Expocision Climate Change Grupo 2

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Licda. Widalys Mariel Hernández

Asignatura: Ingles III
Trabajo: Exposition Climate Change
Integrantes y número de cuenta:
Cristopher Eliu Ordoñez Torres 20211900174
Cristian Alexander Barahona Rivera 20211900224
Carlos Fernando Cerna Canales 20201900031
Sección: 1800
Fecha: 14 de marzo de 2022
Lugar: Comayagua, Comayagua Honduras
Climate Change
What is climate change and how does it affect us?
There is a great lack of knowledge of what climate change really is, either due to
excess information, inaccurate sources or self-serving disinformation, which gives
rise to a series of false myths about climate change. In this space we will address
from an objective and scientific point of view what climate change is, what its causes
are, its consequences and how it can be combated. In short, how does climate change
affect us?
Causes of climate change
Greenhouse gases:
Carbon dioxide (CO₂), Methane (CH4), Halogenated compounds,
Tropospheric ozone, Nitrogen oxide. Mainly caused by the burning of
fossil fuels for electricity generation, transport, heating, industry and
construction. Also caused by livestock, agriculture (mainly rice
cultivation), wastewater treatment and landfills among others.
Exponential population increase:
The number of inhabitants of the planet grows exponentially. Today we
are more than 7,700 million people and we will continue to grow until
2050 at least 2,000 million more. A growing population needs more
and more resources, which accelerates the increase in greenhouse gas
emissions in all production processes.
Destruction of terrestrial ecosystems and
Tropical forests and jungles are disappearing at breakneck speed. In
the last 10 years, no less than 13 million hectares have been destroyed.
Forests are natural carbon sinks that through photosynthesis absorb
CO₂ and return oxygen to the atmosphere.
Consequences of climate change

 Changes in ecosystems and desertification:

The variation of living conditions in natural environments causes deaths,
diseases and massive migrations of species.

 Extreme weather events:

Hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, droughts, floods, rains or snowfalls increase
their degree of violence due to global warming, causing more deaths,
homelessness, displacement and material damage.

 Species extinction:
Change in ecosystems and desertification cause the death of between 10,000
and 50,000 species each year.
At what moment did man begin to impact on climate

Experts agree that the Industrial Revolution was the turning point when
greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere began to skyrocket. It
must be remembered that the Industrial Revolution was born from many other
small revolutions: agricultural, technological, demographic, means of
transport, finance... which gave rise to a new model of production and
The main result has been the increase in the global temperature of the planet,
which since that period has increased by 1.1 °C, although it is estimated that
at the end of this century the thermometer may increase even more, fulfilling
the commitments to reduce emissions. set by the countries.

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