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Presented By:
Ritika Sharma
T.Y. B.M.S
Roll no: 10
 The major reason for choosing this topic is that it Every business tries
to reach its consumers by proving certain services or particular goods.
Real estate companies remain challenged in adapting their customer
service approach to best meet the needs of first time home buyers and

 They need to educate these customers by explaining the current state of

the market, discuss foreclosure and short sale transactions, and walk them
through every step of the closing process.

Thus,the topic has very interesting, challenging and promising study

which could be undertaken in such project work. 
 To understand the customers overall satisfaction level towards the flats of onyx
construction Pvt. Ltd.

 To study the factors which influence the customers to purchase the flats

 To increase customer service satisfaction by increasing customer loyalty

 To understand area of improvement of the company construction and flats.

 According to Creswell,
“Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyse information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue”. It
consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question.”

Types of Research: Descriptive Research

Sampling population and unit Onyx Construction Ltd ,Nashik

Sampling Method Convenience Method

Data collection

Primary Data Questionnaire

Secondary Data Books, Internet, Reference

book, Literature book.
 Onyx Constructions is a well established construction company with over 3 years experience.
Specializing in the public and private sector, Onyx Constructions strives to form close working
relationships with clients and industry professionals to provide a full service that reflects attention to
detail and quality, simply we build solutions together onyx Construction have worked on many
projects such as Residential projects , Commercial & many.. We understand the very specific
requirements, constraints and challenges these projects involve. We aim to complete the work with
minimal disruption to the day to day running of these organizations. Combining knowledge and
expertise with the latest design software and manufacturing equipment, we enable our clients to build
efficient, high-quality homes, faster.

 It is our mission to provide continuous service of the highest quality throughout the term. To server the
client to get the best possible customers for their property. We have succeeded in developing long-term
business relationships by meeting our client’s specific needs in ways which are individual, innovative
and commercially sound.
 With wealth of experience in land development since 1998 onyx construction Pvt. Ltd prove an
extremely valuable team member for any development project, providing an input which will help to
ensure both success and profitability. It all adds up to a truly comprehensive real estate service.
An overview of customer satisfaction :
According to Gupta A
Customersatisfaction occurs when the experience obtained from transaction match expectations.
Customers may forget experiences that match expectations.although,customers will generally notice and
also remember those experience that deviated from expectations.

A basic and effective base line customer satisfaction survey program should focus on measuring
customer perception of how will the company delivers on the critical success factors and dimensions of
the business as defined by the customers.

Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of the satisfaction
will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service the stage of satisfaction depends
on a number of both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviours
such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors
the customer, such as other products against which the customer can compare the organization's product.
Meaning of customer satisfaction:

Satisfactionis a person’s feeling of pleasure or disappointment that result from comparing a

product’s perceived performance to expectations.  
Customer satisfaction is the extent to which products ‘perceived performance matches a buyers’

  Customer satisfaction is important part because business creates the more incentives from

organization when customer is satisfied from the service provided by company.
 The concept of customer satisfaction is important for increase customer focused towards product

or service. There is significant quality in between product quality and customer satisfaction.
Product and services feature:
Customer satisfaction with a product or service is influenced significantly by the
customers’ expectations evaluation of product or service features.

Customer emotions:
Customers’ emotions can also affect their perceptions of satisfaction with products and
services.these emotions can be stable,pro-existing emotions.

Attributions for services success or failure:

Attributions the perceived causes of events influence perceptions of satisfaction as well.
when they have been surprised by an outcome consumers tend to look for the reasons, and
their assessments of the reasons can influence their satisfaction.
 Perceptions of equity of fairness:

Customers satisfaction is also influenced by perceptions of equity and fairness.

Customer asks themselves: have I been treated fairly compared with other
customers? Did other customers get better treatment, better prices or better
quality service? Was i treated well in exchanged for what i paid and the efforts
I expanded?

 Other customers, family members and co-workers:

In addition to product and service features and one’s own individual feelings
and beliefs, consumers satisfaction is often influenced by other people like other
customers, family members and co-workers.
No Questions Responses
1. Satisfaction level with flats of Analysis of data shows that 71.7% are highly satisfied,
onyx construction company 5 of the respondent are satisfied and 10 of the respondent are neutral.
pvt ltd? Whereas 2 of them are dissatisfied
None of the respondent are highly dissatisfied.

2. Satisfaction associated with According to the study, maximum number of the respondents are highly satisfied with the
the designs/plans made of designs made by onyx constructions company Pvt. Ltd. .
onyx construction pvt ltd? A very few respondents are dissatisfied with the designs made by the company.There is only
one respondent who was highly dissatisfied with the designs made by the company.
3. Were you were properly According to the study it is observed that 31 of the respondents rated their experience as very
entertained when you came for good.
enquiry? Rate your first Few respondents rated their experience as good.
26.7% of the respondents rated their experience as neutral.
experience with onyx
construction pvt ltd?

4. Preference of flat/location Most of the respondents got the flat near the preferred location .
considerations by onyx Few of the respondents got the flat far from the preferred location .
company? 25% of the people got the flat near the preferred location.
5. Are the amenities provided 30 of the respondents rated amenities of onyx construction Pvt. Ltd. as extremely attractive.
by the onyx construction 15% of the respondents rated amenities as very attractive
pvt. ltd attractive? Few of the respondents rated amenities as moderately attractive

6. Are you satisfied with the 32 of the respondents are highly satisfied
qualities of flats and 8 of the respondents are satisfied
fittings provided by us? Only 8 respondents are dissatisfied with the qualities of flats and fittings provided by the company.

7. Are you satisfied with 30 of the respondents are highly satisfied .

services provided by us? whereas 7 are satisfied.
16 of the respondents are neutral
Only 7 of the respondents are dissatisfied , whereas 1 of them is highly dissatisfied with the services
provided by the company.

8. Rate the following factors The study reveals that out of 60 respondents.
according to their 31 respondents rated amenities as highly attractive.
attractiveness? 14 respondents rated it as attractive, whereas 14 of them rated it as neutral.
Only 1 of the respondent rated it as non attractive.
9. Essential factors to be The study reveals that most of the respondents i.e. 23 of them consider Cost to be the most
considered while buying important factor while buying a property.
the property? Followed by 17 of the respondents who consider location to be the most important factor while
buying a property.
Whereas 10 of the respondents consider maintenance to be the most important factor while
buying a property .
5 each of the respondents consider maintenance and infrastructure to be the important factor

10. Improvements to be The study reveals that 29 of the respondents feel that Onyx construction Pvt. Ltd. should
implemented by onyx improve their amenities.
construction company Whereas 17 of the respondents feel that Onyx should improve their services.
Only 4 of the respondents feel that Onyx should lower their rates
pvt ltd.? 9 of the respondents feel that Onyx should improve the quality and 1 respondent said that
location should be improved.

11. Recommendations of 45 of the respondents said that they would recommend Oynx flats to others.
our flats to others? 6 of all would maybe recommend the flats to others.
While 9 of the respondents said that they won’t recommend the flats to others.
 During the time of survey, it was found that most of the customers are satisfied with the
flats and designs made by onyx constructions company Pvt. Ltd.
 It was found that most of the customers were properly entertained when they came for
enquiry but complained about the waiting time.
 Majority of the customers got the flat near the preferred location but not exactly at the
preferred location.
 Most of the respondents found the amenities to be very attractive but not extremely
 It was found that most of the customers are satisfied with the quality of flats and fittings
provided by the company.
 Most of the customers are satisfied but not highly satisfied with the services provided by
 It was found that majority of the customers give high importance to location and cost
while buying a property.
 Most of the customers feel that onyx constructions company Pvt. Ltd. should lower
down their rates and improve their services.
 Onyx constructions Pvt. Ltd. should try to tap other market potentials, such as Mumbai, Pune,
Ahmadabad and 2nd tier cities.
 They should organize annual customer meet to get the feedback of the customers.
 They should lower down their costs.
 They should sort out all the complaints and queries before and after sales to achieve maximum
customer satisfaction.
 They should come up with their projects in more renowned posh locations and spread to those
areas which they have not covered yet.
 The sending of the SMS and emails should be moderate and should not be repeated with same
 False commitments should not be made.
 They should provide facilities so that customers can freely put up their thoughts, grievances,
expectations and needs through various suggestion boxes, emails etc. at appropriate locations.
 After conducting market research for Onyx constructions Pvt. Ltd. I came to know about
the different needs of the consumers, their valuable suggestions, responses to the different

 It was seen that location and cost are considered to be the most important factors while
purchasing residential property.
 .During the course of study it was observed that the customers are satisfied by the flats,
amenities, quality and the services provided by the company.
 The research gives an exemplary insight of the performance of the company.

Title : - Marketing Management

Name of the Author : - Philip Kotler
Title : - Marketing Research
 Name of the Author : - Thomas C Kinnear
Title : - Consumer Buying Behavior
Name of the Author : - J. Paul Peter
Title : - Research Methodology
Name of the Author : - Dr. S. Shajahan



1.About customer satisfaction

2.About company profile

3.All about marketing


4.Functions of marketing

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