, and we must consider the thermodynamic equation of state of
a perfect gas in the detailed calculations.
The main difference in carrying out a compressor analysis, as opposed to a pump
analysis, is the appearance of an enthalpy term in place of the flow-work or pressure-
head term
 It is convenient to use both total and static en­thalpy, denoted by h0 (= h+V2/2) and h,
Total values To1, Po1, etc., are used if the fluid is not drawn from a reservoir but
is delivered, from a previous process, any Kinetic Energy will be available to
the compressor.
If the fluid is drawn from a reservoir, total values, To1, Po1, etc., may be taken
as the ambient reservoir values P1, T1, etc.
Thus, energy transfer E is given by E=h02-h01 (5.1)
and also by E= U2Vu2 (5.2)
Equations like (5.1) and (5.2) used in the same analysis require care in
handling units, since the enthalpy difference in (5.1) may carry units such as
kJ/kg, whereas (5.2) would carry units of velocity squared.
Suitable conversion factors do not appear in the equations but must be applied
in computations with them.
Since thermodynamic calculations are involved in compressor analysis and
design, the h-s diagram, such as that shown in Figure 5.1, becomes useful.
The state at the impeller inlet is indicated by point 1, and that at the impeller
outlet by point 2.
The diffuser process is indicated between points 2 and 3.
The corresponding stagnation properties 01, 02, and 03 are also indicated in
Figure 5.1, since kinetic energies are usually considerable.
The expression for compressor efficiency appears to be somewhat different
from that for pump efficiency, but, in reality, the principle of the defini­tion
is the same.
Both definitions employ the ratio of the useful increase of fluid energy
divided by the actual energy input to the fluid.
For the compres­sion of a gas, the useful energy input is the work of an
ideal, or isentropic, compression to the actual final pressure P 3.
This is calculated from, (5.3)
 which evaluates the work of the
isentropic process from state 01 to
state i in Figure 5.1 .
 The compressor efficiency can be
reduced to (5.4)
which is the ratio of Ei to E.

The compressor efficiency, an experimentally determined
quantity, is useful in predicting pressure ratios in new designs.
Using (5.2), (5.3) and (5.4) we can obtain the overall pressure
The velocity component Vu2 is determined to be μsU2 for radial
vanes (β2= 90°), as shown in Figure 5.2.
Thus, the pressure ratio for a compressor stage is expressed
very simply as a function of tip speed U2, inlet temperature To1,
slip factor μs, and-compressor efficiency ηc.
Single stages can produce pres­sure ratios as high as 6, which is
sufficient to operate an efficient gas turbine cycle, for example.

Impeller Design
The impeller is usually designed with a number of unshrouded blades, given by the Pfleiderer
equation (4.25), to receive the axially directed fluid (V1 = Vml) and deliver the fluid with an
almost radial relative velocity (β2 ≈ 90°).
Although the vanes can be flat and radial over most of their extent, they are generally bent to
conform to the direction of the relative velocity W1 at the inlet.
The angle β1 varies over the leading edge, since V1 remains constant while U1 (and r) varies.
At the largest radius of the impeller, the relative ve­locity W1 and the corresponding relative
Mach number Mrl are highest.
It is easily shown for a fixed set of inlet operating conditions, i.e., N, ṁ, P o1 , and To1, that
the relative Mach number has its minimum where β1 is approximately 32° (see Shepherd,

Figure 5.2 Velocity diagram at Figure 5.3 Velocity diagram at

impeller exit impeller inlet
Referring to Figure 5.3, it is seen that a choice of relative Mach number at the
tip of the inlet vane allows the inlet design to proceed in the following manner.
The acoustic speed a1 (=√(γRTo1) is calculated from the inlet temperature.
Next, W1 at the tip is calculated from
W1t = Mr1 a1 (5.6)
Then V1 and U1 are calculated from V1 = W1sin32o (5.7)
and U1t =W1cos32o (5.8)
It is then possible to determine tip radius, since R1t = U1t/N (5.9)
The hub radius can also be calculated from the mass flow rate m’; thus
and (5.10)
Referring to Figure 5.3, the fluid angle at the hub is calculated from
The radius r2 at the impeller tip can be determined from (5.5) using a value of
Vu2 (μsU2 for radial vanes) determined from the exit-velocity diagram.
The slip factor μs is determined as for centrifugal pumps, and the ratio of Vm2 to
U2 is chosen to lie in the optimal range of 0.23 to 0.35 (see Ferguson,
 The value of P03 is, of course, specified in advance.
The calculation of U2, and hence r2, requires the selection of a value for
compressor efficiency ηc.
This choice is based on experience, but a conservative value will probably lie in
the range 70 to 80 percent (see Shepherd, 1956).
Since the efficiency has been shown to vary with Reynolds number and Mach
number, both based on U2, several iterations may be required.
The compressor efficiency ηC, in addition to its use in (5.5), can be employed to
estimate the impeller efficiency ηI.
The ratio χ of impeller losses to compressor losses
(5.12), can be estimated and lies between 0.25 and 0.50.
The definition of impeller efficiency
(5.13), can be used to estimate T/i (sec Figure 5.1).
The latter total temperature cor­responds to the total pressure P02, calculated
from (5.14)

, and
The static pressure P2 from (5.15) and the static temperature T2 determined

Thus, (5.16), are used to determine ρ 2 at the impeller exit (ρ2=

Finally, the axial width b2 of the impeller passage at the periphery may be
found from

Diffuser Design
A vaneless diffuser, or empty space, between the leading edges of diffuser vanes
and the impeller tip allows some equalization of velocity and a reduction of the
exit Mach number.
The vaneless portion, which may have a width as large as 20 percent of the
impeller diameter, also effects a rise in static pressure.
As with the pump, angular momentum rVu is conserved, and the fluid path is ap­
proximately a logarithmic spiral.
 Diffuser vanes are set with the diffuser axes tangent to the spiral paths and with
an angle of divergence between them not exceeding 12°.
Since the addition of a vaned portion in the diffusion system results in a small-
diameter casing, vanes are preferred in instances where size limitations are
 On the other hand, a completely vaneless diffuser is more efficient.
If vanes are used, then their number should generally be less than the number of
impeller vanes to ensure uniformness of flow and high diffuser efficiency in the
range of flow coefficient Vm2/U2 recommended in the previous section.
Diffuser efficiency ηD is usually defined as (see Figure 5.1)
This is experimentally determined (see Ferguson, 1963), but may be estimated to lie
between 65 and 75 percent for vane diffusers.
The static pressure P3, static temperature T3, cross-sectional area A3, and absolute
velocity V3 at the diffuser outlet may be determined by solving (5.18) and the
following equations simultaneously:
From the relation or , (5.20)
but (5.21)
and (5.22)
 With Po3 specified, the five unknowns P3, T3, A3, V3, and Ti// are easily determined by
We can omit equation (5.19) if the static pressure P3 is specified instead.
A volute is designed by the same methods outlined in chapter 4.
 The volute functions to collect the diffuser’s discharge around the 360 o periphery
and deliver it through a single nozzle to the connecting gas piping system or to the 11
inlet of the next compressor stage.
Typical compressor characteristics are shown in Figure 5.4.
Qualitatively, their shape is similar to those of the centrifugal pump, but the sharp
fall of the constant-speed curves at higher mass flows is due to choking in some com­
ponent of the machine.
At low flows operation is limited by the phenomenon of surge.
 Thus, smooth operation occurs on the compressor map at some point between the
surge line and the choke line.
The phenomenon of choking is that associated with the attainment of a Mach
number of unity.
In the stationary passages of the inlet or diffuser, the Mach number is based on the
absolute velocity V.
Thus for a Mach number of unity, the absolute velocity equals the acoustic speed a,
calculated from a = (γRT)1/2 (5.23)
The temperature at this point is calculated from the total temperature T o using the
To=T[1+(γ- 1)(0.5)M2] (5.24)

1 Setting M = 1. Thus T=To (5.25)
• This Mach number is found near the cross section of minimum area, or throat
(At), so that we can estimate the choking, or maximum, mass flow rate from
• ṁ But v = aM = M √(γRT) Thus
•ṁ (5.26)

Figure 5.4anCompressor
• The pressure Pt at the throat area may be estimated by assuming map
isentropic process
from the inlet of the stationary component to the throat area.
• Thus, (5.27)
• The process of estimating choked flow rate in the impeller is the same except that
relative velocity is substituted for absolute velocity.
• When the relative Mach number W/a is set equal to unity in the energy equation of the
rotor, namely, and

but thus, (5.28)

 (5.29)

Using the isentropic relation between pressure and temperature and substitut­ing into the
continuity relation, the mass flow rate at the throat section of the impeller is given by ṁ

Let Thus, ṁ ṁ

ṁ Substituting for Y ṁ 5.30

Thus, it is clear that mass flow for choking in stationary components, given by
(5.26), is independent of impeller speed, but that mass flow for choking in the
impeller, given by (5.30), actually increases with impeller speed.
This is indicated schematically in Figure 5.4.
Referring to Figure 5.4 the point A represents a point of normal opera­tion.
An increase in flow resistance in the connected external flow system results in
a decrease in Vm2 at the impeller exit and a corresponding increase in Vu2, which
results in an increased head or pressure increase.
 However, the surge phenomenon results when a further increase in external
resistance prod­uces a decrease in impeller flow than tends to move the point
beyond C, where stall at some point in the impeller leads to change of direction
of W2 and an accompanying decrease in the head (or pressure rise) in the
A temporary flow reversal in the impeller and the ensuing buildup to the ori­
ginal flow condition is known as surging.
Surging continues cyclically until the external resistance is removed.
It is an unstable and dangerous condition and must be avoided by careful
1 operational planning and system design.
Example 5.1
Air enters a centrifugal compressor at (101.325 kN/m 2)1 atm, (14.44oC) 58° F and V1=328 ft/s
(99.97 m/s). At the impeller exit (β2 = 63.4°, Vm2 = 394 ft/s (120.09 m/s), and U2 = 1640 ft/s
(499.87 m/s). The mass flow rate is 5.5 Ib/s (2.27kg/s), the mechanical efficiency is 95 percent,
and the compres­sor efficiency is 80 percent. Determine the ratio of total pressures at outlet and
inlet and the power required to drive the machine.
• Given: P1 = 1atm = 101.325 kN/m2 T1 = 58°F = 14.44°C = 287.44 K
V1 = 328ft/s = 99.9744 ms-1 ṁ = 5.5 lb/s = 2.27 kg/s
β2 = 63.4°, Vm2 = 394 ft/s = 120.0912 ms-1 U2 = 1640 ft/s = 499.872 ms-1
velocity diagrams are as follows.

• Assuming the air compressor is designed to minimum relative Mach number,
β1 = 32°


• From the velocity diagram at impeller exist

• The total pressure ratio is given by;

• Alternatively,

Example 5.2
Design a single-stage centrifugal compressor which will handle 2.2 Ib/s (1 kg/s)
of air at a pressure ratio of 4.2: 1. Use radial blades with an appropriate inducer.
Assume dr/dt = 0.361 at the inlet eye and ηC = 0.78. The machine is to operate at
60,000 rpm and to supply air to the combustion chamber of a turbojet engine. The
basic design parameters required are the following:
a. Hub diameter
b. Shroud diameter at impeller inlet
c. Shroud diameter at impeller exit
d. Impeller inlet vane angle
e. Vane width at impeller exit
f. Velocity triangle at impeller inlet (shroud diameter)
g. Velocity triangle at impeller exit
The compressor is to have no inlet guide vanes and is to draw in ambient air at
14.7 psia (101.35 kPa) and 520° R (15.55oC).

P1 = 141.7psia = 101.35Kpa, T1 = 580 R = 289 K, N = 60000 rpm = 6283.2 rad/s
m = 2.2 lb/s = 1kg/s, Cp = 1005 J/kgK, Pressure ratio = 4.2:1
Hub ratio (dh/dt) = 0.361

From Eng. Thermodynamics by Rogers and Mayhew, 3rd edition, the slip coefficient for a
compressor is about 0.9

Assuming subsonic flow and choosing a Mach number less than one (i.e. 0.85) to avoid
chocking, the relative velocity at inlet (WI)

Substituting equations ‘2’ and ‘3’ into ‘1’

Hub diameter = hub ratio X impeller tip diameter = 0.361 X 0.156 = 0.0563 m

From equation (4)

• Aa

• The relative Mach number at the exit (M2) is obtained as

Choosing x = 0.4, since x lies between 0.25 and 0.5

Hence impeller efficiency (η1) = 91.2%

From the equation of the state,


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