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The Discipline

of Counseling
Let’s achieve the following goals together!

• discuss the meaning, goals, scope, principles, and

core values of counseling.

• demonstrate a high level of understanding of the

basic disciplines of counseling through group

• value the importance of counseling.

Think of a
whom you turn
to in times of
troubles and
1. Common
problems among
SHS students.
2. Common
about counseling.
What is
Application of
“Consilium psychological theories and

01 02
recognized set of

Plan, council, and communication skills.
wisdom -clients appropriate intimate
concerns, problems, or aspirations.

Process of Non-clinical

03 guiding a person
-reassessments or 04 intervention
Psychometrics- deals with the design,
decisions have to be made
about life course. administration and interpretation of
quantitative tests.
Heart of guidance
services Relationship of
01 Positive change in behavior, 02 trust
feelings or attitudes. -confidentiality
Egalitarian in
03-power should be shared
04 -counselors adjusts the
approach to the unique
by two parties needs of client
Brief History of Counseling

Frank Silliman Dr. Sinforoso

Father of University Padilla
vocational They offered Established the first
guidance pastoral psychological clinic
counseling. in the Philippines
Brief History of Counseling

Dr. Estefania Philippine Guidance

and Counseling
RA 9258
A. Lim Association An Act of
Founded the institute for Professionalizing the
Human Relations at the Founded in 1964 practice of guidance
Philippine Women and counseling was
University(1948) enacted in 2004.
Counseling is NOT:
1. Giving advice
2. Judgmental
3. Expecting or encouraging a client
to behave in a way in which the
counselor may behaved when
confronted with a similar problem
in their own lives.
Counseling is NOT:
4. Attempting to sort out the problems
of the client
5. Getting emotionally involved with
the client
6. Looking at client’s problems from
the counselor’s own perspective based
on his or her own value system.
Counseling is NOT:

7. Seeing a counselor to address

mental illness.
8. Part of the discipline board
9. Brainwashing
Situational Analysis
• Cases of students suffering from physical
violence as a result of bullying in school.
• Cases of students’ absenteeism.
• Choosing a career track in SHS.
• Students suicidal attempts in school.
• Cases of students with clinical depression
and self-mutilation.
Goals of
Goals of Counseling
1. Enhance proactive coping skills and
2. Facilitate change of behavior
3. Promotes decision making
4. Improve relationship skills
5. Facilitate client or counselee potential
General Goal
1. To lead an individual client or group to self
emancipation in relation to a felt problem.
2. A client should attain insight and
understanding of oneself and achieve better self-
3. Look at oneself with increased self acceptance
and appreciation.
4. Be able to manage oneself positively.
Abraham Maslow
Maslow's hierarchy of
needs is a motivational
theory in psychology
comprising a five-tier
model of human needs,
often depicted as
hierarchical levels within a
Scope of Counseling
Individual Marital and Pre-
Counseling Marital Counseling
-identity problems, relationships, anxiety, Marital and relationship
depression, family, behavior
dynamics, relationship and
management, grief, sexual abuse
recovery, drug abuse, disorders, fertility issues.
spirituality, status
Counseling Counseling
Provides beneficial advantages
Children and adult behaviors, where people can share
divorce/annulment, separation problems experiences from other
and adjustments, family problems, life
members in the group are
stages, transitions, parenting and
considered valuable.
Urie Bronfenbrenner

Ecological Theory Model

argues that the environment
you grow up in affects every
facet of your life. Social
factors determine your way
of thinking, the emotions you
feel, and your likes and
Group Activity
Prepare a group demonstration of a
situation in which practitioners of
counseling work together to assist
individuals, groups, or communities
involved in difficult situations.

Group 1: post-disaster
Group 2: separation of parents
Groups 3: cyber bullying
Principles of Counseling

Release of
Option Reassurance emotional tension
Giving courage to face
Avoid breeding a relationship in
problem or confidence. Helps remove
which the counselee feels inferior
It may empower a mental blocks by
and emotionally dependent on the
counselee to function
counselor. providing a solution
normally again.
to the problem.
Principles of Counseling

Reorientation Listening skills
Encourages a client to Revision of the
accept responsibility for client’s level of Counselors do not make
problems and to be aspiration to bring it interpretations of the
more in line with client’s problems or
more realistic in solving
actual and realistic premature suggestions.
them. attainment.
Principles of Counseling

Empathy and confrontation, and
Respect positive regard interpretation
Clients must be treated
Clarification-restate what the
with respect, no matter
Revision of the client’s client is either saying or
how peculiar, strange,
level of aspiration to bring feeling.
disturbed, weird, or utterly Confrontation &
different from the it more in line with actual
interpretation-more advanced
counselor. and realistic attainment.
Principles of Counseling
Transference and
Transference-project irrational feelings and
attitudes from the past onto people in the present.
Countertransference- unconscious attitudes that
a therapist develops towards a client in response
to a client behavior.
Core Values
Respect for human
01 dignity
Counselor must provide
unconditional positive regard,
compassion, non-judgmental
attitude, empathy, and trust.
Core Values
02 Partnership
Foster partnerships with the
various disciplines that come
together to support an integrated
health, healing and growth
Core Values
03 Autonomy
Entails respect for confidentiality
and trust in a relationship of
counseling and ensuring a safe
environment that is needed for
Core Values
04 Responsible caring
Respecting the potential of
every human being to change
and to continue learning.
Core Values
05 Personal Integrity
defined as having strong
morals or values and
following those principles in
both your words and actions.
Core Values
06 Social Justice
Accepting and
respecting the
diversity of the
Be My Counselor
1. Through a role playing (dyad), demonstrate how the
counseling principles can be exhibited in a counseling
2. Pair up with a classmate. Assign which of you will act as
a counselor and a counselee.
3. In five minutes, the counselee thinks of a life issue to
bring up with the counselor and the counselor applies
the principles of counseling.
4. Start the role play
5. After five minutes, reverse roles.
May you always find the courage and
strength to face all endeavors in life.

Mental Health and Youth Advocate
Geraldine P. Robles (Ma’am Dhen)

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