1حقول الرميلة

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Prepared by Kazem Tariq Jawad Supervised by Dr.


According to geological studies, Iraq 
contains about 530 geological structures
that give strong indications of the
presence of a huge amount of oil. Only
115 of these structures were excavated,
including 71 that proved to contain huge
.oil reserves spread over many fields
As for the undiscovered and 
undeveloped fields, they are found in
most of the governorates of Iraq, except
for four: The discovered Iraqi fields
amount to 71, of which only 27 have
been exploited, provinces Qadisiyah,
.Babel, Anbar and Dohuk

North Rumaila, South Rumaila, Majnoon, 

.Bazarkan, Abu Gharb, Fakka, Amara 
east of Baghdad
Tikrit, Ajil, Balad
Ain Zala, Qayyarah, Safiya, Butma 
Hammar Formation 
Dibdibba Formation 
Lower Fars Formation 
Ghar Formation 
Dammam Formation 
Rus Formation 
Umm Er-Radhuma Formation 
Tayarat Formation 
Hartha Formation 
Sadi Formation 
Tanuma Formation 
Khasib Formation 
Mishrif Formation 
Rumaila Formation 
Ahmadi Formation 
Muddud Formation 
Yammama 
Zubair Formation 
Rumaila oil field
Giant west of Iraq and extends from the
city of Basra heading south until it enters
its southern part in the State of Kuwait.
And more wells in Iraq. It is the ninth
largest oil field in the world and its layers
are the best types of oil. Its exploitation
.dates back to November 1970
With Rumaila's long history of continuous oil production for 
more than 50 years, a new technical service contract was
signed in 2009 between the Iraqi government-owned South Oil
Company (SOC), BP, China National Petroleum Corporation
(CNPC) and Iraq Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), which This
resulted in the establishment of the Rumaila Operating
Authority. Its mission is to achieve the necessary development
of a modern, sustainable and world-class oil field in order to
support the long-term prosperity of Iraq. Al-Rumaila works in
the service of the Government of Iraq, meaning that more than
98% of the generated imports go directly to the Iraqi
government. This technical services contract was extended in
2014 for an additional five years until 2034, supporting an
.increase in production to 2.1 million barrels per day
The main reservoir structures of the field 
are Zubair (Main Pay) formation, Upper
Shale reservoir, and the Mishrif reservoir,
.which lies in the northern part of Rumaila

Situated up to 4km-deep beneath the 

surface, the Rumaila reservoirs comprise
sandstone and carbonate formations of
Cretaceous age
Mishrif Formation
This rock unit was known in the example 
at the Zubair well-3, with a thickness of
Defense (130 m), and it was found
continuously from the environments of the
fertile formation and in terms of the
presence of layers of minerals, rocks and
sometimes re-occurring rocks in some
areas, the tidal rocks of the Kingdom. .
This unit with layers of hard limestone,
.calcareous - porous
The maximum thickness of the formation is (400 m) 
in the area north of Well Majnoon-1 and then
gradually decreases until it ends in the region of
West Wells Samawah -1, Shawia -1, Obaid -1. The
formation is characterized by containing a higher
Muteena in the east, as well as containing a higher
percentage of chalk-lime rocks in the south, and it
is characterized by more popular rocks towards
the north and with high porosity. proportion of
Rumaila Formation
The example area for this rock unit is the 
Zubair Well-3 area, with a thickness of
(134 m), as the highest was chosen with
the beginning of thick layers of muddy
and hard limestone rocks, which contain
the floating microscopic fossils, which are
located under the layers of the Mushrif
Formation. The unit contains calcareous,
.hard, and sometimes chalky rocks
The maximum thickness of the formation reaches 
(115 m) in the area of ​Well Al-Ratawi-1, then it
gradually decreases until it reaches (20 m) in the
area of ​the Well of Majnoon, and decreases
further towards the west and then increases
again until it reaches (100 m) in the area west of
the well Khulaisan-1. This unit becomes more
porous towards the north, and most of it changes
to calcareous chalk towards the south and with a
higher percentage of calcareous chalk dolomitic
.rocks towards the east
Zubair Formation
That this formation is important, which is the 
main reservoir of oil and gas in the fields of
southern and central Iraq, consisting of shale,
.sandy and silt rocks intertwined and alternated

The Zubair Formation represents a tidal 

environment, in some parts of which it may be a
deltaic environment. It is the product of the
erosion of the Arabian Shield and the negative
areas of the stable pavement that rose during
.the upper Jurassic period
The Lexique divided this stratified unit 
into five parts in the typical area as
follows: 1- Shale with two units of sand
and a little silt. 2- Predominantly sandy
with a little shale and silt. 3- Black or
greenish-black shale with a little sand. 4-
Predominantly sands with secondary
layers of silt. 5- Greenish black shale
.with celtic sand area
Petrophysical Properties Model of Rumaila

Table (1): Wells information of 

RUMAIALA oilfield
Figure (2): The contour map of
Rumaila formation
Figure (3): Structure contour map on top
of Rumaila
3D Grid Rumaila formation in
Distribute the scale up petrophysical 
properties into three models of porosity,
permeability and water saturation as
.shown in figures (6, 7 and 8)
Figure (6): Porosity model of Rumaila
Figure (7): Permeability model of
Rumaila formation
Figure (8): Saturation model of Rumaila
The table (1) shows that the value of average porosity is ranging 
between 0.161 and 0.179 and this is a good value for porosity,
while the value of permeability is fair and ranging between 1.1 md
up to 1.8 md. The amount of water saturation is very high ranging
from 0.61 up to 0.845. Figure (6) shows the distribution of porosity
in Rumaila formation most areas have a porosity of 15% that have
a light blue color and the other areas have a porosity higher than
18% that colored with light green and yellow. Figure (7) shows the
distribution of permeability is fair for most areas of the formation
and the value ranging from 0.1md up to 1.3md which appear with
violet color, while the areas with light blue color have a
permeability between (1.5 to 2.8 md). Figure (8) shows the
distribution of water saturation that is very high in most areas and
up to 0.80; also we show some areas have an oil saturation of
.0.40 and 0.45 that locate at the right and left sides of the model
Well NS 2 have good properties of (17.9%) porosity, .1 
.(1.8 md) permeability and (61.05%) water saturation
Average porosity of the formation was calculated to .2 
.be equal (17.05%)
Average water saturation of the formation was .3 
.calculated to be equal (71.197%)
Average permeability of the formation was calculated .4 
.to be equal (1.457 md)
The Rumaila formation is consider a water formation .5 
because the amount of oil that reserve in it doesn’t
cover the economic value that we will spend on the
extraction of oil
Data of Well logs

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