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In one case, a lady left the house receiving a call on her cell phone. Since she did not return
home till late evening, the husband and her children made search but could not trace out.
Subsequently, a missing report was lodged in the local police station. At night, on the same day,
the dead body of the missing lady was found lying in a bathroom of a Hotel along with a male
dead body. The investigative and forensic team visited the undisturbed crime spot. Scrutiny of
forensic evidence, crime scene dynamics, victimology and autopsy study could establish the
case to be murder and suicide. At crime scene, on the basis of our observations the two cases
were registered under murder and suicide IPC sections. The male murdered the lady in the
bathroom and committed suicide near the dead body of the lady. This involved scientific crime
scene investigation, interpretation of patterned evidence at the scene, systematic study of
related case information, and the logical formulation of a theory gives the proper directions to
the Investigating officer (IO).

Crime scene documentation begins with the first responder. Police officers are
taught the importance of taking notes from the time of arrival. The crime
scene investigator documents the scene in the form of photograph. Different
search patterns and Sketches are done at the scene to illustrate relationships
between articles of evidence not easily depicted by photography and proper
note is maintained about the evidences. The following methods of crime scene
documentation are used to provide an accurate representation of the scene.
It is important that the responding officers note the condition of the scene as
it existed upon their arrival. Note taking should be continuously updated
during the course of the investigation.
Investigator's notes might include such information:

• Day and time of FIR.

• Type of crime scene.(indoor or outdoor)
• Victim & Witness Statements.
• Who Was Present at The Scene.
• Weather condition.
• CSI team members.
• Lighting Conditions.
• No. of entry and exit.
• Location Date & Time of note making.
• Log book maintenance.
• Descriptions of The scene & Surrounding Area.
• IO’S signature with date and time of leaving the crime scene.
Search pattern is a system which is used in a search to facilitate the most
efficient , effective , and successful search possible.
Different Search Patterns are as follow-
• Zonal Method
• Strip Method
• Line Search
• Grid Method
• Spiral Method (Outward Spiral & Inward Spiral)
• Wheel Search Method

 In the particular case ,as it was an indoor crime scene and there were different rooms so
, Zonal search method is most preferable , and different search patterns can be
implemented in each zone or room for the collection of evidences.
This form of photography is to provide images of the varying types of physical evidence
and used as evidence in court, as a part of the case record, or by other investigators
typically of forensic findings during the analysis of various forensic disciplines. Forensic
laboratories generally use infrared, ultraviolet (UV), x-ray, or laser radiation in addition
to cameras and microscopes, to represent details that would otherwise be invisible to the
naked eye.However, it is crucial that such details do not interfere with the appearance
and condition of the evidence being documented.

Three types of photograph to be taken in a crime scene for a particular evidence(with

respect to scale) and crime scene:
• Bird eye/ wide angle photgraph.
• Mid range photograph.
• Close-up Photograph.(with and without scale).
To ensure quality photographs, general evidence is documented
under the following conditions:
1. The evidence is placed on a clean and distraction-free background (i.e., background paper, butcher
paper, neutral countertop, etc.).

2. Even illumination. This can be achieved with two light sources of equal power and distance, placed
approximately 45 degrees toward the evidence.

3. The camera should be placed directly overhead of the evidence. A ladder or scaffolding may be required
for larger items.

4. Case number and scale present in all photographs.

5. All sides of the evidence photographed,& Close-up photographs of relevant details found on the
In particular case , all type of photography was done for all the major evidences and crime
scene , which would help the investigator to recall the original position of the evidence and
mind sketch , for the reconstruction of crime scene.
In the particular case different photographs were taken ,they
are as follow:

Wide angle/bird eye Mid range and Close up Bird view / wide angle of
photograph photograph Dead body

Close up
photograph of Mid range photograph of
the tool Blood smeared foot prints

It is established that evidence tells a story and helps an investigator re-create the
scene and establishing the sequence of events at spot , those related to firearms,
GSR is the key evidence for it. If physical evidences (like blood stains, GSR and
struggling marks) analyzed and interpreted properly, those will help to take the
path for investigation agency. These physical evidences are more reliable than
testimonial evidences. On the basis of our spot observations, blood prelim test,
pretest and sequence of happening (reconstruction), we have given as proper
of investigation to the IO and cases was resolved on the basis of Physical


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