Quality of Online Education

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Online education is a new domain of learning that combines distance education with the
practice of face-to-face instruction utilizing computer-mediated communication. Online
delivery is a form of distributed learning enabled by internet. The cost and quality of online
education has become increasingly problems of students caused by the COVID-19.
Although, online education is not a new development for college students in universities,
however, the crisis has forced its reliance to online instruction and online learning. Online
education can open doors that were closed for many non-traditional students, but broad
access to poorly designed online courses will exacerbate achievements gaps and
fundamentals promise of higher education. Considering the widespread distribution and
communication established best practices for providing quality education for higher
education. Quality learning is the goal for online education program. This quality must be
equivalent to the quality delivered on-ground courses and programs in any institution of
higher education. Quality online learning begins with an identity of the relevant higher
education community. Quality education should elaborate an effective, practical, and
sensible structure and organization for development of courses and programs.
Online learning options have made education more accessible and have
gone some way to helping achieve goal of ‘education for all’. Students can
study anywhere, at times that suit them at their own pace. It also provides
an amazing, sometimes overlooked opportunity of connecting students from
different places. Online learning is not suited for everyone, some students
preferred face-to-face classes. Technology has brought great advantage to
the online education, it has changed how learners do learning and opened
up the world of learning opportunity to those who would not have had the
opportunity. However, in order to get the quality education in online
learning there must be support by governments, institutions, parents, and
learners. Absolute necessity is providing quality education. Well-resources
institutions, well-qualified and motivated staff, good and supportive
leadership is needed for online learners. Instructors need to proactively
engage to the students, get to know them and maintained contact
throughout their study, as well incorporate methods to motivate and
encourage students and foster student to contact student
Theoretical Background
This study is anchored in “Community Inquiry Model” by Garrison and Archer, the
concepts of three distinct “presences” cognitive, social, and teaching. The model supports
the design of online and blended courses as active learning environments or communities
dependent on instructors and students sharing ideas, information, and opinions. Of the
particular note “presence” is a social phenomenon and manifests itself through interactions
among students and instructors. The community of inquiry has become one of the more
popular models for online and blended courses that are designed to be highly interactive
among students and faculty using discussion boards, blogs, wikis, and videoconferencing in
order to have quality online learning education.
In the theory of Constructivist Learning Theory by Jean Piaget, students produce
knowledge and form meaning based upon their experiences. Two of the key components
which create the construction of an individual’s new knowledge are accommodation and
assimilation. Constructivism addresses how learning actually occurs, not focusing on what
influences learning. The roles of teachers are very important teachers are the facilitator in
constructivist learning theory. This takes away focus from the teacher and lecture and puts it
upon the student and their learning. The resources and lesson plan must be initiated for this
learning theory take a very different approach toward traditional learning as well. Instead of
answering questions that only align with their curriculum.
Legal Basis. This study is anchored in Republic Act No. 10650 section 2 and 4
“An Act on Expanding Access to Educational Services by Institutionalizing Open Distance
Learning in Level of Tertiary Education and Appropriating Fund Thereof”, Section 2, it is
hereby declared the policy of State to expand and further democratize access to quality
education through the promotion and application of open learning as a philosophy of
access to educational services , and the use of distance education as an appropriate
efficient and effective system, of delivering quality higher and technical educational
services in the country. Section 4, this act shall apply to public and private Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) and post-secondary school in the Philippines which have
existing ODL programs and to other Higher Educational Institution and post-secondary
schools which shall later be authorized as qualified implementers of Online Distance
Learning programs. This means that the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) has
directed Higher Education Institutions to deploy available distance learning, e-learning, and
other alternative modes of delivery in lieu of residential learning if they have resources to
do so. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) shall continue to exercise their judgment in the
development of available flexible learning and other alternative modes of delivery in lieu in-
campus learning if they have resources to do so. However, while online learning presents
many benefits, such advantages are limited by access to technology. In a statement,
CHED recognized that only 20 percent of state universities and colleges nationwide are
equipped to facilitate online classes amid the coronavirus crisis
Related Literature

The following readings were associated in the study in order to give

important information that can help gain profound insights into the study.

According to Van Wart in 2020, the perception of quality derived from

the notions of the capacity of online learning when ideal—relative to both
learning and achievement and satisfaction/ enjoyment, and perceptions
about the likelihood and experiences of classes living up to expectations.
Students also sign up because of flexibility, and personal notions of
suitability about learning. Convenience and flexibility are enormous drivers
for online. Even when students prefer face-to-face class than online, many
enroll in online class and re-enroll in the future if the experience meets the
minimum expectations.
According to Medina in 2020, the instructional supports
refer to students’ perception of techniques by the instructor
used for input, rehearsal, feedback, and evaluation. Specifically,
this entails providing detailed instructions, designed use of
multimedia, and the balance between the repetitive class
features for ease of use. Success-oriented programs which uses
specific assessment and intervention techniques to help to
remove educational or behavioral stumbling blocks for all
students in the regular classroom. The process needs of team
working together to identify the students’ needs, set goals, and
develop intervention plan to achieve those goals.
According to Asoodar in 2020, the teaching presence refers
to students’ perception on quality of communication in lectures,
direction, and individual feedback including encouragements.
Specifically, students and teacher’s communication are clear,
focused, and encouraging, and instructor feedback is customized
and timely. Teaching presence is what the instructor does while
the class is conducted and in response to specific circumstances.
It is especially important in student satisfaction and also referred
to as instructor presence learner-instructor interactions and the
staff support.
According to Mohammadi in 2015, the basic online
modality refers to the competent use of basic online class tools
—online grading, navigation methods, online grade book, and
the announcements function. It is frequently clumped with
instructional quality and the instructor expertise in e-teaching
and other similar terms. As a narrowly defined concept, it is
sometimes called the technology technique of teaching. The
Basic Online Modality is addressed with basic instructor training,
some studies assert that the training of teachers is must.
Related Studies

The following relevant studies are being presented as basis for the

conduct of this study.

According to the study of Yi Yang, entitled “Ensuring Quality in
Online Education Instruction” stated that the transition from the traditional
face-to-face classroom to on line learning can be successfully achieved and
quality can be ensured if several key factors closely examined. Ensuring the
access to and familiarity with the technology used, establishing relatively
loose and free flowing guidelines and procedures, striving to active
maximum participation of participants, promoting collaborative learning,
and enabling online participants to reflect their learning.
In the study of Christopher Francisco, entitled
“Effectiveness of Online Classroom for Flexible Learning” stated
that emphasizing the typical learning usually happen inside the
classroom setting and having face-to-face interactions with their
teachers. According to him, web-based classroom is one of the
best alternative tools to ensure a good avenue for teaching and
learning by which learners and teachers can continue their lesson
even in times of calamities and pandemic. Teachers should use
proper tools to interact students, designed classroom, uploading
task, assignments and assessments to ensure the quality of such
online classroom. Universities and colleges by which educators
can use this platform to create their web-based classroom to
teach students online.
In the study entitled “Students Perception on e-
Learning” by MM Daniels, stated that environment has
wide borders oN education. Students gain education at
their most convenient time because of technology, more
so with the help of smart phones that made online
resources available to users’ fingertips. In E-learning
systems, students are usually oriented only concerning
modules like learning resources module and assessment
module, and the rest of them to discover. Student
expected to run-through the whole online learning
environment so they can utilize it.
Furthermore, in the study of Janice A. Calugan,
entitled “Online Distance Learning” stated that online
distance learning is an alternative to the traditional
face-to-face learning since the pandemic emerged in
the Philippines. The students faced challenges include
poor internet connection, poor comprehension and
retention, lack of concentration, motivation, interaction
and support. In order to reduce the effect of these
challenges, students together with parents and
teachers, should work together.
Conceptual Framework
A student educational development and is the main reason for home and school
interlink with each other. School administration intervene the problems and issues relating
to the quality of online education in the BSED students. The inputs of the study were
gathered data from the responses of the respondents regarding their profile, the status of
the different activities undertaken by the school administration, and the problems
encountered in promotion of the activities.
The inputs of the study were the gathered data from the responses of the
respondents regarding their profile, the respondents evaluate on the extent of following
context: the students’ perceptions on the quality of online education; and the teacher’s
perception on the quality of online education?
The process of the study involves the constructions of the questionnaire, and its
distribution to gather the necessary data in the attainment of the desired objectives. The
retrieved data were then analyzed and interpreted which were subjected to a statistical
treatment to test the null hypothesis.
The output of the study is a basis for improvement to enhance the quality of online
education as perceived by the future educator of BIT International College.
Statement of the Problem
The main purpose of this research is to examine the quality of online education as perceived by the BSED Students in
BIT International College S.Y 2021-2022. The findings of this study will serve as the basis for the propose intervention to
improve the quality of online education.
Specifically, this research sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the student’s respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex; and
1.3 Year level?
2. What is the demographic profile of the teacher’s respondents in terms of:
2.1 Age;
2.2 Sex; and
2.3 Civil Status;
2.4 Length of Service; and
2.5 Monthly Salary? 3. What are the students’ perception on the quality of online education in terms of:
3.1 Cost Effectiveness;
3.2 Technology Equipment; and
3.3 Learning Engagement?
4. What are the teachers’ perception on the quality of online education in terms of:
4.1 Cost Effectiveness;
4.2 Technology Equipment; and
4.3 Learning Engagement?
5. Is there significance degree of correlation between responses of respondents to the quality of online education
between the cost effectiveness, technology equipment, and learning engagement as they relate to their year level?
6. Based on the findings, what intervention program can be proposed?
Null Hypothesis

There is significance degree of correlation between the

responses of respondents to the quality of online education

between the cost effectiveness; technology equipment; and

learning engagement as they relate to their year level?

Research Design
The study employed the descriptive normative survey
method with the aid of a self-made questionnaire as the
main data gathering tool. The questionnaire technique is
a valuable method in gathering the desired data from
the perceptions of the respondents.
Statistical Treatment
All the data and information gathered were subjected
to computation, analysis and proper statistical treatment.
The reason for such computation was to determine the
difference of the responses of the two groups of
respondents on the three aspects sited in the
constructed questionnaire. It was subjected to a chi-
square using the formula. The software application
AnalyStat was used to check whether the computed
values were all correct.
Part III. Students’ perception in quality of online education in terms of:

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